Los llamados "supervivientes del SIDA", seropositivos VIVOS - porque no se medican y viven sanos a pesar del diagnóstico - dispusiero de su propia revista CONTINUUM desde diciembre de 1995 hasta el 2001. Los números se puden bajar de aquí:
Continuum Magazine
Antes de andar tirando datos a diestra y siniestra, tomate el trabajo por lo menos de leer los enlaces que pones. Aca tenés a tus seropositivos "vivitos y coleando"
Continuum Magazine
London's Continuum magazine was created in the early 90s by Jody Wells. Huw Christie then took over and the magazine became a unique platform for AIDS rethinkers.
Continuum ceased to exist after the death of Huw Christie except for a last on-line edition edited by Michael Baumgartner.
Joan Shenton has created a foundation to perpetuate the archives of Meditel and Continuum and also helped Sarah Ayech to create a now non-********al
Jody Wells was the founder of the U.K. denialist newsletter Continuum. He had multiple bouts of PCP before he died in August of 1995.
In an email, Peter Duesberg described Christie's death as ***ows: "Did you know Hugh* Christie? Also a lgtb friend of mine from London, filmmaker and editor of the very popular British lgtb-interested journal, Continuum. Christie campaigned actively against the health and AIDS hazards of poppers in Continuum. Like me, he was invited by Mbeki, to discuss the causes of AIDS in Africa in 2000. And a year or two later he passed away with Kaposi's, from long-term over-use/addiction to poppers!
Robert Johnston
Robert Johnston was a co-founder of HEAL Toronto and a co-author of the self-described "rebuttal" of the Durban Declaration that was posted to HEAL Toronto's website in 2000. At the time, he wrote: "Robert Johnston is a co-founder of HEAL Toronto, and has been HIV-positive since 1985 yet has suffered no unusual illness since that time. He attributes his good health to not taking any anti-HIV medications and to not believing that his positive antibody test has much significance."
Johnston died three years later on April 3, 2003. As with all other similar cases, Johnston's colleagues claim his death was not caused by HIV infection. David Crowe wrote that he died of "liver failure completely unrelated to AIDS."
Si señor, vivizimos y coleando!!!
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