Se incrementa más de un 63.000 % el número de muertes de niños en Europa desde la llegada de la «banderilla» el bichito.

jorobar, que los magufos de burbuja se crean eso, tiene un pase, pero que un periodico lo publique ya es de delito....

Desde el 2022 vienen avisando de esto:

Since mid-2021, some unusual excess mortality signals have been observed in the age group of 0-14 years. EuroMOMO is looking into the possible explanation for these signals, in consultation with participating countries in the network.

From a methodological perspective, it is important to note that the mortality baseline applied currently in the EuroMOMO excess mortality algorithm does not include any mortality data from 2020, 2021 or 2022, which will be affected by varying excess mortality associated with the overall impact of the el bichito-19 pandemic including varying restrictions, which could bias the “normal” level of mortality.

Furthermore, it should again be stressed that EuroMOMO does not collect any data beyond mortality data to answer questions about causality in observed mortality signals. Therefore, EuroMOMO’s outputs should not, in any way, be cited as “evidence” for any underlying causes of unusual mortality patterns.


Hay que ser muy pero que muy ceporro para creerse que si esos datos fueran ciertos, nadie notaria nada.....

Es mas en el foro NI UN puñetero HILO de millones de muertes de niños, pero ojo, que vecinos, cuñaos etcetc, todos dolor de cabeza....