Debra recibe un baneo

Patetísmo en estado sumo, se dedica tags así misma ¡jajajaja!, es que ya no puede caer más bajo la tía:

impala guapa ánimo y paciencia, impala guapísima independentista, impala la mejor, impala por mucho la mejor persona, impala te queremos, todos somos impala


Es@s deben ser l@s mism@s amig@s con los que luego reporta "en manada".

Pues que muestren su apoyo DANDO LA CARA en su hilo de ban ¿no?:

¿A qué tanto secretismo tirando de tags? ¿por qué se esconden? ¿serán "amigos" que tb llevaban meses sin conectarse como el tal Vigar? :p

Con Lucrecia no puede poner tags, con lo que está claro: tiene "por lo menos" 2-3 cuentás más activas.

Y algún tag que me dedica por ahí lo confirma (que obsesión con mi edad y mi estado civil, ¡vieja loca! ¡que estás jodida porque de mí no sabes una cosa! :))).

Si mañana o cuando sea solo caemos "la Lucre" y yo... de nuevo quedará patente el mamoneo vergonzoso que hay con la "institución trolil" con la que nos hemos ido a meter, vamos.


Última edición:

Deja deja, que la ultima vez que expulsaron a siken, debra, impala y thor, se juntaron con connor y grabaron un videoclip:


Hombre el poco equilibrado del foro esta gracioso hoy ? que guay , hazme un favor suicidate ya....
Y todo esto... estando de "vacas" ojo, aquí el testimonio gráfico:


... de que la trol efectivamente, está de vacaciones.

Última edición:
con la que nos hemos ido a meter, vamos.



¿Cuantos colores has puesto en tu post?

Adivina por qué te lo digo.:XX:

¡Si es que al final hace todo lo que me critica a mi!:XX:
impala guapa ánimo y paciencia, impala guapísima independentista, impala la mejor, impala por mucho la mejor persona, impala te queremos, todos somos impala

Serán admiradores sanos, no creo que se auto-ponga dichos tags.

me estremezco ante tal posibilidad :roto2::roto2:

¿No es más sano y divertido chuparnos las platanos?
Serán admiradores sanos, no creo que se auto-ponga dichos tags.

me estremezco ante tal posibilidad :roto2::roto2:


Estremécete, estremécete que hay motivos de sobra.


---------- Post added 08-jul-2013 at 01:19 ----------

¿No es más sano y divertido chuparnos las platanos?

Yo de eso no gasto, pero en su defecto me chuparé el dedo rellenito del pie izquierdo.


Última edición:
Bueno, bueno, bueno... de nuestra Debrita se cachondea ya hasta la boba Siken.

Impresionante la degradación de este ser, hoygan. :roto2:

Última edición:
¿bdsm tagueril? :roto2:

aunque no veo sentido a tales prácticas. Mejor nos lo confirme caliopez

Me "regocigeo" y enturbio de dolor y placer a partes iguales


Basta con leer los tags de este mismo hilo, al menos 3 llevan su "firma". Y reitero, como Lucre no puede poner tags, necesita 40 mensajes que queden registrados. Y no llega, no... :D

¿Bdsm?, sí creo que tb. era o es aficionada a algo de eso. Aquí un nuevo testimonio grafico:


Que parece confirmarlo.

Última edición:
Bueno, bueno, bueno... de nuestra Debrita se cachondea ya hasta la boba Siken.

Impresionante la degradación de este ser, hoygan. :roto2:


tanto troleo ha tenido una utilidad. He seguido la historia de la imagen.

Waldensians - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Piedmont Easter[edit]

In January 1655 the Duke of Savoy commanded the Waldensians to attend Mass or remove to the upper valleys of their homeland, giving them twenty days in which to sell their lands. Being in the midst of winter, the order, of course, was intended to persuade the Vaudois to choose the former; however, the bulk of the populace instead chose the latter, abandoning their homes and lands in the lower valleys and removing to the upper valleys. It was written that these targets of persecution, old men, women, little children and the sick "waded through the icy waters, climbed the frozen peaks, and at length reached the homes of their impoverished brethren of the upper Valleys, where they were warmly received."

By mid-April, when it became clear that the Duke's efforts to force the Vaudois to conform to Catholicism had failed, he tried another approach. Under the guise of false reports of Vaudois uprisings, the Duke sent troops into the upper valleys to quell the local populace. He required that the local populace quarter the troops in their homes, which the local populace complied with. But the quartering order was a ruse to allow the troops easy access to the populace. On 24 April 1655, at 4 a.m., the signal was given for a general massacre.

La foto:
Print illustrating the 1655 massacre in La Torre, from Samuel Morelands "History of the Evangelical Churches of the Valleys of Piemont" published in London in 1658.
The Catholic forces did not simply slaughter the inhabitants. They are reported to have unleashed an unprovoked campaign of looting, rape, torture, and murder. According to one report by a Peter Liegé:

El genocidio:
Little children were torn from the arms of their mothers, clasped by their tiny feet, and their heads dashed against the rocks; or were held between two soldiers and their quivering limbs torn up by main force. Their mangled bodies were then thrown on the highways or fields, to be devoured by beasts. The sick and the aged were burned alive in their dwellings. Some had their hands and arms and legs lopped off, and fire applied to the severed parts to staunch the bleeding and prolong their suffering. Some were flayed alive, some were roasted alive, some disemboweled; or tied to trees in their own orchards, and their hearts cut out. Some were horribly mutilated, and of others the brains were boiled and eaten by these cannibals. Some were fastened down into the furrows of their own fields, and ploughed into the soil as men plough manure into it. Others were buried alive. Fathers were marched to death with the heads of their sons suspended round their necks. Parents were compelled to look on while their children were first outraged [raped], then massacred, before being themselves permitted to die.[26]

This massacre became known as the Piedmont Easter. An estimate of some 1,700 Waldensians were slaughtered; the massacre was so brutal it aroused indignation throughout Europe. Protestant rulers in northern Europe offered sanctuary to the remaining Waldensians. Oliver Cromwell, then ruler in England, began petitioning on behalf of the Waldensians, writing letters, raising contributions, calling a general fast in England and threatening to send military forces to the rescue. (The massacre prompted John Milton's famous poem on the Waldenses, "On the Late Massacre in Piedmont".)[27] Swiss and Dutch Calvinists set up an 'underground railroad' to bring many of the survivors north to Switzerland and even as far as the Dutch Republic, where the councillors of the city of Amsterdam chartered three ships to take some 167 Waldensians to their City Colony in the New World (Delaware) on Christmas Day 1656.[28] Those that stayed behind in France and the Piedmont formed a guerilla resistance movement led by a farmer, Joshua Janavel, which lasted into the 1660s.[29]

y como bonus esta historia para los que dicen que la mujer sólo busca seguridad y no tiene ovarios, aún menos para criticar "el orden establecido":
Anne Askew (née Anne Ayscough, married name Anne Kyme) (born 1520/1521 – died 16 July 1546)[1] was an English poet and Protestant who was condemned as a heretic. She is the only woman on record known to have been both tortured in the Tower of London and burnt at the stake. She is also chronologically the earliest female poet listed in Wikipedia as having composed in the English language and the first Englishwoman to have demanded a divorce (especially, as an innocent party on scriptural grounds).[2]
Anne Askew was burnt at the stake at Smithfield, London, aged 26, on 16 July 1546, with John Lascelles and two other Protestants.[13] She was carried to execution in a chair wearing just her shift as she could not walk and every movement caused her severe pain.[14] She was dragged from the chair to the stake which had a small seat attached to it, which she sat astride. Chains were used to bind her body firmly to the stake at the ankles, knees, waist, chest and neck. Because of her recalcitrance she was burned alive slowly rather than being strangled first or burned quickly. Those who saw her execution were impressed by her bravery, and reported that she did not scream until the flames reached her chest. The execution lasted about an hour and she was unconscious and probably dead after fifteen minutes or so. Prior to their death, the prisoners were offered one last chance at pardon. Bishop Shaxton mounted the pulpit and began to preach to them. His words were in vain, however. Anne listened attentively throughout his discourse. When he spoke anything she considered to be the truth she audibly expressed agreement, but when he said anything contrary to what she believed Scripture stated, she exclaimed; "There he misseth, and speaketh without the book."[
Última edición:
Ya terminó la oleada de tirones de pelo? Parece que querido líder ha optado por una táctica diferente, creo que las ha metido en el ignore....asi ni las sufre ni las banea.