Hilo de la calistenia

Llevo haciendo dominadas lastradas desde hace 1 año y llevo meses estancado en 5x30kg

No hay manera de subir, hago normalmente 2-3 series de 5 repeticiones incrementando el peso.

Debería introducir mas volumen de entrenamiento? Bajar repeticiones? Sospecho que el volumen es la clave.

Mi objetivo es la dominada a una mano. Peso 64kg.

Gracias de antemano
Llevo haciendo dominadas lastradas desde hace 1 año y llevo meses estancado en 5x30kg

No hay manera de subir, hago normalmente 2-3 series de 5 repeticiones incrementando el peso.

Debería introducir mas volumen de entrenamiento? Bajar repeticiones? Sospecho que el volumen es la clave.

Mi objetivo es la dominada a una mano. Peso 64kg.

Gracias de antemano

Estás haciendo 5 repeticiones con prácticamente el 50% de tu peso corporal. Como proyección a 1RM, estarás en torno a 40 kilos de lastre.
La parte de fuerza bruta ya la tienes cubierta.

El paso siguiente es entrenar los movimientos de dificultad intermedia entre la dominada standard y la OAC.

Puedes empezar con las archer pull ups y las typewriter pull ups.
Empieza con series cómodas, con un número bajo-fácil de repeticiones, que te permitan ejecutar el movimiento a la perfección.
Con eso consigues 2 cosas: asimilar la técnica, y permitir que los tendones de tu codo se vayan fortaleciendo.

Esto último es particularmente importante, porque la tendinitis, el codo de golfista en particular, es un problema muy frecuente con este movimiento.

PS: No tengas ninguna prisa, ni trates de forzar demasiado.
Conozco a mucha gente que se ha lesionado, yo mismo incluido, con la OAC

Sobre el esquema semanal, puedes hacer 2 sesiones, una en la que continúes con las dominadas lastradas, y otra en la que practiques los movimientos nuevos
Última edición:
Entrada de Reddit con muchas ideas para pensar y aplicar:

How to periodize your bodyweight strength training (and why you should do it)

After reading this you will (hopefully) have enough info to build your own periodized bodyweight strength training program.

Periodization is how you structure your training program over the long term. Some important things to know:

  • Microcycle: A week of training
  • Mesocycle: A training phase, usually containing 4-6 microcycles or weeks. More or less is OK.
  • Macrocycle: All of your mesocycles put together over a long period, usually a year
  • Accumulation: The goal of increasing volume over the length of a mesocycle
  • Intensification: The goal of increasing intensity over the length of a mesocycle
  • Realization: The goal of peaking max strength, power, and/or increasing skill over the length of a mesocycle
  • Deload: A microcycle at the end of each mesocycle where volume and/or intensity is decreased so the body can recover and manage accumulated fatigue.
  • MEV: Minimum Effective Volume. The smallest amount of volume you need to make gains.
  • MRV: Maximum Recoverable Volume. The point at which volume is so high that you can’t recover from it.
  • Potentiation: The concept that the order of training phases matters. Hypertrophy gains last longer and support strength building. Strength gains last a moderate amount of time and support skill work. So the order of Accumulation, Intensification, and Realization matters.
Many bodyweight strength training programs out there are pretty simple. You’ll see things like, do 3 sets of 5-8 reps, and when you can do 8 reps, go to the next progression. This is good for beginners as they can make quick progress and have an easy program to ***ow. However, this program will not last forever. Just like adding 5lbs to the bar every workout won’t last forever, sticking in a single rep range and cranking up progressions won’t work forever with bodyweight exercise.

Periodization is important because it allows us to focus on different goals so that they work together to achieve the best results. For example, if you want to do a front lever, you need to get stronger. To get stronger, you need to build bigger muscles. It’s hard to program all of that (hypertrophy, strength, and skill) in one training program.

Periodization works because it’s easier to maintain your gains than to gain them in the first place, and each phase supports the next. This is called potentiation. Hypertrophy gains last the longest, and they unlock a greater potenital for strength. So hypertrophy goes first. As you then work on strength, your muscle mass is maintained due to the intense training, but you are also getting stronger. This then supports your max strength, power, and skill training.



The goal of the Accumulation Phase is hypertrophy (building as much muscle as possible). This muscle will then be used to get stronger in the next phase.

We can increase volume in 3 ways:

  1. Increase the number of working sets (a set between 5 and 30 reps, taken to within 0-4 reps of failure.
  2. Increase the number of reps (can be used for a smaller increase in volume)
  3. Increase the intensity (in bodyweight training, this is increasing the progression or scaling)
We want to rely on #1, then #2 when that becomes difficult. #3 is not as important during the mesocycle, but should be increased over subsequent mesocycles.

An accumulation phase should start at your MEV (Minimum Effective Volume), and gradually increase volume over the next few weeks, until you hit your MRV (Maximum Recoverable Volume). 4-6 weeks is the usual length of this phase, but it can be longer. It depends on you knowing your body and your training logs.

You’ll know when you reach your MRV when you can no longer match the previous weeks volume. This means you didn’t recover fully, and it’s time for a deload, where you cut the volume in half. If you were to run this cycle again, you’d start at your MEV, and build to your MRV, which should now be a little bit higher, either due to being able to do more reps and sets, OR being able to use a higher intensity.

Training in this way is effective for hypertrophy. Depending on your goals, you could repeat this training phase, or move on to the Intensification Phase.

Example Set Scheme:
Day 1: 3x5-10r
Day 2: 3x10-20r
Day 3: 3x20-30r
Week 2, add a set to each exercise. Repeat until deload.

Edit: for clarification, see this comment:

The goal of the Intensification Phase is building strength. We are taking the new muscle we have built in the Accumulation Phase and using it to get even stronger.

The main way we will train for strength is gradually increasing the intensity (progression and/or scaling of an exercise). The volume for this phase will stay relatively constant, and will be less than the Accumulation Phase. We’ll use a lower rep range, and focus on harder exercises.

We still use MEV and MRV here to determine when we go into a deload. This time, our volume is determined more by our intensity than sets and reps. So, when you can no longer maintain the same volume or intensity as the previous week, it’s time for a deload week, where you cut the volume in half.

Training in this way is effective for building strength, but we need a base of muscle in order to make good gains. That is why Accumulation, or hypertrophy training, comes first.

Example Set Scheme:
3-5x4-6r, try to add, in order of importance: more intensity/harder progression, reps, sets. Continue until deload.

The goal of the Realization Phase is to either achieve new maxes in strength, apply your strength to skills, or increase power.

Generally, we’ll want to do even more intense exercises than in the Intensification Phase, but for much less volume. In addition, as we ramp up the intensity, we will decrease the volume even further. This will help achieve new maxes in strength. You can pair this with higher volume, but lower intensity skill and power work.

This phase is usually the shortest, about 4 weeks. Once you achieve your new 1 rep max, personal best, or can’t maintain volume or intensity, it’s time for a deload.

Example Set Scheme:
Week 1: 5x5
Week 2: 5x4
Week 3: 5x3
Week 4: 5x2
Week 5: 5x1
Week 6: Deload

You can put together your periodized training plan depending on your goals.

  • You want to get bigger: You can do 1 or more cycles of Accumulation, each cycle being probably 4-6 weeks. After a few cycles, you do want to do at least one cycle of intensification before going back to accumulation.
  • You want to get stronger: You can cycle through Accumulation and Intensification at a 1:1 ratio. After all, you do need to build muscle to get stronger.
  • You want to get bigger, stronger, and achieve skills like front lever, handstand pushup, etc: cycle through all 3 phases in a 1:1:1 ratio. You can spend more time in a certain phase if you have a weakness. For example if you need bigger lats so you’re strong enough for front lever, you can spend longer in the accumulation phase.
As you can see, periodization is as much of an art as it is science. It’s best for a plan to be tailored to you, your goals, and your strengths and weaknesses to be most effective. It’s also best for you to understand how it works and to log your training so that you can adjust it as needed.

Do you periodize your training? If so, how?

Edit: a couple of resources if you want to learn more:

- Renaissance Periodization Volume guidelines: Renaissance Periodization | Training Volume Landmarks for Muscle Growth

- Frinksmovement on bodyweight periodization (just stumbled upon his channel, it's got a lot of good stuff)
Una rutina de movilidad-flexibilidad-elasticidad relacionada con BJJ pero que puede hacer cualquiera que quiera moverse mejor:

(En la descripción del vídeo en YouTube están todos los movimientos, con el enlace al instante concreto del vídeo...muy cómodo de seguir)

Rutinas así, practicándolas con constancia durante semanas, se notan muchísimo tanto entrenando, porque te salen cosas más limpias, como en el día a día, porque te notas como muy fluido, moviéndote mucho mejor, quitándote dolores y demás.

Por supuesto, personalizadla y ved qué cosas queréis meter/quitar, sutilezas de vuestras articulaciones y demás circunstancias, etc.

El canal del compañero Tom Merrick es muy bueno, con muchas propuestas, conocimientos, y demás.

Venga, chavales, a entrenar, que hoy empieza el verano y hay que chulear en la piscina, jajaja

El frogstand es una posición estática en la que se apoyan las manos en el suelo, los codos están doblados y las piernas se apoyan sobre los codos.
Es algo más o menos básico, que se incluye en rutinas de yoga, y que además es una progresión hacia posiciones fijas de empujón como el handstand o la planche.
Y es un truco para chulear duro en la piscina

Probadlo (calentad antes las articulaciones, en concreto hombros, codos y sobre todo muñecas)

Aquí mi musa Nina haciendo algunas variantes un poco más avanzadas:

Entrada de Reddit con muchas ideas para pensar y aplicar:

How to periodize your bodyweight strength training (and why you should do it)

After reading this you will (hopefully) have enough info to build your own periodized bodyweight strength training program.

Periodization is how you structure your training program over the long term. Some important things to know:

  • Microcycle: A week of training
  • Mesocycle: A training phase, usually containing 4-6 microcycles or weeks. More or less is OK.
  • Macrocycle: All of your mesocycles put together over a long period, usually a year
  • Accumulation: The goal of increasing volume over the length of a mesocycle
  • Intensification: The goal of increasing intensity over the length of a mesocycle
  • Realization: The goal of peaking max strength, power, and/or increasing skill over the length of a mesocycle
  • Deload: A microcycle at the end of each mesocycle where volume and/or intensity is decreased so the body can recover and manage accumulated fatigue.
  • MEV: Minimum Effective Volume. The smallest amount of volume you need to make gains.
  • MRV: Maximum Recoverable Volume. The point at which volume is so high that you can’t recover from it.
  • Potentiation: The concept that the order of training phases matters. Hypertrophy gains last longer and support strength building. Strength gains last a moderate amount of time and support skill work. So the order of Accumulation, Intensification, and Realization matters.
Many bodyweight strength training programs out there are pretty simple. You’ll see things like, do 3 sets of 5-8 reps, and when you can do 8 reps, go to the next progression. This is good for beginners as they can make quick progress and have an easy program to ***ow. However, this program will not last forever. Just like adding 5lbs to the bar every workout won’t last forever, sticking in a single rep range and cranking up progressions won’t work forever with bodyweight exercise.

Periodization is important because it allows us to focus on different goals so that they work together to achieve the best results. For example, if you want to do a front lever, you need to get stronger. To get stronger, you need to build bigger muscles. It’s hard to program all of that (hypertrophy, strength, and skill) in one training program.

Periodization works because it’s easier to maintain your gains than to gain them in the first place, and each phase supports the next. This is called potentiation. Hypertrophy gains last the longest, and they unlock a greater potenital for strength. So hypertrophy goes first. As you then work on strength, your muscle mass is maintained due to the intense training, but you are also getting stronger. This then supports your max strength, power, and skill training.



The goal of the Accumulation Phase is hypertrophy (building as much muscle as possible). This muscle will then be used to get stronger in the next phase.

We can increase volume in 3 ways:

  1. Increase the number of working sets (a set between 5 and 30 reps, taken to within 0-4 reps of failure.
  2. Increase the number of reps (can be used for a smaller increase in volume)
  3. Increase the intensity (in bodyweight training, this is increasing the progression or scaling)
We want to rely on #1, then #2 when that becomes difficult. #3 is not as important during the mesocycle, but should be increased over subsequent mesocycles.

An accumulation phase should start at your MEV (Minimum Effective Volume), and gradually increase volume over the next few weeks, until you hit your MRV (Maximum Recoverable Volume). 4-6 weeks is the usual length of this phase, but it can be longer. It depends on you knowing your body and your training logs.

You’ll know when you reach your MRV when you can no longer match the previous weeks volume. This means you didn’t recover fully, and it’s time for a deload, where you cut the volume in half. If you were to run this cycle again, you’d start at your MEV, and build to your MRV, which should now be a little bit higher, either due to being able to do more reps and sets, OR being able to use a higher intensity.

Training in this way is effective for hypertrophy. Depending on your goals, you could repeat this training phase, or move on to the Intensification Phase.

Example Set Scheme:
Day 1: 3x5-10r
Day 2: 3x10-20r
Day 3: 3x20-30r
Week 2, add a set to each exercise. Repeat until deload.

Edit: for clarification, see this comment:

The goal of the Intensification Phase is building strength. We are taking the new muscle we have built in the Accumulation Phase and using it to get even stronger.

The main way we will train for strength is gradually increasing the intensity (progression and/or scaling of an exercise). The volume for this phase will stay relatively constant, and will be less than the Accumulation Phase. We’ll use a lower rep range, and focus on harder exercises.

We still use MEV and MRV here to determine when we go into a deload. This time, our volume is determined more by our intensity than sets and reps. So, when you can no longer maintain the same volume or intensity as the previous week, it’s time for a deload week, where you cut the volume in half.

Training in this way is effective for building strength, but we need a base of muscle in order to make good gains. That is why Accumulation, or hypertrophy training, comes first.

Example Set Scheme:
3-5x4-6r, try to add, in order of importance: more intensity/harder progression, reps, sets. Continue until deload.

The goal of the Realization Phase is to either achieve new maxes in strength, apply your strength to skills, or increase power.

Generally, we’ll want to do even more intense exercises than in the Intensification Phase, but for much less volume. In addition, as we ramp up the intensity, we will decrease the volume even further. This will help achieve new maxes in strength. You can pair this with higher volume, but lower intensity skill and power work.

This phase is usually the shortest, about 4 weeks. Once you achieve your new 1 rep max, personal best, or can’t maintain volume or intensity, it’s time for a deload.

Example Set Scheme:
Week 1: 5x5
Week 2: 5x4
Week 3: 5x3
Week 4: 5x2
Week 5: 5x1
Week 6: Deload

You can put together your periodized training plan depending on your goals.

  • You want to get bigger: You can do 1 or more cycles of Accumulation, each cycle being probably 4-6 weeks. After a few cycles, you do want to do at least one cycle of intensification before going back to accumulation.
  • You want to get stronger: You can cycle through Accumulation and Intensification at a 1:1 ratio. After all, you do need to build muscle to get stronger.
  • You want to get bigger, stronger, and achieve skills like front lever, handstand pushup, etc: cycle through all 3 phases in a 1:1:1 ratio. You can spend more time in a certain phase if you have a weakness. For example if you need bigger lats so you’re strong enough for front lever, you can spend longer in the accumulation phase.
As you can see, periodization is as much of an art as it is science. It’s best for a plan to be tailored to you, your goals, and your strengths and weaknesses to be most effective. It’s also best for you to understand how it works and to log your training so that you can adjust it as needed.

Do you periodize your training? If so, how?

Edit: a couple of resources if you want to learn more:

- Renaissance Periodization Volume guidelines: Renaissance Periodization | Training Volume Landmarks for Muscle Growth

- Frinksmovement on bodyweight periodization (just stumbled upon his channel, it's got a lot of good stuff)

Buenísimo post, muchas gracias.

¿Y qué hacer al acabar un macrociclo de por ejemplo, hipertrofia + fuerza? ¿Se podría volver a empezar el mismo exactamente igual, pero quizá tratando de aumentar la progresión o la intesidad en la fase inicial de hipertrofia, que con la que empezamos inicialmente?
Buenísimo post, muchas gracias.

¿Y qué hacer al acabar un macrociclo de por ejemplo, hipertrofia + fuerza? ¿Se podría volver a empezar el mismo exactamente igual, pero quizá tratando de aumentar la progresión o la intesidad en la fase inicial de hipertrofia, que con la que empezamos inicialmente?

Sí, en principio, salvo que tengas un nivel muy alto que te obligue a hilar aún más fino, en teoría deberías poder entrenar hipertrofia a un nivel por encima del anterior macrociclo.
Además, ya habrías experimentado en ti mismo temas de dieta, descanso, recuperación, otros deportes y diversas circunstancias, y así puedes mejorar estos aspectos, que al final también redundan en la hipertrofia/fuerza
Sesión de torso por Gabo Saturno:

Esquema perfectamente aplicable para cualquiera, adaptando algunos movimientos al nivel que tengamos. Por ejemplo, si las flexiones haciendo el pino apoyando en la pared son demasiado duras, se cambian por pike push ups
Sesión de torso por Gabo Saturno:

Esquema perfectamente aplicable para cualquiera, adaptando algunos movimientos al nivel que tengamos. Por ejemplo, si las flexiones haciendo el pino apoyando en la pared son demasiado duras, se cambian por pike push ups

Mola, estoy pensando en hacerme Insta sólo para seguir a esta gente...

Pilló el COBIC o qué? Dice que estuvo out 14 días...
Los rellenitos pueden hacer algo de esto?

A un rellenito lo puedes poner a caminar, a hacer sentadillas, a jugar al padel...

No los veo intentando hacer dominadas la verda
Los rellenitos pueden hacer algo de esto?

A un rellenito lo puedes poner a caminar, a hacer sentadillas, a jugar al padel...

No los veo intentando hacer dominadas la verda

Sí, y de hecho es muy recomendable.

No obstante, como digo en el post inicial, el entrenamiento debe ser individualizado a todas las características de la persona de que se trate.
Mucha gente no puede hacer dominadas cuando empieza (por muy diversas causas, desde sobrepeso a falta de fuerza, o alguna lesión) pero sí puede hacer movimientos más sencillos dentro del mismo patrón de tirón vertical
Descanso entre series de ejercicios tipo unilaterales y tipo "Archer":

El tema del descanso entre series de ejercicios bilaterales es sencillo...haces el ejercicio, descansas y repites. Pero cuando le metes ejercicios tipo Archer (por ejemplo, archer Archer pushup) donde, aunque trabajas un lado más que otro, ambos trabajan, pero luego tienes que hacer el otro lado (ya con una fatiga por haberlo trabajado antes) ¿cómo lo hacéis?

Yo suelo descansar más o menos la mitad de lo que descansaría haciendo el ejercicio bilateral, pero no sé si es lo más efectivo.

Cuando es unilateral puro (KB press, o One Arm Bodyrow), ahí prácticamente no descanso entre un lado y el otro, y cuando termino con los 2 lados, ya descanso el tiempo "normal".
