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FARS and NASS CDS data were analyzed to determine time and cause of occupant deaths resulting from light vehicle crashes in the early 1990s. The results shows 46 percent of the deaths occurred within half an hour, 24 percent between half an hour and an hour and a half and a total of 90 percent within 24 hours. Of the deaths occurring during the 1.5 hours ***owing injury 52 percent were the result of head injuries and 36 percent were the result of thorax injuries
Fatal Injuries in Light Vehicle Crashes - Time to Death and Cause of Death
17 – Bulletproof Vests Can Keep The Wearer Safe Even In Vehicle Accidents
Each year, during the International Association of Chiefs of Police, DuPont has a ceremony for officers who have been saved by the Kevlar body armor. Numerous officers recognized during this ceremony were saved from the impact of their patrol car’s steering column after an accident, not just from bullets.
25 Things People Didn
Who Qualifies for the Survivors' Club?
To become a member of the IACP/Du Pont™ KEVLAR Survivors' Club®, the officer must have survived a potentially life-threatening incident as a result of wearing personal body armor. The types of incidents that qualify a candidate for membership include firearm assaults and attacks with knives, clubs, chains, and other weapons. Also included are motor vehicle collisions, fires, and explosions. Any brand of body armor or ballistic material is acceptable for consideration. International participation is encouraged.