España controlada por la Masonería

The 1001 Club - Bankers, Intelligence Agents, and Raw Materials Executives Striving for A Sustainable Future

Conrad Black and Maurice Strong from Canada

Henry Ford II and Robert McNamara from the United States

Antenor Patino and Gustavo Cisneros from Latin America

Sir Peter Cadbury and Lord Buxton from the United Kingdom

Hilmar Reksten and Alf Bjercke from Norway

Henk Brusse and Ferdinand Grapperhaus from the Netherlands

Baron Thyssen-Bornemisza and Berthold Beitz (Krupp) from Germany

Egmond Frommelt and Herbert Batliner from Liechtenstein

Mobutu Sese Seko and Salay Edu from Africa

Mohammed Al-Naki and Agha Abedi from the Middle-East

Gyanendra Dev from Nepal

Sir Kenneth Fung and Sir Y.K. Pao from Hong Kong

Prince Hans Adam II of Liechtenstein, who is trying to become the absolute ruler of his country

Gyanendra Dev with Prince Philip, right after Dev's family had been murdered almost entirely by his nephew Crown Prince Dipendra

King Juan Carlos, who doesn't mind shooting endangered species

Prince Johannes von Thurn und Taxis who seems to have been involved in underhand business with leading Cercle members

Baron Heinrich II "Heini" von Thyssen-Bornemisza, nephew of the notorious Fritz Thyssen

1001 Club members (above image):

Sidney Spiro

Harry Oppenheimer

Sir Val Duncan

Maurice Strong

Sir Eric Drake

Organizations represented by 1001 Club members

African Wildlife Foundation

Aga Khan Rural Support Program (AKRSP)


Club of Rome

Natural Resources Council of America (NRCA)

Peace Parks Foundation

Rhodesia and Nyasaland Club

South Africa Foundation

Survival Anglia

Wildlife Conservation Society

WWF Worldwide


Count Leopold Lippens

From Belgium. Brother of Maurice Lippens, who is one of two or three most influential bankers of Belgium, and an occasional visitor of Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission. At least three members of the Lippens family, including the two brothers, have been accused by about half a dozen witnesses of extremely sadistic child abuse. Other past and present Belgian 1001 Club members as Baron Daniel Janssen, Charly De Pauw, and Pierre Solvay have also been uncomfortably close to child abuse scandals.

Tibor Rosenbaum

A Hungarian Jew who became a a Mossad agent in 1951. He was a friend of Prince Bernhard. In 1958, with Edmond de Rothschild (1001 Club member), he was a founder of the Swiss BCI through which he funded Mossad and Permindex operations. The bank was kind of a forerunner of the BCCI and equally involved in money laundering.

Mobuto Sese Seko

Long time dictator of Zaire, which went from one of the richest countries in Africa to one of the poorest. In 1961, Mobutu overthrew the communist Lumumba and, with the support of Belgium, executed him. He forced foreign business interests out of the country. Supported the Rwandan Hutu's, even after the 1994 genocide. When his government issued an order in November 1996 forcing Tutsis to leave Zaire on penalty of death, they erupted in rebellion. From eastern Zaire they launched an offensive to overthrow Mobutu which succeeded in 1997. Laurence Kabila (assassinated in 2001) came to power.

Baron Heinrich II "Heini" von Thyssen-Bornemisza

His uncle Fritz was the most important financial backer of Hitler, in cooperation with Hjalmar Schacht, the Dillons, the Rockefellers, Speyers, and several other families. Pilgrims Society member John J. McCloy would acquit his uncle of all the Nuremberg charges, together with Hjalmar Schacht and Alfried Krupp. David Rockefeller was impressed by his art collection in May 1960.

Neo-fascist Cercle member Franz Josef Strauss has been accused of taking at least one half a million dollar bribe from the Thyssens in order to promote some of their weapon systems back in the 1980s. Today the Thyssen empire has merged with that of the Krupp family, forming ThyssenKrupp AG. The company is represented at Bohemian Grove camp Mandalay through James H. Brandi (from a Pilgrims Society family).

Herbert Batliner

Trust manager in Liechtenstein and partner of 1001 Club member and corrupt Mossad agent Tibor Rosenbaum. Accused by the German BND for having laundered money for chancellor Helmut Kohl, Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines, drug lord Pablo Escobar, and Mobutu Sese Seko of Zaire. Batliner also keeps a job in Vatican City.

Bechtel family

Generally seen as a very powerful family with many intelligence connections. Family well known for their prominence in Bohemian Grove's Mandalay Camp. Big funders of the Neoconservative movement since the 1980s.

Salem Bin Laden

Half brother of Bin Laden. Business partner of the Bushes. Killed in a 1988 plane crash after his involvement in the BCCI became known.

Solvay family

Generational members. Belgian family indirectly tied to child abuse in half a dozen cases. 1001 Club member Denis Solvay is one of the owners of the notorious Chateau des Amerois. See Beyond Dutroux for details.


King Juan Carlos

Even though his patron and good friend was Franco, Carlos is seen as the person who introduced democracy to Spain. He's a Knight of Malta and supporter of Opus Dei. Carlos likes to hunt with foreign leaders like George Bush, Sr. and kill as many endangered species as possible.

Louis Mortimer Bloomfield

Ardent Canadian Zionist who helped train the Jewish army in the late 1930s and was part of the Zionist/Haganah Sonneborn espionage and action network in the United States in the period after World War II. Met numerous times with Israeli prime minister David Ben Gurion. Has been a member of the SOE, OSS, CIA, FBI Division Five, and was a co-founder of the shadowy Permindex. Suspected of being involved in the assassination of JFK and the attempted assassinations on Charles de Gaulle. Member of the Order of the British Empire. Said to be lgtb, just like his good friend J. Edgar Hoover. Good friend of the Bronfmans.


Pilgrim Society - 1001 Club- Natures Trust members linked to CIA and Kennedy Assassination

Pilgrims Society & 1001 Club Connections - Nature Cons

Louis Mortimer Bloomfield (1001 Club) Chairman of Permindex, Mrs. Pierre Schlumberger (1001 Club member (wife of Pierre Schlumberger of Schlumberg LTD), Heinekens Brewery of Canada (Alfred H Heineken member of 1001 Club), Allen Dulles (Pilgrims Society member)

Permindex was a trade organization created in 1958 by Canadian lawyer Louis Bloomfield who became its president and chairman of its board. Its name was a contraction of "Permanent Industrial Expositions.

De Gaulle assassination attempt allegations

JFK assassination allegations

Guy Banister linked to Permindex through the attempted assassination of de Gaulle had strong links to both pro-Castro and anti-Castro figures in the New Orleans area. He was also accused of being an associate of Clay Shaw

In New Orleans, Delphine Roberts (Guy Banister's secretary) identified Permindex board member Ferenc Nagy from his photograph as someone she had seen at Guy Banister's office. Ferenc Nagy was a long-time asset of CIA Deputy Director of Plans, Frank Wisner. Nagy's partner in the leadership of PERMINDEX was Giorgio Mantello, aka George Mandel, aka George Mantello who during World War II had traded in Jewish refugees, profiting handsomely from their misery from his perch at the consulate of El Salvador in Bern. It was Mandel who had been the official founder of PERMINDEX. CIA kept silent, but the State Department learned that, as 'Georges Mandel,' Mantello had been engaged in the 'wartime Jewish refugee racket' until he was expelled from Switzerland.

In the spring of 1958, Enrico Mantello, the vice president of PERMINDEX and brother of Giorgio, visited New Orleans. Touring the Trade Mart, he invited Clay Shaw to join the board of directors as a means of defusing the criticism of PERMINDEX; its critics by now included the State Department itself. Nagy appeared at the American Embassy in Rome to announce that he intended 'to strengthen US control in PERMINDEX by adding to its Board of Directors a Mr. Shaw, who is in charge of the New Orleans, Louisiana permanent exhibit.'.
Permindex - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Allan Dulles, Pilgrims Society member, long suspected of having played a key role in the 1963 John F. Kennedy assassination.

The PERMINDEX connection to the Bush power moves.

Paravicini Bank and Permindex

knights of malta « In Search of Black Assassins


“Allen Dulles, Richard Helms, Carmel Office and Frank WISNER were the grand masters. If you were in a room with them you were in a room full of people that you had to believe would deservedly end up in hell. I guess I will see them there soon.” –James Angleton, CIA Chief of Counter Intelligence[16]

Colleagues that knew Big Daddy WISNER best had condemned him to the depths of HELL for his cold-blooded evil-unholy alliances- deeds, deception and flaming crimes against humanity. the WISNERs weren’t created out of a vacuum.

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