Ultimanente ¿Hay algun forero/contenido autenico en este foro? OTRA MAS

Pues que no se diga que somos unos jorobacharcos

Si se avisaba en articulo, asumo el fail y que se borre el hilo para que no quede el plastarro de titulo ahi puesto o en los buscadores, que no se si saldra, pero bueno.

Pero es que es logico que todos estemos con la mosca detras de la oreja con este universo nuevo de los "social media" y todas estas "profesiones emergentes" xD

"Si se avisaba" no, mastuerzo.

Que lo dice claramente en el último párrafo.

"Como muchos os habréis imaginado, la rabiosa actualidad de este artículo significa que estoy de vacaciones, tanto que el original no es mío, está en inglés y es de Business Pundit"

Si te leyeras las cosas hasta el final dejarías de hacer el mongo, de abrir hilos de estos y, lo más importante, dejarías de hacernos perder a los demás cinco minutos de nuestra valiosa vida en leer tus tochacos conspiranoicos.

Un saludo a Santiago Auseron.
Acabo de programar el artículo del Lunes, se titula "Los peligros del intervencionismo" y el del Martes "Finanzas conductuales" (a este igual le cambio el título, que es un poco ******).

Lo digo por si alguien abre un hilo relacionado durante el fin de semana...
Eso no es asi. Sois los proestatalistas mantenidos
Salieron decenas de multinick, incluidos los de un moderador a insultar a madres y amenazas de agresion a foreros y de ir a buscarlos.
El forero ninety percent, en cumplimiento de sus obligaciones foriles tomo nota.

Ahora es normal que le importe un bledo que se suiciden todos. :D

Y en enero, con la cuesta, veremos mas muertos (crediticiamente hablando claro)...:abajo:

Y tu y yo ya no somo amigos.


A ver


para responderme haces referencia a un hilo de hace 1 mes y en el que ni siquiera aparezco :roto2:

No pertenezco a un colectivo de coleguitas. Y suelo ignorar hilos sobre filias funcionariales (alguna gente tiene gustos extraños). Cuando veo algún troll famosete faltando a todo el mundo o generalizando de forma interesada, entro un poco. Generalizar sobre el empleo público sólo sirve a quien mantiene un puesto de cosa ganado por medio del dedismo :8: :rolleye: a esa gente, generalizar les viene de pm

Sobre el sentido de las preocupantes declaraciones del troll 90%, ese es un debate para captain obvious y mr dunno verymuch

la crítica que hice, la cual ignoras es a que armes un pollo por una broma de carácter personal y luego rías a quien hace la misma. Es cuando menos curioso que "ya no me ajuntes".


pinocho era un niño amoral, de madera. La vida y sus lecciones le volvieron de carne y hueso . Ya crecerás
Si yo por mi delegaría todo...

Además últimamente estoy conspiranoico con los conspiranoicos y eso no es sano.
Pues tienes al Presi, ¿no?
O si no...¿quieres delegar en mi?:D :XX:

Si es que no sé para que me meto aquí.
Huyo escopetado, desinstalo el MSN y me acojo al plan de testigos protegidos.

Y estás conspiranoico...:pienso: :S :XX:

Pues por cierto, yo entraba a decirle al del hilo que "mi libro" y todo lo que posteo es auténtico, mío y solo mío, no de una empresa.:D

Acabo de programar el artículo del Lunes, se titula "Los peligros del intervencionismo" y el del Martes "Finanzas conductuales" (a este igual le cambio el título, que es un poco ******).

Lo digo por si alguien abre un hilo relacionado durante el fin de semana...->:D sí majete, da ideas para que se llene el foro(o guardería) de hilos copia-trolleo de lo tuyo.:XX:
...digo que es una traduccion y que estoy de vacaciones y eso significa que lleva programado un buen tiempo.
Es decir, ¿que te vas de vacaciones otra vez y no vas a tocar un ordenador?:pienso:
Pues ya se caerá otra vez el servidor.:XX:
Pues tienes al Presi, ¿no?
O si no...¿quieres delegar en mi?:D :XX:

Y estás conspiranoico...:pienso: :S :XX:

Pues por cierto, yo entraba a decirle al del hilo que "mi libro" y todo lo que posteo es auténtico, mío y solo mío, no de una empresa.:D

Es decir, ¿que te vas de vacaciones otra vez y no vas a tocar un ordenador?:pienso:
Pues ya se caerá otra vez el servidor.:XX:


Hasta las ovejas se duermen ... :D

Lo que pasa es que a los ultraizquierdistas les joroba que este foro sea plural y la gente escriba lo que le de la gana.¿Y a ti no?:pienso:
Los racistas y nazis tienen el mismo derecho que ellos a influir en el foro.
Y las feministas, y los que compran pisos, y los que no, y estos y los otros.
Todos a los que tú llamas trolles y de los que pides su baneo también tienen derecho a escribir ¿no?

PROBLANCO es community manager es obvio para cualquiera.
¿Y quién le paga?
El estado paga a ralea como él para distraer a la borregada de los problemas reales. ->Ah, el Estado paga por soltar esas cosas políticamente incorrectas, no me digas.

Menuda pillada os han pegado :XX:.

Os han pillado con el carrito de los helados :XX:, mediocres.

¿Y si entre los que van de afectados corderitos hay algún otro lobo?


Tanto ver trolles a sueldo, a ver si piensa el ladrón...
Y las feministas, y los que compran pisos, y los que no, y estos y los otros.
Todos a los que tú llamas trolles y de los que pides su baneo también tienen derecho a escribir ¿no?

¿Y si entre los que van de afectados corderitos hay algún otro lobo?


Tanto ver trolles a sueldo, a ver si piensa el ladrón...

Hmmm me gusta la imagen de los borregos, me la guardo para la saca jejjeje :D
Acabo de programar el artículo del Lunes, se titula "Los peligros del intervencionismo" y el del Martes "Finanzas conductuales" (a este igual le cambio el título, que es un poco ******).

Lo digo por si alguien abre un hilo relacionado durante el fin de semana...

Y estos... de dónde dice usted, oh Jran y Hamado líder, que los ha copiado??? :D:D:D
Acabo de programar el artículo del Lunes, se titula "Los peligros del intervencionismo" y el del Martes "Finanzas conductuales" (a este igual le cambio el título, que es un poco ******).

Lo digo por si alguien abre un hilo relacionado durante el fin de semana...

"Los peligros del intervencionismo"


"Finanzas conductuales" en primicia: :XX:,

Behavioral Finance | Business Pundit

Y aqui uno en condiciones:

(atencion a la parte que habla de los precios inmobiliarios)


Behavioural Finance- By Amar Pandit

August 23, 2012 admin Uncategorized

Behavioural Finance

Most people often devote rather waste a lot of time finding the next big investment , hot stock , fund , real estate and so on. However the most important thing that impacts every family’s overall financial well being is the area of behavioural finance. This is often a neglected area by most people. Behavioural Finance is the study of how emotions and psychology affect financial decisions.

Much of economic and financial theory is based on the notion that individuals act rationally and consider all available information in the decision-making process. We all know that this is never the case and human emotions and psychology play a big role in any financial decision making process.

According to Gary Belsky and Thomas Gilovich, authors of a fantastic book, Why Smart People Make Big Money Mistakes And How To Correct Them, “Behavioural Finance or Behavioural Economics combines the twin disciplines of psychology and economics to explain why and how people make seemingly irrational or illogical decisions when they spend, invest, save and borrow money.”

There are several concepts in Behavioural Finance that you must understand. Some of them are:

Mental Accounting: Phenomenon of treating money differently based on its source. People generally treat money received on a game show differently from what they would it they had earned it.

A classic example was that of a lady on a show “Dus Ka Dum”. This lady, from a modest background, had won Rs. 10 lakh, which is a substantial sum of money. The next correct answer could have got her Rs. 1 crore or she would lose Rs. 9 lakh and take home Rs. 1 lakh. Instead of walking away with Rs. 10 lakh she bet on Rs. 1 crore and lost Rs. 9 lakh. Would that lady have bet Rs. 10 lakh that she earned on something as risky as this? Never ever but the very fact that Rs. 10 lakh was earned in not even 10 minutes and through a different source made her treat it differently.

Similarly, many people would treat a windfall from parents or other sources differently than they would if the money had come from the fruits of their hard labour.

Just because you have won a lottery, received a windfall or a gift does not miccionan that the money does not belong to you or that you need to treat it differently. Think of your money (all inflows and outflows) in terms of your balance sheet and not something that you bracket depending from where it has come from. Never act immediately when you receive a bonus or windfall. Think about it for at least 48 hours.

Decision Paralysis: You are afflicted with this one if you delay making investment decisions or cannot decide between investment choices. Some will talk to 10 different people but never end up doing anything. Mark Twain said, “20 years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you did not do than by the ones that you did do”.

Loss Aversion: This is how our feelings towards loss can force us not to exit investments, or wait too long or put in more money in an unfinished project. Have you ever watched a movie in a theatre that you felt was complete nonsense and a waste of time? Did you ever walk out of the theatre? Very few people will because they have paid Rs. 200 per ticket. This is a classic example of loss aversion.

Anchoring: This is one of the most difficult or complex behaviours to overcome. Let’s understand this with an example of Mrs. Kulkarni. “In December 2010, Builder X had offered Rs. 1 crore to my neighbour, Mr. Bhatia. Now 8 months down the line, he should at least offer me a higher price. My flat is much better than Mr. Bhatia’s. According to the builder, prices have started to go down (although he himself has not cut down prices on his project) and the last similar flat sold was at Rs. 80 lakh.” This is a classic phenomenon in real estate where buyers and sellers are anchored to a price. Well, the price is now down to Rs. 70 lakh and Mrs. Kulkarni is still holding her flat.

Anchoring is when you often hold on to a fact or figure and use that as the basis or reference point for making future decisions.

Seeing the rise in real estate prices since 2003, people believe that real estate can only go up. Similarly, equity market investors believed that the markets would always deliver at least 25-30% annually because equities had delivered 40% annually for a few years in the past . Decisions just based on such anchors are rudimentary and can be dangerous for your long-term financial health.

Overconfidence, Greed and antiestéticar
These three very common emotions mostly depend on the external economic and your internal economic situation. People are extremely bullish during good times but the very same people chicken out during bad or tough economic times (even though their situation does not warrant so). You are afflicted with overconfidence if you think:​
  • Real estate is the best investment and there is no way one can lose money in a real estate tras*action​
  • You have made a wise decision by buying an investment-oriented life insurance policy despite someone telling you a term plan is the way to go​
  • You can identify the next Infosys of the market but can also easily explain the faulty choices you have made. You can identify all financial trends correctly​
  • You don’t need a good advisor because you already know a lot​
The less said about greed the better.
At the same time, you are afflicted with antiestéticar, if you are scared when the equity market goes down. People who wanted to buy real estate in 2007-2008 at any price were antiestéticarful in 2009 when the prices were down by around 25%. antiestéticar often makes people commit the biggest mistake of all: “Doing nothing”.

If you understand these and other behavioural issues well, you can actually use them to your advantage. However, this would also require one to keep his ego aside, which can sometimes get difficult for very smart people.

“The Behavior Gap” by Carl Richards is another excellent book on behavioural finance. Look at a very simple powerful sketch on Greed and antiestéticar by Carl.

Spend time on thinking whether you are really afflicted with any of these emotional biases. Your honest answers and actions to address these can secure your financial well-being.​