Hilo oficial del SIDA MAGNETICO y Vídeos de LA QUINTA COLUMNA

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21 minutes ago

Neurons can be Quantum Entangled
1. The brain’s primary building element starts with the brain cells known as neurons. Chemical processes in the brain send out messages through the neurons that determine the mental processes along with thinking.

2. Cells called glia exist between the neurons in the brain. Mark Treadwell, an educator from New Zealand indicates the glia interact with the neurons and hormones chemically in the production of thought.

The neurons in the brain could be wirelessly encoded with data. Whether that be thoughts formed by something outside the body or your worst antiestéticars from within brought to reality by tweaking a few neurons and rerouting what would usually be rational thinking to random irrational thoughts and visions.

Advanced Quantum Technology would easily be capable of sending thoughts into the brain seeing that the brain is a biological Quantum Computer.

The Mac reposted

The Mac @TheMac 17 hours ago In response The Mac to his Publication

Splitting artificial atoms (nanoparticle vaccines) creating a dipole magnetic moment (separation of charge) ultimately tras*ferring electrons as a plasmonic resonance energy tras*fer creating an alernating electric current generating a magnetic field that opens up the brain ion channel and actions a potential.

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