Como he mencionado recientemente soy accionista de Novo Resources, el caso es que hay veces que pienso que es un pufo de grandes dimensiones (cuando veo el video de youtube del tio desenterrando una pepita o cuando hablan del contenido de oro de sus proyectos como diciendo "hay pepitas") y otras veces leo a este señor y flipo:
Maurice Jackson: Well, speaking of the junior mining companies, let's start with companies that are affiliated with a very prominent and successful name, and that is none other than Dr. Quinton Hennigh.
Beginning with
Novo Resources Corp. (NVO:TSX.V; NSRPF:OTCQX), and their expansive
property bank, what can you share with us?
Bob Moriarty: Novo wants to do a deal on the Millennium Mill. Quinton has wanted to be in production for 10 years and one day it's going to happen. I don't know when. It will be an absolute game-changer. It is really difficult to do business in Australia and it takes a lot longer than it should do, but he's on track.
Novo is going to be the biggest gold company in the world 50 years from now.
Maurice Jackson: That's a tall statement to make, but you've got the credentials to back you up.
Bob Moriarty: In the first article that I ever wrote, I said that Novo was going to be the game-changer that was going to wake up the market, and that stock was going to go up between ten- and a hundred-fold. I'm going to tell you, I nailed that and things have changed a lot since then, but I've been to the Pilbara, I don't know, six times, seven times, and the gold's there. - Bob Moriarty: From cobi19 to Gold to Goats on the Roof