La plata va a evolucionar mucho mejor que el oro. Próximo boom.

TioGilito: Deberías pedir que en tu lápida ponga:

"Dentro de un tiempo, cuando se derrumbe el sistema fraudulento de dinero fiat imaginario, los que tengamos metales preciosos, seremos vistos como los nuevos acaparadores, usureros y especuladores..."

añadiendo: ... pero el difunto no llegó a ver ese día. :D
TioGilito: Deberías pedir que en tu lápida ponga:

"Dentro de un tiempo, cuando se derrumbe el sistema fraudulento de dinero fiat imaginario, los que tengamos metales preciosos, seremos vistos como los nuevos acaparadores, usureros y especuladores..."

añadiendo: ... pero el difunto no llegó a ver ese día. :D

Realmente que yo lo vea o no es algo completamente carente de importancia. Lo relevante es que la gente se de cuenta de la realidad:

- Cuando en el s.XVII se decreta que de los territorios españoles de ultramar no se venda plata en bruto, sino acuñada y a la que se añadía el correspondiente señoreaje hubo una auténtica conmoción, ya que ésta servía como uso dinerario tanto en Occidente como en Oriente.

- Si a nuestros tatarabuelos les dijéramos que una moneda de 12 euros de curso legal del BdE tiene un valor en plata de aproximadamente seis euros...con un señoreaje del 100%, pero que un billete de 500 euros del BCE su emisión tan sólo cuesta imprimirlo algunos céntimos de euro...PENSARÍA QUE QUIEN TUVIERA BILLETES NO CONVERTIBLES NI EN PLATA NI EN ORO ES UN AUTÉNTICO demorado MENTAL.

- Quien no se de cuenta de la auténtica engaña que supone la creación de los "bailouts", por la que se han creado tantos dólares en unos pocos años y no se de cuenta de que el dólar USA se va a colapsar es que no comprende en absoluto qué es una función exponencial.

- El gran timo del dinero supone pasar del dinero real (oro, plata, platino...), al dinero fiduciario (certificados de depósito sobre la existencia de ese dinero real en el banco), para pasar después al dinero fiat (signifíca "hágase" en latín), o sea, al dinero fabricado y que tiene valor tan sólo por decreto...y ahora al dinero fiat imaginario, que no es otra cosa que dinero virtual.

Ahora una persona, o una empresa, puede ser rica, tan sólo por el mero hecho de que en su cuenta bancaria aparezcan unos guarismos u otros...aunque no tengan riqueza real.

Los bancos se han beneficiado del los "bailouts" tomando a prestamo dinero del BCE o la Fed, a tipo de interés ridículo...y comprando deuda pública a largo, con magníficos diferenciales. Esto es una auténtica engaña y un timo a la humanidad entera, ya que hay guerras, hambrunas, enfermedades, epidemias, analfabetismo...tan sólo por ganar un DINERO QUE NO EXISTE, shishi...tan sólo son apuntes contables permitidos por quien tiene el poder, que manda a los políticos cómo tienen que actuar.

Por eso a los bancos no les interesa demasiado vender oro ni plata de forma física...para que la gente no despierte y se dé cuenta sobre qué es el dinero real.
Y si a nuestros tatarabuelos los metieras en un coche y lo pusieras a 100 km/h por una carretera nacional con mucho tráfico, del susto les daba un ataque al corazón y palmaban.

Ya ves tú el caso que se les puede hacer a los tatarabuelos.
Yo sigo pensando que hasta que no se vean las monedas de 12 euros en circulacion, la gente seguirá pasando del tema.

Por eso, os invito a que compreis cosas con estas monedas que, si bien, tiene un cierto contenido en plata, tambien sirve como moneda de compra-venta en España.
Noticia en inglés sacada de Reuters.

* Silver's outperformed gold 3-to-1

* Coeur d'Alene chief says silver deficit seen

By Steve James

DENVER, Sept 15 (Reuters) - Silver has outperformed gold this year as investors flocked to precious metals in the economic downturn and silver producers can look forward to good times ahead, the head of Coeur d'Alene Mines (CDE.N) said on Tuesday.

"In the wake of this (financial) hurricane, this is a new golden age for us," Dennis Wheeler, the silver producers' chairman, president and chief executive officer told the Denver Gold Forum industry gathering.

Not only were investors buying silver as a safe haven against the recession, but new demand from electronic appliance makers for the metal was likely to strain global supplies, he said.

"We continue to see a deficit of about 100 million ounces for silver this year and it is continuing."

On a day when silver rose past $17 an ounce, Wheeler noted that the gold price had risen some 15 percent this year to around $1,000 an ounce, but silver was up 50 percent.

"The number one performer this year has been silver. Silver has outperformed gold three-to-one," said Wheeler, whose company has silver and gold projects in Bolivia, Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Australia and the United States.

"We are seeing the beginnings of a new sustainable global silver market. Clearly investors were driving the market this year."

He said that as the economy got back on its feet, silver demand was seen increasing, especially after "upbeat" outlooks from computer and appliance makers who use the metal for batteries.

Apart from traditional uses for jewelry, silver is increasingly in demand for solar energy and water purification components, medical uses and photography. (Editing by Leslie Gevirtz)
Producción de plata en 2009, por el Dr. Thomas Chaize.

Silver is a precious white metal which symbol is Ag. Its name comes from the Latin Argentum. Its melting temperature is 961° and its density is 10 490 kilogramme/m3.

Industrial use of silver is often associated with the declining use of film, then it represents only 1 / 10 of its use. Silver is used for its conductivity (electronic) and properties bactericidal (nanotechnology of Health). Since the advent of digital photography, industrial demand has largely offset the decline in demand for photographic film. Physical properties of silver: ductility, conductivity, malleability, make its industrial use is increasing every year. Industrial demand for silver represents half of the silver in the world. Silver is used for its qualities in the electronic conductivity of quality: mobile phones, printed circuit, solar cell. As conductor of electricity, It is better than copper or gold. Diamond is the best driver, but it is much more expensive and less convenient as you will agree. Silver is also used for its bactericidal properties (clothing, bandages, refrigerators, water purifiers, dental amalgam ,...). Silver is also used as a catalyst, for soldering or welding in the manufacture of battery, mirror. The jewel is the second source of consumption of silver with a small quarter of the requests, and one small quarter of the demand comes from photography, coins, and silver medals.

On the supply side, 8 / 10 are provided by mining, 2 / 10 by recycling (sales of central bank silver declines). This is the recycling of silver that makes up the difference between demand and world production of silver. However, it is increasingly difficult to launder silver, given the decline in photographic film and the rise of industrial use. It is indeed used in many products in small quantities.

I. Production of silver : a by-product.
Only a small third of silver production comes from the production of silver mines, the rest comes from a small third of mine production of zinc and lead, a quarter of the copper mines and one-eighth of gold mines (the natural alloy of gold and silver is called electrum). That silver is expensive or not, it has little importance for ¾ producers silver in the world because they are producers of zinc, lead, copper and gold before being producers of silver. I am not saying that this does not concern them, but the price of zinc, lead, copper and gold that matter most to them. These metals are their primary source of income, silver is only one income. The price of silver is like the “icing on the cake”. For this reason the production of silver is unique, it depends on the fundamentals of zinc, copper, lead and gold. As production of platinum is separated from the palladium, the money is inseparable from the production of gold and industrial metals such as copper, zinc and lead. Thus the first five silver producing countries are all part of the top 5 producers of copper, zinc, lead and gold.

According to the USGS silver production in the world in 2008 is estimated at 20 900 tonnes of silver or 671 million ounces of silver, a new record for silver production. In 2007, production was 20 800 tonnes of silver, or 668 million ounces of silver. Silver production has benefited from record zinc prices in 2006 / 2007, of copper from 2006 to 2008, lead in August 2007, gold and silver in 2008. It is therefore not surprising that 2007 and 2008 to be record years for the production of silver. However, the end of 2008 and early 2009 have seen the price of zinc, copper, and lead collapse below their current production. At that time the bank funding disappears and capitalization mine down, and this will have consequences on the production of silver in 2009 despite the high price of gold and silver.

II. Major producers of silver in the world.

1. Peru produced 118.5 million ounces of silver in 2008, 17.6% of world production of silver. The four largest mines of Peru produce 47.2% of the silver of the country, 55 million ounces of silver produced in 2008. The production of silver has almost doubled since 1998 from 65 million ounces of silver to 118 million ounces of silver (3 685 tonnes of silver).

These four mines primarily produce zinc, gold, copper and even molybdenum. The production of silver is an associate production. Peru is the largest producer in the world of silver, the second largest producer of copper, the third largest producer of zinc, lead the fourth and fifth gold. His first producer of silver is the result of the high level of the four other productions.

2. Mexico is the second largest producer of silver. In 2008, Mexico produced 96.4 million ounces of silver (3 000 tonnes of silver). Mexico is to silver production that South Africa was to gold production. Mexico has lost its position as leading producer of silver in favor of Peru in 2002. Mexico is also the 6th producer of zinc and lead producer 5th.

3. Silver production in China is 83.5 million ounces of silver in 2008 (2600 tonnes of silver). China is the 3rd producer of silver in the world. The main reason is probably the most important Chinese production of zinc. Indeed, China is by far the largest producer of zinc in the world. China is also the 1st largest producer of lead and gold.

4. Chile has produced 64.3 million ounces of silver (2 000 tonnes of silver) last year which gives him the rank of fourth largest producer of silver. This large production of silver is closer to its position as the world's largest producer of copper.

5. Australia is the fifth largest producer of silver in the world with a production of 57.8 million ounces of silver (1 800 tonnes of silver). Australia is also the 2nd largest producer of zinc and lead, 4th largest gold and 5th place for copper. Australian production of silver is only a by-product of these metals.

6. The majority of the production of silver from Poland which is the 6th largest producer of silver with 41.7 million ounces of silver (1300 tonnes of silver) comes to 90% of one copper mine.

The 7th and the 8th largest producer of silver are the USA with 40.5 million ounces of silver (1 260 tonnes of silver) and Canada with 25.7 million ounces of silver (800 tons of silver). They both were the world's leading producers of silver in the early 1970s, are both below their level of production time.

The production of silver depends on ¾ of the mine production of copper, zinc, lead and gold. The production of silver depends on the prices of these metals that the price of silver itself!

The production of silver increased while production of copper, zinc, lead and gold increased. The fact that the first five silver producing countries are also the leading producer of copper, zinc, lead and gold is not a coincidence but geology. I have already broached the subject of production of gold and zinc, there are two unknown copper and lead. I write about these two metals in the coming months to give you all the pieces of the production silver in the world.


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¿¿Viste ayer el programa de los pisos en la tele??..........LOS REGALAN
vaya decada que te espera......
espero que con la plata atines mas......
¿¿quieres que traduzca eso del ingles al spanish???
Silver is a precious white metal which symbol is Ag. Its name comes from the Latin Argentum. Its melting temperature is 961° and its density is 10 490 kilogramme/m3.

Industrial use of silver is often associated with the declining use of film, then it represents only 1 / 10 of its use. Silver is used for its conductivity (electronic) and properties bactericidal (nanotechnology of Health). Since the advent of digital photography, industrial demand has largely offset the decline in demand for photographic film. Physical properties of silver: ductility, conductivity, malleability, make its industrial use is increasing every year. Industrial demand for silver represents half of the silver in the world. Silver is used for its qualities in the electronic conductivity of quality: mobile phones, printed circuit, solar cell. As conductor of electricity, It is better than copper or gold. Diamond is the best driver, but it is much more expensive and less convenient as you will agree. Silver is also used for its bactericidal properties (clothing, bandages, refrigerators, water purifiers, dental amalgam ,...). Silver is also used as a catalyst, for soldering or welding in the manufacture of battery, mirror. The jewel is the second source of consumption of silver with a small quarter of the requests, and one small quarter of the demand comes from photography, coins, and silver medals.

On the supply side, 8 / 10 are provided by mining, 2 / 10 by recycling (sales of central bank silver declines). This is the recycling of silver that makes up the difference between demand and world production of silver. However, it is increasingly difficult to launder silver, given the decline in photographic film and the rise of industrial use. It is indeed used in many products in small quantities.

I. Production of silver : a by-product.
Only a small third of silver production comes from the production of silver mines, the rest comes from a small third of mine production of zinc and lead, a quarter of the copper mines and one-eighth of gold mines (the natural alloy of gold and silver is called electrum). That silver is expensive or not, it has little importance for ¾ producers silver in the world because they are producers of zinc, lead, copper and gold before being producers of silver. I am not saying that this does not concern them, but the price of zinc, lead, copper and gold that matter most to them. These metals are their primary source of income, silver is only one income. The price of silver is like the “icing on the cake”. For this reason the production of silver is unique, it depends on the fundamentals of zinc, copper, lead and gold. As production of platinum is separated from the palladium, the money is inseparable from the production of gold and industrial metals such as copper, zinc and lead. Thus the first five silver producing countries are all part of the top 5 producers of copper, zinc, lead and gold.

According to the USGS silver production in the world in 2008 is estimated at 20 900 tonnes of silver or 671 million ounces of silver, a new record for silver production. In 2007, production was 20 800 tonnes of silver, or 668 million ounces of silver. Silver production has benefited from record zinc prices in 2006 / 2007, of copper from 2006 to 2008, lead in August 2007, gold and silver in 2008. It is therefore not surprising that 2007 and 2008 to be record years for the production of silver. However, the end of 2008 and early 2009 have seen the price of zinc, copper, and lead collapse below their current production. At that time the bank funding disappears and capitalization mine down, and this will have consequences on the production of silver in 2009 despite the high price of gold and silver.

II. Major producers of silver in the world.

1. Peru produced 118.5 million ounces of silver in 2008, 17.6% of world production of silver. The four largest mines of Peru produce 47.2% of the silver of the country, 55 million ounces of silver produced in 2008. The production of silver has almost doubled since 1998 from 65 million ounces of silver to 118 million ounces of silver (3 685 tonnes of silver).

These four mines primarily produce zinc, gold, copper and even molybdenum. The production of silver is an associate production. Peru is the largest producer in the world of silver, the second largest producer of copper, the third largest producer of zinc, lead the fourth and fifth gold. His first producer of silver is the result of the high level of the four other productions.

2. Mexico is the second largest producer of silver. In 2008, Mexico produced 96.4 million ounces of silver (3 000 tonnes of silver). Mexico is to silver production that South Africa was to gold production. Mexico has lost its position as leading producer of silver in favor of Peru in 2002. Mexico is also the 6th producer of zinc and lead producer 5th.

3. Silver production in China is 83.5 million ounces of silver in 2008 (2600 tonnes of silver). China is the 3rd producer of silver in the world. The main reason is probably the most important Chinese production of zinc. Indeed, China is by far the largest producer of zinc in the world. China is also the 1st largest producer of lead and gold.

4. Chile has produced 64.3 million ounces of silver (2 000 tonnes of silver) last year which gives him the rank of fourth largest producer of silver. This large production of silver is closer to its position as the world's largest producer of copper.

5. Australia is the fifth largest producer of silver in the world with a production of 57.8 million ounces of silver (1 800 tonnes of silver). Australia is also the 2nd largest producer of zinc and lead, 4th largest gold and 5th place for copper. Australian production of silver is only a by-product of these metals.

6. The majority of the production of silver from Poland which is the 6th largest producer of silver with 41.7 million ounces of silver (1300 tonnes of silver) comes to 90% of one copper mine.

The 7th and the 8th largest producer of silver are the USA with 40.5 million ounces of silver (1 260 tonnes of silver) and Canada with 25.7 million ounces of silver (800 tons of silver). They both were the world's leading producers of silver in the early 1970s, are both below their level of production time.

The production of silver depends on ¾ of the mine production of copper, zinc, lead and gold. The production of silver depends on the prices of these metals that the price of silver itself!

The production of silver increased while production of copper, zinc, lead and gold increased. The fact that the first five silver producing countries are also the leading producer of copper, zinc, lead and gold is not a coincidence but geology. I have already broached the subject of production of gold and zinc, there are two unknown copper and lead. I write about these two metals in the coming months to give you all the pieces of the production silver in the world.
las minas tienen problemas de financiación debido a la crisis crediticia, y que a pesar de las subidas del metal hay proyectos que están parados
¿¿Viste ayer el programa de los pisos en la tele??..........LOS REGALAN
vaya decada que te espera......
espero que con la plata atines mas......
¿¿quieres que traduzca eso del ingles al spanish???

A mí hoy me han regalado 2 pisos al comprarme unas natillas Danet y un bungalow por 8 yogures azucarados Danone.

Estoy a la espera de que salga una oferta de regalo de un apartamento en el Pirineo cerca de Baqueira...a ver si tengo suerte, ya que hasta ahora sólo me lo ofrecen en estaciones de estaciones de esquí cutres.

Si te atreves a traducirlo...Y A HACERLO BIEN...por mí encantado, para la comodidad de los foreros que no puedan comprenderlo en inglés. Si la vas a soltar en la traducción, mejor déjalo así.
A mí hoy me han regalado 2 pisos al comprarme unas natillas Danet y un bungalow por 8 yogures azucarados Danone.

Estoy a la espera de que salga una oferta de regalo de un apartamento en el Pirineo cerca de Baqueira...a ver si tengo suerte, ya que hasta ahora sólo me lo ofrecen en estaciones de estaciones de esquí cutres.

Si te atreves a traducirlo...Y A HACERLO BIEN...por mí encantado, para la comodidad de los foreros que no puedan comprenderlo en inglés. Si la vas a soltar en la traducción, mejor déjalo así.

Por aqui te venden pisos a 77000 €..............
estan como lobos,ayer hable con un amigo que tiene 17 .(resignacion...),tambien tenia sobre 20000 m2 de naves ,eso esta mejor........
Yo quiero esperar ,cuando baje uno que me gusto de 220.000 €,a 100k o 90k me lo pensare,ahora esta solo por 160k...aun esta verde.

Ah ,la traduccion

La plata es una maravilla,......bla,bla, corazones la plata.....bla,bla,ble,bli,blo,blu..........esto va pa rriba......jorobar con la
plata ,,,,bla, hija noooo!!...bla ,bla,ble,bli,blo,blu:D
Estodo mas o menos igual............:D

Ya sabes antes de irte al Norte le buscamos acomodo a esas monedillas tuyas
en mi hogar......
las minas tienen problemas de financiación debido a la crisis crediticia, y que a pesar de las subidas del metal hay proyectos que están parados

Ojalá algún dia tengamos tiempo de escribir largo y tendido del tema...ya que existen historias para no dormir.

Las empresas mineras -en general- siempre han tenido problemas de financiación por causas muy diversas, que ahora no vamos a abordar en este post. Evidentemente no es lo mismo un gigante del sector como BHP Billiton, que alguna empresa exploradora minera junior de las que cotizan tan sólo en la bolsa de Vancouver.

Ahora es la crisis crediticia...pero en los años 90, era que el dinero no fluía hacia el sector minero...YA QUE IBA AL SECTOR TECNOLÓGICO, DESDE LA ECLOSIÓN DE INTERNET Y EL NASDAQ. Era así de crudo...como no había pasta ya que el dinero en empresas tecnológicas podía crecer de forma exponencial, pues las materias primas en la minería no eran caras y apenas se desarrollaron nuevos proyectos mineros debido a que era muy arriesgado y potencialmente poco rentable.

Un dia hablaremos de la creación de un ejemplo de companía minera "junior", de cómo puede financiarse, de cómo amplia capital, de cuáles son sus objetivos como empresa, de cuáles son los objetivos de los directivos y los de las diversas clases de accionistas...

Si ustedes creen que los bancos, en general, son unos me gusta la se imaginan cómo son los bancos de negocios cuando realizan un proyecto de financiación sobre una compañía minera.

También deberíamos ir desgranando algunas realidades sobre el sistema financiero. Puede parecer que los bancos apenas tienen inversión en metal...pero eso no es cierto. Los bancos tampoco son orates...piden dinero de papel a los estados a precio de regalo, pero tienen importantísimas participaciones en el sector minero, aunque de esto apenas se hable.

Habrá otras jornadas para ahondar en estos temas. Pero les aseguro que ahora no es que no se facilite la financiación a las mineras: NUNCA se ha hecho. Los bancos siempre han tenido actitudes leoninas con este tipo de inversiones.
Por aqui te venden pisos a 77000 €..............
estan como lobos,ayer hable con un amigo que tiene 17 .(resignacion...),tambien tenia sobre 20000 m2 de naves ,eso esta mejor........
Yo quiero esperar ,cuando baje uno que me gusto de 220.000 €,a 100k o 90k me lo pensare,ahora esta solo por 160k...aun esta verde.

Ah ,la traduccion

La plata es una maravilla,......bla,bla, corazones la plata.....bla,bla,ble,bli,blo,blu..........esto va pa rriba......jorobar con la
plata ,,,,bla, hija noooo!!...bla ,bla,ble,bli,blo,blu:D
Estodo mas o menos igual............:D

Ya sabes antes de irte al Norte le buscamos acomodo a esas monedillas tuyas
en mi hogar......

Votin, ¿para qué quiero yo un piso de 77.000 € en un lugar sin nieve?. Me parece mucho más inteligente mi postura...esperar a que regalen un apartamento en Baqueira Beret, al comprar 3 paquetes de Corn Flakes.

Si es que algunos sois duritos de mollera.:cool:
Menudo varapalo a la plata llevamos hoy.

Tendré que volver a discutir con el forero Monster, a ver si se eleva el precio.:D
y como mi obsesión son los movimientos del precio y un poco menos los fundamentales, una muestra de como podría aprovechar una corrección para aumentar otro 20% mi famoso cupo
siempre que la plata vuelva a las cercanías de los 14,50$, claro :D
habrá que salir de compras
si me lo ponen en 14,50
a seguir llenando el carro ;)
una simple corrección saludable dentro del canal alcista
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