swing, creo que no hay que comerse en exceso el tarro , aún con la aparente complejidad del asunto...he estado leyendo tus escritos sobre Aguirre, y más o menos veo claro..... ¿has pensado alguna vez porque la orden de malta está estrechamente relacionada con la CIA? del mismo modo que lo está "skull and bones", curioso eh
"En aquél momento Cordell Hull niega su entrada en EEUU, pues Aguirre está catalogado como persona peligrosa.
Hay que mover fichas.
Ynchausti y el delegado del gobierno vasco en N. York, “Sir” Ramón de la Sota, movilizan todas sus influencias:
Eleanor Roosevelt, el embajador de EEUU en España, Claude Bowers, el secretario del tesoro,
Henry Morgenthau (quien se había llevado una pasta de Bilbao en 1936) y ...
FRANCIS SPELLMAN. Menudo historial mafioso el de este jesuita.
Y hacen un chanchullo por el cual Aguirre empieza a currar en la Universidad de Columbia (es un decir, no sabe ni el idioma) con una donación dada en secreto para el propio Aguirre por Ynchausti.
A partir de entonces trabajan para Hoover y Donovan, es decir, para el FBI y la CIA. Es decir, para quien siempre habían trabajado: El Vaticano."
"The Plot to Sieze the White House" (review by Dale Wharton)
The reason for the plot was the election of President Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR),
a member of the same ruling circles as the cabal itself. March 5, 1933--the day after his inauguration--FDR embargoed the export of gold and declared a national bank holiday. He told the "Hundred Days Congress" to enact a New Deal into law. In striving against the Depression, FDR awakened hope in the American people, but he appalled bankers and industrialists. Who would pay for this New Deal? The rich antiestéticared changes to the US system of finance, a rise in taxes, possibly even (Heaven forbid!) socialism.
By 1941
Francis Cardinal Spellman was listed as the "Grand Protector" and "Spiritual Advisor" of the Order of Malta, with John
J. Raskob as Treasurer. Members included John Farrell, then President of U.S.Steel, Joseph P. Grace, and John D. Ryan. In 1934
Raskob, inspired by the
French fascist Croix de Feu, and working closely with
Morgan Bank's John Davis, had been a principal financier in the plot to organize a fascist coup in the U.S. The plan failed when General Smedley Butler, who had been set up to lead the project, denounced it.
The 1941 list also included Joseph J. Larkin. According to Charles Higham's Trading With the Enemy (see review in this issue),
Joseph J. Larkin . . . [vice-president of Chase Manhattan Bank in charge of European affairs] kept the Chase Bank open ....... in nancy-occupied Paris throughout World War II. .... [He] had received the Order of the Grand Cross of the Knights of Malta from Pope Pius XI in 1928. He was an ardent supporter of General Franco and, by extension, Hitler.
Morgenthau first suspected him as a fascist sympathizer in Octoher 1936. ..... With the encouragement of Schacht, Larkin took on the Franco account and the Reichsbank account, though the Reichsbank was under the personal control of Hitler. ..... 7
At various times in his career, from its beginning as private secretary to Pierre S. du Pont, Raskob was Treasurer of the
Du Pont Company and of General Motors Corporation
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Prescott Bush - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Conspiracion Contra Franklin D. Roosevelt
En 1933, un grupo de la elite industrial y financiera estadounidense, que supuestamente incluía los directivos de Chase Bank, GM, Goodyear, Standard Oil, La familia
DuPont y el entonces senador
Prescott Bush, trataron de convencer al Mayor General del Cuerpo de los marines
Smedley Butler para que lidere un golpe militar contra el Presidente Franklin. D Roosevelt, para así instaurar una dictadura fascista en los Estados Unidos.
Butler denuncio los hechos en el senado; Quienes le creyeron. Se supo que Bush se reunio con Roosevelt y se llego a un acuerdo. No hubo represalias y se mantuvo el hecho casi en completo secreto.
William Howard Taft, 27th. President of the United States (R) Confirmed Mason. Was a member of the
Order of Skull and Bones. In fact, the Taft family which dates back to Braintree Mass. in 1679, helped start the Skull & Bones Order and at least eight Taft's have been in the Order.
Coleman DuPont, went in business with President Taft’s brother Charles P. Taft (member of the Skull & Bones) in 1910 to build McAlpin Hotel in New York City. (Taft’s other brother Horace Taft, was a member of the Order of Skull and Bones.
hoover con el gorrito de los schriners (orden de malta en realidad)