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******** se me olvidó mencionar el club 1001, y el WWF, club de roma, etc

Expediente JoanFliZ: La Tenebrosa historia de WWF - asociacion "ecologista"

la ultima vez donde se ha pegado el hostion era presidente del wwf

The 1001 Club | Membership list
Bankers, intelligence agents, and raw materials executives striving for a sustainable future

1. Background of the WWF and the 1001
2. Club meetings
3. Difference between the 1001 and the Pilgrims
4. Land grabbing and covert operations
5. The human-induced global warming agenda
6. Organizations represented by 1001 Club members
7. Controversial members
With ties to what at different times has been called a "Nebula", a "Black Network", or "Octopus".

Whether you search in Dutch, French, German, English, American, or South-African newspapers of the past 35 years, you will find that there is virtually no information available on a private association naming itself the 1001 Club. Even in the Netherlands, where Prince Bernhard's involvement with Bilderberg should be widely known by now, absolutely no one has heard of his role in creating "the 1001". The only official information available about this club - which the average person is very unlikely to stumble upon - is that it was established in the early seventies by individuals as Prince Bernhard, Prince Philip, Charles de Haes, and Anton Rupert, and that every member paid a one time fee of $10,000 to get lifetime membership - that's about it. This almost total absence of public awareness seems odd, as the men visiting 1001 Club receptions often represent some of the greatest economic interests on the planet.

..........A leaked, confidential internal report of the 1001 Club furthermore confirms that Prince Bernhard regularly organized receptions at Soestdijk Palace for Dutch 1001 Club members, and that King Juan Carlos organized his own receptions in Spain for Spanish members. According to this last report, international meetings have also been organized on a regular basis. [3] One example of these international trips/meetings appears to have been a five-day trip to Nepal of some thirty 1001 Club members. The excursion was headed by Prince Bernhard [4].

mas info de gladio, caso dutroux y 1001 club

New link between the 1001 and "Beyond Dutroux"

La Nebuleuse
"European Institute of Management"
1001 Club
EIM and Permindex



"Major BOUGEROL and de BONVOISIN, according to a confidential report of the gendarmerie of the Wavre district dated August 14, 1985 (photocopy in appendix), were extremely close the lawyer Jean VIOLET, a member of the secret services of France and the Vatican, and close to the SAC and the P2 Lodge. This is confirmed when reading parts Rapport Godbille
Photocopies of the Godbille Report.
of the dossier about A. de VILLEGAS ... and that of de BONVOISIN, in which it appears that at the request of BOUGEROL, VIOLET was introduced to BOUGEROL by de BONVOISIN (cfr file PDG)."

Godbille did far more here than confirm Violet's closeness to de Bonvoisin. First of all he repeated the previous claims that Violet was a senior agent of the Vatican. He also stated that Violet not only was involved in running Belgium's fascist underground, which was largely overseen by Bougerol, de Bonvoisin and Vanden Boeynants through their PIO intelligence group, but also that he was in contact with similar subversive elements in France (the Service d'Action Civique, or SAC) and Italy (P2). Of course, those who have read the article on Le Cercle will find no surprises here. PIO and its successor, the European Institute of Management, like Cercle des Nations, have been tied to extreme child abuse. EIM had additional ties to Wackenhut, the Defense Intelligence Agency and the rabidly anti-communist Moony cult. The owner of EIM was a member of Prince Bernhard's 1001 Club

Illuminati redes de pederastas: El secreto de Detroux

Leer más: Blog cristiano -Pagina cristiana - seguidores del REY de reyes
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Share Alike

Blog cristiano -Pagina cristiana - seguidores del REY de reyes

aqui extendido en detalle

Part 1 Foreword
Part 2 Where things began: Dutroux's reign of terror
Part 3 Failure to catch Dutroux
Part 4 Nihoul
Part 5 Victim-witnesses come forward
Part 6 Questioning the alters
Part 7 A sniff of extreme abuse
Part 8 Girls X1 had witnessed being murdered
Part 9 Who backed up the claims of X1
Part 10 Dismantling the investigation
Part 11 Questionable and extremely compromised researchers
Part 12 The accused in finance
Part 13 The accused in (private) intelligence and politics
Part 14 The US connection continued
Part 15 More on the Satanic link and the biggest picture possible
Part 16 Conclusion
Part 17 Further reading (for a lot more new information)

BBC News | CORRESPONDENT EUROPE | Belgium's X-Files: an Olenka Frenkiel investigation
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