pacoyoyo recibe un baneo

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Then show your english, and answer in english if you dare.

The truth is that you don't know any fucking english, because you are a fucking idiot, on top of being a fucking loser, and an integral asshole.

I bet you can't stand a simple conversation in english. You are a complete illiterate.

I have been using english since 1994, when I joined internet for first time. I used to use IRC in an english channel.

Back then my english was terrible, but anyway I was able to communicate with other people.

Do you need I write anything else or you are satisfied?

btw... I have numerous articles written in english and all manuals of my programs are in english too.
Ia nie gabarit pa gliski,i jachu pa ispanki

Yo no tengo la culpa de que edites los mensajes o los borres para que no queden pruebas. Pero ya he aprendido la lección, y ahora te quoteo los mensajes que contienen insultos para que queden las evidencias.

Put links. You are a piece of shit. I don't edit my old posts.

Ya te he dicho que si quieres estar a mi altura, tendrás que ser el mejor del mundo en algo. Desde luego hace falta intelecto para llegar a ser el mejor en lo que yo hago.

¿World champion of snail races? :XX:

C'mon man, you are a fucking loser. Nobody claims bieng the first in the World without saying on what.

I am going to tell you. In plain: You are the world champion of forum owneds.

A mí me han publicado un libro... ¿tú puedes decir lo mismo?

Not only specialized books, also research articles in the world top journals.

You are at the level of a stinky insect.

Yo escribo programas de ordenador que gente de todo el mundo usa... ¿tú puedes decir lo mismo?

I don't do thirld world work.

Las palos te caen a ti cuando pretendes compararte conmigo.

What I notice is that you don't speak any fucking language, you haven't lived abroad, nobody has made you an offer to work in Silicon Valley, an you are a fucking loser with a crappy business in Valladolid. Looks like you are a real idiot.
Última edición:
I have been using english since 1994, when I joined internet for first time. I used to use IRC in an english channel.

Back then my english was terrible, but anyway I was able to communicate with other people.

Do you need I write anything else or you are satisfied?

btw... I have numerous articles written in english and all manuals of my programs are in english too.

You don't need to write any more spanglish.

Your style and pain is obvious...jojojo...

It is obvious that you can't make the difference between genuine english and the shit you write. I am sure we can laugh at your "articles" and "manuals".

frutain de conard...jajajaja
Estas haciendo el ridi con ese ingles de 1º de bup,no sigas por ese camino
o te llevaras un resbalon como tantas veces

Another spanglish speaker that has never lived abroad and can't make the difference between genuine english and Sesame Street english...why don't you answer in your spanglish?
C'mon man, you are a fucking loser. Nobody claims bieng the first in the World without saying on what.

I have signed non-disclosure agreements that avoid I talk about my work, that´s why I have told many times that I will comment about it when I don´t work anymore.

What I notice is that you don't speak any fucking language, you haven't live abroad, nobody has made you an offer to work in Silicon Valley, an you are a fucking loser with a crapy business in Valladolid. Looks like you are a real idiot.

Years ago I was offered a work in Finland but I rejected the job.

En cuanto a lo de Valladolid... ya te dije en otra ocasión que si eso fuese cierto te haría banear por dar información personal. Ergo si no te han baneado por eso, es que es mentira.
No es por nada Monster, pero el nivel de inglés que has demostrado es bastante básico. Yo he llegado a usar palabras en inglés que gente que tiene ese idioma como materno no conocían.
Mira que acordarse en ruso de preguntar por el nombre.....
no me rio mas porque no puedo

El ingles es basico,sin giros y sin reducciones
De chiste
I have signed non-disclosure agreements that avoid I talk about my work, that´s why I have told many times that I will comment about it when I don´t work anymore.

¿Any better excuses?

Years ago I was offered a work in Finland but I rejected the job.

I got jobs and worked in USA, UK, France, Sweden, and Bresil. Looks like you are a bit far from that...:XX:

(and, by the way, Finland is crap. Did they offer you to clean toilets?)

En cuanto a lo de Valladolid... ya te dije en otra ocasión que si eso fuese cierto te haría banear por dar información personal. Ergo si no te han baneado por eso, es que es mentira.

You posted this many times. Don't be a cryer...

No es por nada Monster, pero el nivel de inglés que has demostrado es bastante básico.

How would you know?

Yo he llegado a usar palabras en inglés que gente que tiene ese idioma como materno no conocían.

Maybe these were spanglish words from your spanglish vocabulary...:XX:

What's up? You don't stand/enjoy the english conversation? Do you prefer french?
Por cierto, ¿dónde está pacoyoyo? El baneo le caducaba ayer. jorobar, ¿no habrá palmado en la nevera?

Pues pillando el truco a lo de los rotuladores, ¡me va a copiar!:ouch:

Me rio yo del ingles por internet
es como jugar al ajedrez por internet,con tener el tras*lator abierto es automatico
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