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¿Quiso Stalin atacar a Alemania? - Página 2 - Foro Segunda Guerra Mundial
Antes de meter la pata hasta el corvejón.
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Thus, there was a memorandum with a plan for a possible Red Army pre-emptive attack on the German forces but it was made by the General Staff only as a draft. Stalin did not order it to be done and refused to agree to it. After the “Winter War” with Finland, Stalin had given a sober appreciation of the condition of the Red Army and realized that the USSR needed at least two more years to complete the rearming and deployment of the Soviet Armed Forces.
Más orate y no naces. Eso abunda en mis dos tesis:
1. Stalin no tenía ninguna intención de atacar a Hitler.
2. Stalin sabía que no tenía al Ejército Rojo preparado para enfrentarse al Ejército Alemán, y que le llevaría al menos dos años volcando en en ello el 100% de la eoonomía estatal (es decir, militarizándola) el pertrecharlo.
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