Re: Mi Cajita Feliz [era: Re: Test de Analisis Literario "EL CODIGODA VINCI"]
Gurriato wrote:
> "Base 8" <notel@cre.es> wrote in message
> news:Nz7He.176925$j8.147602@twister.auna.com...
>>As it seems that english is the only lenguage in what we both can stablish
>>conversation (whatever else would be a monologue), I ask u for to answer
>>in english, so I will be able to understand what u say....
>>My english is not very good, but I hope u undersatnd me.
>>Between your lines...
>>"Españuelo" <espanuelo@senseterra.com> escribió en el mensaje
>>> Tractam de carn de bou (beef), sobre si li cau millor la mostassa o
>>>la salsa de tomàtiga. Segurament mai has provad la carn de bou, ja que
>>>ès de Ulterior. Tampoc hauras provad el pan de sègal o de ordi.
>>I don't know what the hell u've said
> Neither he does. He doesn't have the faintiest idea what the fuck he is
> talking about.Beef in Hispania Ulterior? Porc below the 40th parallel?
>>> 1. Quin pan li cau millor a la carn de bou? Pan de ordi, de sègal o
>>>de blat.
>>> 2. Quina salsa li cau millor a la carn de bou? Mostassa o tomàtiga.
>>> A més del porc hi ha altras carns, a més del castellan hi ha altres
>>I think I can understand this last, and , at the same time, I can see
>>the problem seems to be...
>>Let's see...it's seems that your problem is tthat u want to let very very
>>clear that there are more lenguages else than castillian.
> There are all kinds of assholes as well. Assholism is a disease that can
> strike anywhere, anytime, without warning. It is particularly prevalent
> among nancy-onanistes, above and below the 40th parallel, in Ulterior and
> Citerior Hispania. No one case of assholism is ever typical, however. People
> are complex. Assholism is complex. There are at least 5 million assholes in
> the so called Pastissos Catalans. Each case is unique. Anyone who takes
> Españuelo seriously is an asshole. Anyone with a "cause" is an asshole.
> Women who don't shave their legs are assholes.Psychiatrists and psychlogists
> are assholes. Telemarketers are assholes, Generalitat bureaucrats are
> assholes, etc.
I do not understand it. "Asshole" is not in dictionary. Forad de
asên, voldràs dir "tross de asên" "asspiece".
Cap de fava!
Tross de porc ulterior!
"There are another worlds, but they are in this one" (Eluard)
There are five worlds, but they are in this one"
First world: between parallels 36 to 54 degrees.
Second world: between parallels 54 to 72 degrees.
Third world: between parallels 18 to 36 degrees.
Forth world: between 72 to 90 degrees.
Fifth world: between 0 a 18 degrees.
"Mal nommer les choses, c'est ajouter aux malheurs du monde" (Camus)
Gurriato wrote:
> "Base 8" <notel@cre.es> wrote in message
> news:Nz7He.176925$j8.147602@twister.auna.com...
>>As it seems that english is the only lenguage in what we both can stablish
>>conversation (whatever else would be a monologue), I ask u for to answer
>>in english, so I will be able to understand what u say....
>>My english is not very good, but I hope u undersatnd me.
>>Between your lines...
>>"Españuelo" <espanuelo@senseterra.com> escribió en el mensaje
>>> Tractam de carn de bou (beef), sobre si li cau millor la mostassa o
>>>la salsa de tomàtiga. Segurament mai has provad la carn de bou, ja que
>>>ès de Ulterior. Tampoc hauras provad el pan de sègal o de ordi.
>>I don't know what the hell u've said
> Neither he does. He doesn't have the faintiest idea what the fuck he is
> talking about.Beef in Hispania Ulterior? Porc below the 40th parallel?
>>> 1. Quin pan li cau millor a la carn de bou? Pan de ordi, de sègal o
>>>de blat.
>>> 2. Quina salsa li cau millor a la carn de bou? Mostassa o tomàtiga.
>>> A més del porc hi ha altras carns, a més del castellan hi ha altres
>>I think I can understand this last, and , at the same time, I can see
>>the problem seems to be...
>>Let's see...it's seems that your problem is tthat u want to let very very
>>clear that there are more lenguages else than castillian.
> There are all kinds of assholes as well. Assholism is a disease that can
> strike anywhere, anytime, without warning. It is particularly prevalent
> among nancy-onanistes, above and below the 40th parallel, in Ulterior and
> Citerior Hispania. No one case of assholism is ever typical, however. People
> are complex. Assholism is complex. There are at least 5 million assholes in
> the so called Pastissos Catalans. Each case is unique. Anyone who takes
> Españuelo seriously is an asshole. Anyone with a "cause" is an asshole.
> Women who don't shave their legs are assholes.Psychiatrists and psychlogists
> are assholes. Telemarketers are assholes, Generalitat bureaucrats are
> assholes, etc.
I do not understand it. "Asshole" is not in dictionary. Forad de
asên, voldràs dir "tross de asên" "asspiece".
Cap de fava!
Tross de porc ulterior!
"There are another worlds, but they are in this one" (Eluard)
There are five worlds, but they are in this one"
First world: between parallels 36 to 54 degrees.
Second world: between parallels 54 to 72 degrees.
Third world: between parallels 18 to 36 degrees.
Forth world: between 72 to 90 degrees.
Fifth world: between 0 a 18 degrees.
"Mal nommer les choses, c'est ajouter aux malheurs du monde" (Camus)