Pero el bacillus es específico para las orugas ...funciona también en insectos con esqueleto de quitina ?
es bacilull es para orugas sí, pero hay varias cepas que dañan otros insectos. lo importante es que el insecto (o la larva) mastique, así se infecta.
insectos chupadores no se ven afectados en principio.
The ***owing are insecticidal formulations that can be applied topically in a private or commercial setting to control insect pests. There are many products currently registered by the EPA that contain Bt proteins and that target insect pests. S
ome of the products targeting caterpillars, including Dipel®, Biobit®, Condor®, Javelin®, CoStar ®, Crymax ® and Deliver®, are derived from toxins expressed in
Bacillus thuringiensis var.
Btk. The formulations Agree® and XenTari® are based on the Bt strain
Bacillus thuringiensis var.
aizawai (
Bta) that produces different proteins and has high efficacy against other caterpillars (Soberon et al. 2009). The
Bt strain
tenebrionis expresses proteins such as Cry3
toxins that kill coleopteran (beetle) grubs; these toxins are used in M-Trak®, Foil®, and Novodor®. Finally,
mosquitocidal formulations derived from Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis are based on Cry4, Cry10, Cry11 toxins, and are publicly sold as Vectobac®, Teknar®, Bactimos®, Skeetal®, and Mosquito Attack® (Soberon et al. 2009).
Since 1996 tras*genic crops expressing
Bt proteins have been commercially available in the US and other parts of the world. The presently commercial
Bt crops in the US are corn and cotton.
Bt soybeans are commercialized in some countries in South America and
Bt eggplant was commercialized in Bangladesh in 2014. Many other
Bt crops are under development for future agricultural use (James, 2014).