Similitudes y Diferencias entre Elon Musk (TESLA) y José maría Ruíz Mateos (Q.E.P.D., RUMASA y NUEVA

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No te flipes luisito hablando de lo que no sabes, Tesla se quitó de Mobileye al ver sus limitaciones.

Vio las limitaciones del sistema Mobileye ¿Y rompió con Mobileye sin tener ninguna alternativa preparada? ¿A base de instalar un hardwre genérico sin código y no funcional con la promesa de que cuando se desarrolle el software el usuario podrá descargarse actualizaciones?

Es así como funciona una compañía racional y responsable ¿Haciendo que los usuarios se jueguen la vida probando un código experimental en versión Beta?

Su sistema de conducción autónoma PROPIO está a años del resto de las marcas. Tendrías que ver vídeos de "conducción de carril" de Audi o Bmw, que dan pánico.

Puede que esté a años luz pero en la dirección equivocada. He aquí una prueba real de un usuario del Hardware 2.0 (Nvidia Drive PX 2) y la actualización de código 17.7.2

Version 17.7.2

Algunos comentaristas del video en Youtube lo ven con bastante optimismo:

Still drives better than my wife.

Otros no terminan de convencerse:

I think your car is trying to kill you

Un comentario de un usuario Tesla desengañado que deja ver muy claramente cuál fue el timming, las fechas claves y las motivaciones ocultas en todo el affaire Autopilot 1 >> Autopilot 2, también conocido como "Tesla Autopilot Fiasco"

1. A Short History On How "Autopilot 2.0" Came To Be

Here is a brief refresher of how we got here and how AutoPilot2 came to be.

1. Driver using autopilot in Florida is killed in accident when his ModelS slams into the side of semi-truck crossing a highway in broad daylight.

2. This news which could have a material impact on the price of the company's stock is known at Tesla but not revealed.

3. Mere days after this crash a second stock offering is completed. Tesla did not disclose the autopilot death until after the $2 billion dollar stock sale.

4. MobilEye fires Tesla as a client. They believe Musk is using their autonomous technology in a reckless, dangerous and negligent fashion.

5. While Tesla has no real lead or advantage in autonomous driving they are in danger of loosing one of their main PR, sales and stock pumps of being an autonomous driving leader. MobilEye takes away core of autopilot 1. Tesla has nothing ready to replace it.. When they do it is a step BACKWARDS.

6. Musk must execute controversial Solar City bailout - buyout in which Tesla will backstop any losses to Musk and his cousins. A messy bankruptcy is in the cards for Solar City and that sort of collapse would not be helpful in keeping the Tesla punch bowl full.

7. Leading up to the shareholder / board vote on the SCTY bailout in Nov, out of the blue comes the lore of AutoPilot 2. From October to December Musk repeatedly says, in his own gobbly gook way of speaking, the vastly superior system will have antiestéticature parity with Auto Pilot 1 by end of 2016. He stutters and stammers through a chorus of "everything is fine, we won't miss a beat, things are better than ever, we're geniuses"

8. Tesla's bailout of Solar City is approved by a depleted board of directors and shareholders in mid Nov.

9. 2016 wraps up with no real roll out of AutoPilot2 antiestéticatures.

10. As limited antiestéticatures with limited capabilities are slowly trickled out from Jan to Mar drivers and press realize a host of dangerous or frustrating problems. Apologist start calling the system "in beta testing".

11. Folks are still waiting for a safe, reliable version of Auto Pilot 2 that has antiestéticature parity with Auto Pilot 1.
Whole thing stinks of a house of cards barely able to keep up appearance as to not disturb the financial machinery of stock sales, bailouts, compensation metric targets and other shenanigans.

Each one of those overview points have troubling backstories in and of themselves. Individually and collectively they reveal major cracks in the fairytale narrative Tesla has built around being a autonomous driving leader. Appears they had to scramble and build a barely operating system in haste when the real geniuses decided to leave Elon's circus of irresponsibility
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La vieja fábrica NUMMI gestionada por Tesla tiene 1/7 la eficiencia que tenía gestionada por Toyota/GM:

The plant, 32 miles from Tesla’s headquarters in Palo Alto, is large enough to handle around 500,000 vehicles a year in 5.3 million square feet of office and manufacturing space. Tesla, meanwhile, produces about a fifth of the plant’s capacity.

So what gives? Why is the electric-vehicle manufacturer running out of room?

It’s because in this temple of lean manufacturing, Tesla uses far more workers than NUMMI employed to build far fewer cars. In 1985, its first full year of production, NUMMI had 2,470 employees and produced 64,764 vehicles — about 26 vehicles per worker per year. By 1997, it had 4,844 ​ workers and produced 357,809 vehicles — about 74 vehicles per worker per year.

Tesla, on the other hand, had between 6,000 and 10,000 workers in 2016 and manufactured 83,922 vehicles. That puts its vehicle-per-worker number between 8 and 14, about one-seventh the efficiency of NUMMI at its peak.

Read more: 400 Bad Request

Algo funciona espantosamente mal en Tesla. Piden más y más dinero para "aumentar la producción" de -dicen- coches sencillísimos de hacer frente a un combustión interna...y apenas fabrican una fracción del número de unidades que fabricaba NUMMI en los años 80 y 90.

Tesla’s Fremont factory used to build 300,000 cars per year

When Toyota ran the NUMMI plant in Fremont, now Tesla’s manufacturing site, it was producing 6,000 cars per week or 300,000 per year. Keep in mind that Toyota had decades of experience designing and testing cars, buying the parts for them, manufacturing and selling them. While in many ways Tesla’s electric cars should be less complicated to design and make than internal combustion engine (ICE) cars (and let's exclude the Model X with the Falcon doors as a one off) Tesla doesn’t have anywhere near the institutional knowledge to build at Toyota’s scale.
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