Pi network: seguimiento pre y post open mainnet


31 Ene 2010
Buenos días a todos,

SI, hay otros hilos de PI, pero donde se le ha hecho mayor seguimiento a PI network, tiene un gran riesgo de perderse, ya que su OP ha dicho que piensa borrar su cuenta, así que:
  • paso de escribir en el si se va a borrar
  • escribo aquí porque seguramente lo interesante venga muy pronto, es decir, Open mainnet
El hilo de PI al que me refiero:

y uno de los post donde habla del borrado de su cuenta:
empezamos con el último artículo del Blog sobre Open mainnet y la red PI en general

primera parte(+20000 caracteres)

Celebrating Pi2Day Ahead of Open Network: To New Beginnings!​

By Pi NetworkJune 28, 2024Pi Day

Home » Blog » Celebrating Pi2Day Ahead of Open Network: To New Beginnings!

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Pi2Day 2024 marks an essential milestone for Pi Network—it’s the last Pi2Day before we launch Open Network!
As detailed in the Open Network conditions in December 2023, our path to Open Network relies on collective efforts of the whole Pi community, including the Core Team, community developers and all Pioneers. Due to the amazing contributions and innovations of the whole community, we made great progress and are right on track.
Thus, for today’s Pi2Day celebration, we’ll share updates on the progress made in the Open Network conditions, review product updates and releases since Pi Day (March 14, 2024), introduce new releases today presented in the corresponding sections of the product and tech updates, glimpse into the next initiatives that will advance the network towards our Open Network goals, and initiate a community event for celebration – a new Pi2Day Open Network Challenge!
But first, we are thrilled to announce that the Pioneer community has now reached over 60 million Engaged Pioneers!

Open Network Conditions and Status​

Today, we have updates on the progress of our three key conditions for Open Network.
  1. Finish any Open Network preparation work in technology, product, business, and legal ***owing the consistent strategies of Pi Network
The Core Team continues to stay on track for this goal. The majority of this announcement, in the next sections, will be dedicated to the progress made and some future initiatives in the various areas of the project moving towards Open Network.
  1. Meet network KYC, migration, and utility creation goals
When setting our timeline, we established three goals that are primarily driven by community efforts:
First, 15 million KYC’ed Pioneers. At this time, we have over 12 million KYC’d Pioneers, up from 9.45 million on March 14, 2024. Many KYC corner cases were unblocked to facilitate this increase, and acceleration is expected with more changes and community mobilization initiatives.
Second, migrate 10 million Pioneers to Mainnet. We currently have 5.79 million Pioneers on Mainnet, compared to 4.5 million on March 14, 2024. We have made and will continue making changes that will accelerate Mainnet migrations. Keep reading for the details later in this post.
Third, 100 Pi apps that (1) are on the Mainnet or are Mainnet-ready, (2) comply with the Pi platform policies, (3) solve a true need and bring utility to the Pi ecosystem, and (4) are a distinct application. We now have over 70 Mainnet or Mainnet-ready Pi apps that meet these criteria, up from 50 on March 14, 2024.
  1. No Unfavorable External Environment
We control the Open Network launch date. That lets us avoid launching at a time when global factors might harm crypto and traditional business ecosystems. While we don’t anticipate any such events currently, we won’t ignore them, either. We will work to ensure our launch is timed for the best results for the network.
That’s the summary. Here are the details:

Tech & Product Progress Towards Open Network​

Since the Pi Day announcement, the Core Team has continued to focus on advancing Open Network preparations, including the key priorities of KYC, Mainnet migrations, Nodes, and other initiatives like growth and post-migration lockups. Efforts to build utility and a robust community through Pioneer connections, social antiestéticatures and community events also continued. These align with the Enclosed Network goals of achieving critical mass of verified Pioneers on Mainnet, completing Open Network preparations, and diversifying Pi cryptocurrency utilities.
Read on to learn more, and engage with the new updates that are available to you!
As always, this tech and product update focuses on the antiestéticatures and work items that are visible, relevant and interesting to Pioneers, omitting much work in the backend but still important.


The Core Team has developed several methods to help Pioneers pass KYC at various points in the application, validation, and approval processes.
New Releases: This week, we released a new antiestéticature to unblock many Pioneers in the KYC process. A password-change requirement was added in the Mainnet Checklist for some Pioneers, after the completion of which they will make sure their account is secure before proceeding in the KYC. And today, we’re introducing a new appeal functionality, which for the first time allows Pioneers to appeal some KYC rejection decisions and present their case for a second opinion if they disagree with Validators’ judgment.
Since Pi Day, we have released numerous KYC antiestéticatures and improvements to resolve stuck applications and help advance them to the next stage of KYC, such as adding the left-and-right face angles capturing in the liveness check to improve accuracy and reduce chance of delay in liveness checks, and multiple liveness checks for applicable cases, including those with tentative KYC status that will help them advance into next step. Over 1.78 million Pioneers have completed at least one liveness check during its gradual rollout over the past two months.
A resubmission ability was offered to many cases where resubmission would be helpful in unblocking them. Clearer instructions on the next actions to take across the KYC app and Mainnet Checklist were provided to people who were stuck and didn’t know what to do. We also rolled out various fixes and improvements over Q2 that addressed blockers for different stuck corner cases due to missing fields, image obfuscation, video conversion failures, face extraction, backside of some ID document processing, ID type selection and ID upload errors and other background technical processes.
The user interface and experience has been improved throughout the KYC process to help guide Pioneers in accurately completing their applications, with tras*lations now available throughout the KYC process, improved instructions for both Pioneers and Validators to smoothen the process, more informative feedback on incorrect entries, all of which help prevent future stuck cases and reduce the chance of being blocked for applications.
In order to facilitate faster and more accurate KYC validation, we’ve released various improvements to help Validators, including improved algorithms and more refined and practical rejection reasons based on data analysis.
For upcoming work, we’re working on analyzing data from all overall liveness antiestéticatures to improve the liveness verification accuracy. This will also help inform the evaluation process that determines if a tentative KYC can tras*ition to fully KYC status—unblocking such applications to move forward afterwards.
To learn more about Pi KYC and its importance for Pioneers and Open Network, check out the ***owing resources:

Mainnet Migrations​

We’re continuing to improve the recent update that drastically upgraded the speed of Mainnet migrations. The update, the result of diligent testing, technical optimizations, and numerous revisions, has increased the efficiency and overall capacity of the migration process, allowing for up to double the migration speed. This upgrade enabled the community to take advantage of the speed to migrate faster, and allowed us to make continued improvements. More changes to accelerate the migration process are being planned and worked on to be released in Q3.
The Mainnet Checklist optimization helps to facilitate higher completion rate, and propel the network migration to the Mainnet; all Pioneer-dependent steps have been clustered earlier in the list to allow for smoother completion, reducing drop offs in between approvals and Pioneer actions. This means that once a Pioneers passes KYC they will automatically be added to the migration queue.
In addition to further improvement on migration speed in Q3, we plan to implement notifications for Pioneers once they’ve successfully migrated to Mainnet in the coming months! This will keep Pioneers informed of their migration status and encourage them to start engaging in utility activities on Mainnet, contributing to other Open Network goals.

New Release: On-Chain Lockups​

Starting this week, Pioneers who’ve successfully migrated to Mainnet can voluntarily create a new lockup on the blockchain! This antiestéticature addresses the need for Pioneers to create a lockup after migrating, and allows migrated Pioneers to make use of their migrated Pi for lockup mining rewards if they choose to. Creating a new lockup for Mainnet migrated Pi in the Pi Wallet will boost individual mining rates based on the same lockup rewards mechanism detailed in the 2021 Whitepaper, which then helps to support a robust and stable ecosystem and incentivize long-term engagement with the network. More detailed introduction of this antiestéticature will come in future announcements.


To prepare Nodes for Open Network, we’ve released Node version updates from 0.4.9 to 0.4.11 that enhance Node analytics, standardize the Node application across geographic regions, and further lay the groundwork for future developments in Node selection and decentralization. We’re also planning a mechanism for Nodes to support switching between the Testnet and Mainnet blockchains. With over 200,000 Nodes on the Pi Testnet waiting for the tras*ition to Mainnet, Pi Nodes have immense potential for large-scale, decentralized computing. Learn more about the recent updates.


The Pi Platform’s major work in Q2 focused on the creation and implementation of the Pi Ad Network, with additional work completed on PiNet and Developer Tools. Such work is important for the Pi ecosystem and achieving the Open Network goals in utility creation.
Pi Ad Network is a new component of the Pi Platform, and a platform-level utility, which facilitates community developers to add advertisements that will be ultimately tras*acted in Pi cryptocurrency into their Pi Apps, and help such apps be more sustainable. Pi Ad Network was rolled out in Fireside Forum earlier this year as part of the testing for this antiestéticature.
New antiestéticatures were developed that make it possible for Community Pi App Developers to begin using the platform and get paid for the advertisements that they show to Pioneers. There is an initial batch of community Pi Apps preparing to integrate this new platform antiestéticature, and a larger roll out coming quickly after. Read more about platform-level utilities and the Pi Ad Network for the design and plan.
PiNet saw growing adoption amongst community Pi Apps, making more Pi Network content and utilities available to the broader Web3 and Web2 ecosystems. PiNet also had improvements and bug fixes throughout the Q2; most notably, the migration of Pi apps domains to pinet.com, providing unified user experience of Pi ecosystem across Pi Browser and other browsers through Pinet.
Geolocation was enabled for Pi Apps, allowing developers to request Pioneers to consent and share the location of their device within the Pi Browser; this is currently only available for non-Android devices, with a roll out to Android devices planned in the near future. This popularly demanded antiestéticature by Pi app developers increases the functionality of the Pi Browser and facilitates the development and services of Pi apps requiring location information, such as local commerce apps, and will boost Pi utility in location-based businesses.
Developer Wallets creation has begun and developers are starting to receive the sending and receiving wallets that they previously applied for. This will help secure the ecosystem and protect developers as well as Pioneers with improved security of the Pi held by Pi apps. Read more about what these wallets are and how they help developers and the ecosystem.

Pi App Incubator​

The inaugural Pi App Incubator Program, an intensive 12-week program designed to support the growth and improvement of community Pi Apps, concluded in June 2024. The program that ran during the entire Q2 was designed to help Community Pi Apps get the support and resources needed to improve, and to help progress toward our goal of 100 Mainnet Apps.
The first cohort of five community Pi Apps, Connect Social, PiketPlace, The PiToGo, World of Pi Championships, and Pailot, received product and design mentorship along with a monthly monetary grant. The participating community teams made tremendous improvements, and the Pi Core Team will be taking the learnings from the first cohort to update the program and launch a second cohort later this year.

New Release: Pi Social Profiles​

The initial social profile system is released today on Pi Network. Pi is not only a cryptocurrency but also a social network. We’ve been a social network for the past few years without a profile system for strategic reasons such as prioritizing actually having real people in a network. Having reached a network of millions, we are at the time to have profiles. Pi Social Profiles is built not only to fit the needs of individual Pioneers to have a profile page to interact with other Pioneers and external social media , but also to be a platform antiestéticature that can be integrated into different parts of the ecosystem such as different Pi apps and programs that need profiles.
This antiestéticature now allows Pioneers to personalize their profiles with details such as a profile picture, Fireside Forum, and the ability to friend and ***ow fellow Pioneers. The goal for social profiles is for Pioneers to build their own interactive experience within the network, and build up and bridge influence inside and outside of Pi network. It will eventually be seamlessly integrated throughout the Pi ecosystem, such as enabling the antiestéticature as a developer resource. The unified social profile system of the network will help the ecosystem to be more interconnected that can boost existing utilities and give rise to new utilities, and assist the network to further grow and expand.

Fireside Forum​

Regular Art Festivals have been launched with art mediums not limited to visual and graphic design! The Art Festivals in May and June were focused on photography and music, respectively, with incredible participation for each and also enriched the Pioneers experience with more interesting content in the new feed on the app home screen and also on Fireside Forum.
As such festivals were conducted on the Fireside Forum, numerous improvements on the app were made, such as improving the algorithm that chooses posts for the main app feed.
We’re continuing to improve decentralized moderation on Fireside Forum after feedback from Pioneers and moderators, so everyone can enjoy a fully decentralized social experience where you will be able to select and moderate content based on the community guidelines.
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segunda parte del artículo

Upcoming Initiatives Essential for Open Network​

Enact 6 Month KYC Grace Period and the rolling 6-month window​

As defined and clarified in the 2021 Whitepaper, a 6-month KYC grace period and a rolling 6-month window is necessary for getting the network ready for Open Network. As part of the preparation for Open Network, we will enact the 6-month KYC grace period and the rolling 6-month window on July 1st, 2024 with specifications on the design to accommodate corner cases of delays caused by the system and the requirement of initial KYC application submitted within the first 3 months and achieving full KYC status and migration within 6 months.

It is time to enact this grace period and the rolling window, because the network needs to go to Open Network in 2024, and because the KYC and migration process for the majority of the network already work, and with additional flexibility built in the design to accommodate people who are stuck due to the system in this process, the enactment of this would only lead to positive results in our speed in achieving KYC and migration goals for Open Network.

Putting the 6-month KYC grace period and rolling window in practice will strike a balance between giving Pioneers adequate time to pass KYC and migrate while creating enough urgency for people to pass KYC that will accelerate our progress in the Open Network conditions and will also help Pioneers getting more of their Referral and Security Circle bonuses verified and migrated. It will also prevent unverified Pi beyond the rolling six-month KYC period from migrating to the Mainnet, thus creating too much uncertainty for the Open Network and network planning that is unfavorable to the network and all Pioneers, and instead freeing it up for mining by other KYC’ed Pioneers in the future.

During this six month period, Pioneers must take all available actions to complete KYC and Mainnet migration.

We’ll release details and a full explanation soon, but it is important to note that being stuck in KYC or Mainnet migrations due to specific system reasons will not count against a Pioneer’s six months. Our goal is to ensure that all Pioneers, who can take actions now to progress in this process on their own, do so as soon as possible, and all real, human Pioneers successfully tras*ition to the Mainnet, and that any Pi earned by scriptors, bots, or abandoned accounts is not migrated to the Mainnet and is instead freed up to real Pioneers to mine in the future.

Testnet and Mainnet blockchains preparation​

As explained in the recent Node updates blog, to prepare Nodes for the Open Network, in addition to version synchronization and upgrades, it’s essential to create a mechanism that allows Nodes to switch between the Testnet and Mainnet blockchains. A new Testnet is created to develop and test this network switching mechanism that will be used when nodes need to tras*ition into Mainnet. This ensures that both the Node application and its backends can handle operations on either blockchain, providing a smooth tras*ition from Testnet to Mainnet. Read the Node updates blog to learn more about the upcoming Testnet changes, the tras*ition and testing plan, and more information about Node operations and best practices.

Second and Future Migrations​

Second and future Mainnet balance migrations are being worked on and on the way! The most important thing while eligible Pioneers wait for a second migration is to ensure their wallets are secure. In the meantime, getting more of your Referral team and Security Circle members to get KYC’ed, especially considering the 6-month grace period and rolling window, will make the second and future migrations more meaningful. The more members of your team complete KYC, the more bonuses mined in your mobile balance attributed to them will get included in your second and future Mainnet migrations.

Pi Community Initiatives​

Building a strong community within Pi Network is crucial for enhancing the platform’s resilience and ensuring its long-term success. By cultivating a culture where Pioneers feel connected and peer-supported, we can lay the groundwork for a robust network that can withstand any challenges that might arise in the future.

Community initiatives are opportunities for social interaction and foster collaboration and innovation, allowing Pioneers to contribute to the network’s utility and growth. The time and resources put into these initiatives are essential for a healthy Open Network.

A network is as strong and connected as its participants. And, in developing strong communal attitudes and unity amongst one another, Pioneers are further prepared to overcome any obstacles and shape a sustainable future. In the Web3 future of decentralization, we’re built to connect, and Pi’s commitment to organizing and supporting community initiatives including social events within Pi Network is a reflection of this.

Participate in such community festivities and learn more below!

Progress to Open Network Challenge​

This Pi2Day, Pioneers can contribute to building community simply by having fun. Join the Pi2Day Progress to Open Network Challenge, where you can be the first to see new antiestéticatures, explore the Pi ecosystem, receive unique in-app prizes, and help progress toward Open Network.

This exciting opportunity is only available for two weeks, so don’t miss your chance to join fellow Pioneers in making this Pi2Day a milestone in our journey to the Open Network. Learn the event instructions here and participate in the Pi2Day Challenge on the app home screen!

Upcoming Utility Growth Hackathon​

In an upcoming hackathon, we’ll be looking for developers to create innovative apps focused on growing the community and ecosystem through PiNet! Hackathons are a fun and mutually beneficial way to grow the utilities on Pi Network, thus helping to propel the network toward Open Network. This hackathon will be focused on growth, so stay tuned for the full announcement and design prototype.

Pi Commerce Apps: PiFest​

After the smashing success of the PiFest event in December 2023 which saw thousand of Pioneers and Merchants around the globe tras*acting in Pi in their local economies, PiFest is coming back in the near future, but this time with an exciting twist: Pioneers will be able to use the Pi Commerce Apps created by the Pi Commerce Hackathon participants to list and find local stores! This will be a great step forward in Pi’s integration with local commerce worldwide. Watch out for details and a full event announcement in the coming months.

A Final Note on Open Network​

There’s a lot of work and excitement ahead of Pi Network’s upcoming launch to Open Network!

Overall, Pi will be best prepared for success at Open Network because of our long-term strategies in building real world, scalable, and lasting utilities. The Enclosed Network period for Pi is a strategic choice, aimed at crafting a robust ecosystem without the distractions and pressures of external factors.

Pioneers have been dedicated to building utility within the network for years. Pi2Day is the perfect time to both push the community further towards Open Network and take a moment to think more deeply about what Pi will look like when the network opens.

When Pi is part of a broader ecosystem, we’re bound to see cool new uses and applications. Eventually, Pi can be connected with other cryptocurrency apps and utilities, as well as with any other traditional ecosystems (like brick and mortar Pi commerce tras*actions!), and anything else that Pioneers and Pi developers can imagine and make happen.

We know this wait has felt long to Pioneers, but this wait has been purposeful. And as that wait nears an end we’re proud of the project we’re preparing to release to Open Network.
Última edición:
mensaje de Reddit con incredulidad de que Open mainnet esté en 2024

"Solo logramos migrar 1,9 millones en los últimos 6 meses. No hay manera de que consigamos que 4,2 millones más migren en los próximos 6 meses. Abrir mainnet 2025 es"

"We only managed to get 1.9 million migrated these past 6 months. There is no way we are getting 4.2 million more migrated in the next 6 months. Open mainnet 2025 it is"

Última edición:
detalles, ahora veo que también quieren 100 PI apps

KYC: 12/15 millones
Migración: 5.79/10 millones
Apps: 70/100

  1. Meet network KYC, migration, and utility creation goals
When setting our timeline, we established three goals that are primarily driven by community efforts:

First, 15 million KYC’ed Pioneers. At this time, we have over 12 million KYC’d Pioneers, up from 9.45 million on March 14, 2024. Many KYC corner cases were unblocked to facilitate this increase, and acceleration is expected with more changes and community mobilization initiatives.

Second, migrate 10 million Pioneers to Mainnet. We currently have 5.79 million Pioneers on Mainnet, compared to 4.5 million on March 14, 2024. We have made and will continue making changes that will accelerate Mainnet migrations. Keep reading for the details later in this post.

Third, 100 Pi apps that (1) are on the Mainnet or are Mainnet-ready, (2) comply with the Pi platform policies, (3) solve a true need and bring utility to the Pi ecosystem, and (4) are a distinct application. We now have over 70 Mainnet or Mainnet-ready Pi apps that meet these criteria, up from 50 on March 14, 2024.
Última edición:
Personalmente creo que esto del pi es un scamazo de la leche, y eso que le doy al botoncito mas o menos de forma asidua (no me cuesta nada), pero sería demasiado bonito para ser verdad.
Nuevo anuncio, algo sobre 6 meses de gracia para KYC, que empezaron el 1/julio

Enacting the KYC and Mainnet Migration Grace Period: A Strategic Step Towards Open Network​

By Pi NetworkJuly 11, 2024Announcement, Pi
As stated in the Pi2Day 2024 announcement, the 6 month KYC Grace Period and its rolling 6-month window (the “Grace Period”) was enacted as of July 1st, 2024! As defined and clarified in the 2021 Whitepaper, the Grace Period is necessary for preparing Pi for Open Network. During this period, Pioneers must submit their initial KYC identity verification application within the first 3 months and take all available actions to complete their KYC and Mainnet migration within 6 months.
To make these important deadlines salient and clear, in the near future we will be rolling out new app interfaces including initially a countdown timer on the Mainnet Checklist and later a new banner on the home screen, pop ups, etc. These interface updates will help inform and remind Pioneers of their respective deadlines, whether to submit KYC or to complete Mainnet migration, and urge them to take actions as soon as possible. These Grace Period interface antiestéticatures will be iterated and improved upon over time, e.g. refining pauses on timer for stuck cases and providing urgency levels. For Pioneers who have completed the Mainnet Checklist and are fully migrated, they will not see the timer in their app, because the Grace Period requirements and deadlines no longer apply to them.

To reach Open Network in 2024, this is the time to enact the Grace Period and the rolling window. The KYC and migration process already work for the majority of the network. This means most Pioneers should be able to complete the KYC and migration on their own well within the 6-month Grace Period. Additionally, we have included flexibility in the 6-month timer design to accommodate those Pioneers that are stuck during the process due to specific system blocks or issues. Moreover, on the network level, the enactment of the Grace Period will positively improve our collective progress in achieving KYC and migration goals for Open Network.
KYC grace period

Overall, the Grace Period is intended to strike a balance between providing Pioneers adequate time to pass KYC and migrate, while creating enough incentive and urgency for people to pass KYC and migrate to Open Network. The enactment of this policy will serve to accelerate our progress toward Open Network and its required pre-conditions, as well as help Pioneers get more of their Referral and Security Circle bonuses tras*ferable to Mainnet, as a result of more members of their Referral Team and Security Circle getting KYC’ed and migrated. It will also prevent unverified Pi beyond the rolling 6-month KYC period from migrating to the Mainnet, and avoid creating too much uncertainty for the Open Network and network planning that is unfavorable to the network and all Pioneers. Instead, such Pi will get freed up for mining by other KYC’ed Pioneers in the future.
Última edición:

What happens in the Grace Period?​

The Grace Period is a 6-month period, during which Pioneers must take actions to complete KYC and migrate to Open Network. They must do this in order to keep all of their Pi that they mined. If Pioneers fail to submit their initial KYC application within the first 3 months, or fail to finish all necessary steps to migrate their Pi within 6 months starting July 1st, 2024 (except for specific system blocks that pauses their countdown timer), they will forfeit most of their past Pi balance other than the Pi mined within the last 6 months before their Pi is migrated—this is the 6-month rolling window. Being stuck in KYC or Mainnet migrations due to specific system reasons will not count against a Pioneer’s 6 months.
Specifically, to avoid losing most of Pi mined, Pioneers should make sure they complete the two action steps within their respective deadlines:
  1. Submit their initial KYC application within the first 3 months of the Grace Period, which means the deadline will be September 30, 2024, and
  2. Complete the Mainnet Checklist to migrate to the Mainnet within 6 months, which means the deadline will be December 31, 2024.
Everyone who hasn’t migrated to the Mainnet yet will have an individual Grace Period timer. This timer will continue to count down as long as this process is pending a user action, and will pause in the event that an individual is blocked by the system in these ***owing specific steps: being ineligible to apply to KYC, being stuck in the KYC process more than one month, having a tentative KYC status, and delays by the system from Mainnet migration.
Whenever there is a pending action in the process for the Pioneer to take—be it resubmission, liveness check, correction of information, any Checklist items, etc.—the countdown timer will resume. Assuming that the Pioneer has X remaining months on the timer when it resumes from a pause, the Pioneer will have X or 1 month time, whichever is longer, to complete the remaining steps of KYC and migration.
Pioneers who completed the above two steps within their respective deadlines will secure and keep the Pi balance they mined. Pioneers who miss either of the Grace Period deadlines will only keep the Pi they mined in the last 6 months before their Pi is migrated for the first time. The 6-month rolling window during which their Pi was previously mined and can be kept refers to the last 6 months before their first migration to the Mainnet.
Note: For Pioneers who have never submitted a KYC application before, their first deadline is 3 months (NOT 6 months) before which they have to submit the KYC application after becoming eligible. The purpose of this is to leave enough time to complete the rest of the steps to get their KYC processed and their Pi migrated within 6 months. The initial 3-month deadline for the applicable Pioneers will also be visible in their timer and interface antiestéticatures.

Grace Period examples for various Pioneer scenarios​

Below are some scenarios to help demonstrate these deadlines and requirements based on specific Pioneers’ circumstances:
  • The Grace Period for a Pioneer, that is currently eligible for KYC, begins on July 1, 2024. They need to submit their first KYC application by September 30, 2024 and will need to migrate to Mainnet before December 31, 2024.
  • For Pioneers who are not eligible to submit their KYC application, their timer is paused and will resume once they become eligible.
  • For Pioneers who currently have a Tentative KYC status, their 6-month timer is paused and will resume once the block is resolved.
  • For Pioneers whose KYC applications are stuck in the KYC process for more than 1 month, their 6-month timer is also paused and will resume once the block is resolved. However, such pauses will be further refined in the future. The timer will only be paused for delays by system reasons. If there is a KYC user-action pending, e.g. resubmission or additional liveness checks, the timer will not be paused. Pioneers should take such required actions as soon as possible within the timer countdown.
  • For new Pioneers, the Grace Period will be paused until they complete thirty (30) mining sessions (“Minimum Mining Period”) and become eligible to apply for KYC. Then, the two deadlines of the Grace Period ***ow accordingly afterwards. This also applies to new Pioneers who join after the end of 2024.
  • If a Pioneer takes the pending user-action in the KYC process less than 1 month before the deadline, the timer will automatically top up to 1 month, to allow time for processing and finishing the next steps in KYC and Mainnet migration.
There may be additional exceptions or pauses on the timer in the future if new major system delays emerge. We will consider them and decide as we encounter them.
Given the importance of these deadlines, we strongly encourage Pioneers to start their KYC and migration process as soon as possible! If you’re a Pioneer who hasn’t already downloaded the Pi Browser, do so now (via iOS App Store or Google Play Store) and navigate to the KYC app inside the Pi Browser to complete your application. Your migration steps are located in the Mainnet Checklist within the “Mainnet” tab of the Pi mining app, and they will also require you to take actions within the Pi Browser.

What does this miccionan for network growth?​

The Grace Period will not affect new members to join the network or mine for free as usual, but it will require new Pioneers to complete KYC and migrate within the Grace Period ***owing the same rules after they join. Not only will this not impact the growth of the network, but also it will ensure and improve the quality of the network, and make sure more people joining are real humans, KYC’ed and on the Mainnet, fully ready to participate in and contribute to the Pi Mainnet ecosystem.

The Path Forward​

As we approach the launch of Open Network, the KYC and Mainnet migration Grace Period is a pivotal measure to prepare our community for a seamless tras*ition. This period not only ensures readiness among Pioneers, but also upholds the integrity of Pi by aligning with the core principles set forth in our Whitepaper.
The coming months are crucial; they are not just a countdown but a call to action for all Pioneers to solidify their roles in Pi’s future. Let’s embrace this opportunity to strengthen our community and ensure that each Pioneer can participate fully in the Mainnet Pi ecosystem.

To learn more about Pi Network’s native KYC solution, read the full article and FAQs explaining what it is, why it’s important and how it works. KYC is an essential component of Pi’s preparedness for an Open Network launch. Help KYC move forward for more Pioneers by becoming a KYC Validator yourself and inviting your fellow Pioneer peers to complete KYC and migrate to Mainnet.
Personalmente creo que esto del pi es un scamazo de la leche, y eso que le doy al botoncito mas o menos de forma asidua (no me cuesta nada), pero sería demasiado bonito para ser verdad.

Eso es porque no te haces la preguntas correctas, a mi parecer. Vuela más alto, y lo verás con claridad. Necesitan un sistema financiero descentralizado basado en la Proof of Humanity que compita con los sistemas estatales. Por otro lado, hay rumores de que Kokkalis podría haber sido uno de los hombres detrás de BTC, lo que le daría el control sobre el millón de Satoshi.

Celebrating Results of the Pi2Day Challenge: Progress to Open Network​

By Pi NetworkJuly 18, 2024Pi Day, Update

Home » Blog » Celebrating Results of the Pi2Day Challenge: Progress to Open Network

The Pi2Day Progress to Open Network Challenge started June 28th, 2024 and concluded on July 11. Congratulations to all participants who took part in it. This challenge focused on the necessary Pioneer actions to reach our Open Network goals, including KYC and the Mainnet Checklist, as well as allowing Pioneers to engage with brand new antiestéticatures, like the Social Profiles and on-chain lockups.
By actively engaging with Pi Apps, platform, and community programs through this five-action activity, Pioneers have demonstrated their dedication and showcased the collective spirit of the Pi community in making progress towards the Open Network goals. Below is an update on how this challenge went.

The Challenge Overview​

The level of participation during the Progress to Open Network Challenge was impressive, and we’re thrilled that so many Pioneers enjoyed the experience as much as we did.
Nearly 4.5 million Pioneers from around the world participated in the challenge and contributed to its success. In total, over 1.4 million Pioneers successfully finished all steps of the challenge and received both the selected emoji next to their username in Pi Chats and the unique, customized image that Pioneers can show off on social media.
Pi2Day Challenge Results

Pi2Day was also the debut of Pi Social Profiles, the new profile antiestéticature that, among being a future platform-level antiestéticature for other apps, allows Pioneers to build their own interactive experience within the network. Over 2.6 million Pioneers set up their new profile as part of the Pi2Day Challenge, and this number continues to grow.
Nearly 100,000 submissions were also posted in the #PiMusic festival on Fireside Forum, showcasing the creative, passionate spirit of the Pi community. Look out for a showcase of top submissions in both #PiMusic and #Photography soon!

Conclusion: The Start Of Something Great​

Overall, the Pi2Day Progress to Open Network Challenge was designed to be a fun addition to the Pi2Day announcements, and we hope you enjoyed the steps and prizes!
The results of the Pi2Day events are a reflection of the continual engagement and excitement we see every day in the Pi Network community as we work towards Open Network.. We look forward to organizing more such events in the future to bring our community closer and create a more vibrant and dynamic ecosystem, which is also important for a healthy network once it’s open.
Thank you all again for making this Pi2Day 2024 Challenge a remarkable one! We look forward to many more such exciting events in the future.

Pi Network aims to tras*ition to Open Network in 2024, contingent upon meeting specific conditions and strategic objectives detailed in the announcement here. This tras*ition hinges on the collective efforts from our community and the impact of external factors. For a full understanding of the requirements that influence our advancement towards the Open Network milestone, please refer to the full announcement.
Que casualidad!!
que después de años esperando, van a conseguir los objetivos para Open mainnet justo en pleno bullrun, que podría ser a final de año.

Son unos artistassonrisa:

El mejor momento para vender las PI.

KYC: 13/15
Migracion: 6/10

KYC: 12/15 millones
Migración: 5.79/10 millones
Apps: 70/100

Última edición:
Pues yo ya llevo casi una semana esperando para empezar el proceso de KYC, dicen que hay cola. No sé si siempre ha sido así o es que ahora hay más movimiento del habitual...
Pues yo ya llevo casi una semana esperando para empezar el proceso de KYC, dicen que hay cola. No sé si siempre ha sido así o es que ahora hay más movimiento del habitual...
Al comienzo del KYC masivo, hace dos años, pasaron KYC mucha gente, además de migrar sus monedas.

Misteriosamente, el KYC empezó a ralentizarse, siendo habitual leer a gente decir que llevaban meses esperando. Con la migración fue igual, ponían a la gente en lista de espera.

De repente, parece que han resuelto todos los atascos tanto en KYC y migración, y les entra la prisa, incluso poniendo un "periodo de gracia".

En mi opinión están controlando este tema para que Opnen mainnet llegue en el momento más adecuado, que es en pleno bullrun, el momento en el que más dinero entra en el mercado de las criptomonedas.