. . . . These new rules can be found on the internet at the Federal Register website. However, the specific definitions are buried at the very end of the third column on page 33716. They specifically define, under federal law, what IS and what IS NOT “bullion.” . . . . Also, they define, under the Patriot Act — what IS and IS NOT “antique numismatic gold.”
. . . . What’s more, the trade associations of the jewelry industry involving 30,000 retail jewelry stores . . . . and about 1,000 bullion and numismatic coin dealers have been notified of the requirement to attend costly seminars — led by the Treasury Department — on the new rules and regulations concerning the sale of gold in either bullion — or — antique form. It gets much worse. . . .
. . . . It should be impressed upon our viewers’ minds that — retail jewelry stores and gold dealers are now effectively “LICENSED” & “REGULATED” by the Treasury Department. Forms must be filed according to regulations on certain transactions, depending upon whether they are one type or the other . . . . cash or paid by check. KEY QUESTION: - - What might the purpose be for all this??
To receive an annotated copy of the Federal Register,
plus related 1933 documents,
Contact us at 1-800-543-0486, no charge.
My staff will be glad to discuss this clearly threatening
document and its wording.
. . . . All of this is not an accident — but it is indicative of plans to reorganize the U.S. monetary system based upon a continuously weakening currency - - due to our phenomenally growing trade debts with our trading partners, in particular, Red China.
. . . . Our trade debts with China — alone — are running at the rate of a quarter trillion dollars per year at the present time, increasing our China debts — by a trillion dollars every four years. Other countries are LENDING US the money . . . . to purchase goods by accepting U.S. Treasury Bonds to invest the accumulated dollar cash taken in payment. However, China has already rejected any further Treasury Bonds to invest their dollars in, as of the fall of 2004.
. . . . China is now pressing hard on the Treasury Department to come up with options for it to purchase other American assets such as Gulf Coast real estate . . . . home mortgage bonds . . . . AND GOLD. We are faced with a monetary crisis of monumental proportions with China leading the way to collect unpaid debts for merchandise we no longer provide ourselves.
. . . . Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Paulson , has been flying back and forth to China on a regular basis since taking office . . . . Even now in May of ‘07, a delegation of Chinese officials will be visiting with Paulson in the United States , making it impossible for him to attend a critical scheduled meeting — of the group of eight monetary cooperating countries scheduled at the same time.
. . . . The U.S. press does NOT cover the monetary threat . . . . However, the London Financial Times does, occasionally, provide — an article with a clear indication of the possible collapse of the dollar if our trade practices continue much longer, which lead to higher and higher debts.
WITH GOLD — the basis of all Central Bank wealth and the primary monetary asset used to settle debts between nations.
. . . . The settlement of U.S. debts must be - AT LEAST - partially paid with American gold bullion plus: . . . . real estate and other assets. To accomplish this, the rules of the Patriot Act clearly indicate the confiscation of privately owned bullion with exceptions for antique numismatic coins with a rarity value specified at DOUBLE the bullion content. This key formula will be the single defining fact — as to whether or not you will be able to continue to own gold coins after the confiscation is announced.
Failure to turn in your gold will reap no benefit - - AS YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO FIND A BUYER — DUE TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES.
. . . . If you would like a copy of these regulations with an explanatory bulletin, you should contact our office at 1-800-543-0486 requesting a copy. Once you see the regulations in print — pursuant to the Patriot Act from the federal website, you will realize that the freedom to own gold, achieved only in 1975 — is going to COME TO AN END ONCE AGAIN.
. . . . To protect our subscribers and clients, we have long since chosen a reliable numismatic expert to offer services which we stand behind and guarantee satisfaction. Since there are a number of questionable or dishonest dealers in the numismatic and coin trade, it is especially important that you ONLY deal with a numismatic dealer backed by a publisher. . . . When you call for a copy of the regulations, we can provide you with the name and phone number of our recommended dealer.
. . . . To receive our backing, it is a requirement that we receive a faxed or mailed copy of your invoice directly from OUR RECOMMENDED DEALER.
. . . . There is no way to know the day of the confiscation decision pursuant to the regulations of the Patriot Act . . . . However, in our publisher, Lawrence Patterson’s view — having been involved in gold since 1966. . . . and having studied the monetary system of the U.S. and its accumulated debts . . . . current events indicate that time is clearly running out for negotiations with China (and other countries) — for a stable universally accepted currency . . . . The dollar has routinely slipped and slipped month after month and year after year to lower and lower levels against foreign currencies, especially against the Pound, the Euro and the Yen.
. . . . This makes many countries unwilling to continue to accept the monetary unit of the United States . Thus, a conflagration is about to unfold . . . . We suggest you talk to one of our consultants. . . . then order the copy of the regulations mentioned above. We will mail them to you at no charge, if you provide us with your full name, address and phone number when you call.
. . . . Also, after reviewing the rest of the website, if you would like to obtain a past issue of Criminal Politics Magazine, we would be glad to provide you with a sample copy as well, along with your request for the federal regulations on the ownership of bullion vs. antique gold.
. . . . Criminal Politics Magazine is now in its 32nd year of publication, and grows on a regular basis, due to a very high renewal rate, approaching 100% once the decedents and infirm are counted out. We hope to hear from you soon. Why not dial right now. If we are closed — just leave a time to call and your number - 1-800-543-0486.