¿Ah sí has desmontado las citas? porque supongo que habrás leído completas las obras de todos esos físicos y científicos que se nombran y por supuesto entonces puedes demostrar sin lugar a dudas, que esas citas que se repiten en artículos una y otra vez, son falsas.
Hay una disputa sobre quién fue el primero en postular la Teoría de la Relatividad y hay opiniones sumamente dispares de físicos y científicos de alto nivel, por lo que queda patente que no es un asunto que esté claro en absoluto. Tú en cambio, que a todas luces debes ser catedrático de física en una universidad de renombre, lo tienes todo clarísimo hasta el punto punto de que según nos cuentas, has desmontado a cualquiera que ponga en duda que Einstein fue el autor.
Relativity priority dispute - Wikipedia
Was Einstein the First to Invent E = mc 2 ?
G. H. Keswani (1965)
In a 1965 series of articles tracing the history of relativity,
[B 22] Keswani claimed that Poincaré and Lorentz should have the main credit for special relativity - claiming that Poincaré pointedly credited Lorentz multiple times, while Lorentz credited Poincaré and Einstein, refusing to take credit for himself. He also downplayed the theory of general relativity, saying "Einstein's general theory of relativity is only a theory of gravitation and of modifications in the laws of physics in gravitational fields".
[B 22] This would leave the special theory of relativity as the unique theory of relativity. Keswani cited also
Vladimir Fock for this same opinion.
Sir Edmund Whittaker (1954)[edit]
In 1954, Sir
Edmund Taylor Whittaker, an English mathematician and historian of science, credited Poincaré with the equation {\displaystyle E=mc^{2}}
, and he included a chapter entitled
The Relativity Theory of Poincaré and Lorentz in his book
A History of the Theories of Aether and Electricity.
[B 20] He credited Poincaré and Lorentz, and especially alluded to Lorentz's 1904 paper (dated by Whittaker as 1903), Poincaré's St. Louis speech (
The Principles of Mathematical Physics) of September 1904, and Poincaré's June 1905 paper. Whittaker attributed to Einstein's relativity paper only little importance, i.e., the formulation of the Doppler and aberration formulas.
Max Born spent three years trying to dissuade Whittaker, but Whittaker insisted that everything of importance had already been said by Poincaré, and that Lorentz quite plainly had the physical interpretati
Foro burbuja, ese lugar dónde se llama conspiranoico/nanzi a cualquiera que con datos en la mano, no piensa como tú.