La persecución a los sitios online de opiniones de derechas o anti-NWO se ha acelerado - Purga digital


9 Ago 2007
Es una persecución que lleva años en proceso. Cualquier sitio de opiniones online, en cuanto se hace famoso, comienza a prohibir opiniones de derechas o anti-NWO. Recuerdo menéame hace 15 o 20 años, empezó a escorarse a la izquierda, las opiniones de derechas eran cosidas a negativos y los mensajes quedaban ocultos. Lo mismo en Reddit, cerraron el subreddit "the donald" hace un año o dos, estos tuvieron que crearse una nueva web: para poder escribir sin censura. Famosos youtubers como Paul Joseph Watson fueron eliminados también hace un año o 2, recuerdo cuando sus videos salían en mi feed de facebook. Algo impensable hoy día.

Recuerdo también liveleak hace unos años donde podías ver videos brutales de ciertas etnias, el famoso "knockout game" etc. y de golpe y porrazo comenzaron a desaparecer este tipo de videos. Otros como 4chan, también fueron poco a poco llenándose de sarama y trabajo manual hasta que al final muchos tuvieron que mudarse a 8kun.

Por no hablar de los de ultraderecha como stormfront, a esos directamente les quitaron el dominio, les borraron de internet.

En España el caso más descarado es forocoches donde hace un par de años se podían poner opiniones de derechas con total libertad y hoy día cualquier tema "sensible" te manda directamente al gulag.

El proceso es el siguiente y vuelve a repetirse una y otra vez:

Una web empieza a ser el nexo de unión de gente de derechas y popularizarse --> empiezan a infiltrarse agentes de izquierda para llenarlo de sarama --> a la misma vez, los del dinero, empiezan a contactar, amenazar, comprar a los dueños de la web para implementar censura --> los usuarios comienzan a darse cuenta y huyen a otro sitio.

Esta caza de brujas a uno le recuerda la persecución a los judíos en la alemania nancy, prácticamente se está volviendo imposible tener opiniones de derechas con tus amigos, contactos, etc. La última estacada es whatsapp, ahora por lo visto van a analizar tus mensajes e incluso prohibirte decir cosas de derechas POR PRIVADO.

Aquí un mensaje de 8kun explicando lo mismo:

it's the end of us all as we know it Anonymous 01/07/21 (Thu) 01:07:38 b64c36 No.192967[Reply][Last 50 Posts][Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

It doesn't matter if you're a conservative, natsoc, libertarian, or whatever. Those who refuse to toe the line of the far-left orthodoxy are in for the surprise of their lives. A digital purge unlike anyone has ever seen is right around the corner.

It will begin with the immediate shutdown of websites like Parler, Gab, Minds, BitChute,, and any other website known to be places of refuge used to escape the tyrannical oppression of the leftist, big-tech overlords. Suddenly, visiting any of your favorite URL will result in a 404.

Next, individual user-managed communities will be shut down by the site admins. On Reddit, you will witness the sudden disappearance of r/firearms, r/timpool, r/thequartering, r/conservative, etc. It doesn't matter if you don't like these subreddits or even Reddit period. They will be gone. And Reddit isn't the only website that has user-managed communities, so keep that in mind as well.

But those purges are just the tip of the iceberg. Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Google, and others have been collecting data on you for many years, but have ramped up their efforts after the Trump election to build political profiles on you. By your interactions with other people and politicians on social media and what you're searching for on Google, they know where you stand politically and ideologically. They also have your IP address and will upload all of your political profile data to a centralized database that all big tech companies will have access to. In one fell swoop, all of our accounts on all social media will be permanently banned without warning and without the possibility of appeal. Of course, you may be safe from this purge if you use a VPN, but, honestly, what is the percentage of normies who actually use a VPN? I bareback everything I do, and I'm not even the only one.

But it gets better. Because they have your IP address, they can reach out to companies such as PayPal and other payment processors to have your ability to tras*fer money online revoked. Won't be able to shop on Ebay, Amazon, NewEgg, or anywhere else.

Gets better. Now you will have no place to mobilize effectively as all your communication channels will be shut down. Think you can use TOR? Think again. Your ISP can deny your access to TOR nodes if they don't shut down your service altogether.

Now that they have access to your name and address thanks to ISPs who will be happy to oblige, they will now be able to send massive lists to all banks and financial institutions to have all your financial and investment accounts shut down. They will seize your assets, foreclose on your home, repossess your car, and force a sales of assets on anything you own outright. They will take it all an redistribute it among the swaths of new refugees that will pour into the country. You will also be added to a blacklist and be unable to secure employment. It's going to be great.

Meanwhile, Antifa and BLM will have full access to all of the above services. They've already been using social media to orchestrate riots. Now they will use the system to orchestrate the purging of all of us, and we'll be left without a means to communicate amongst ourselves. We will be systematically removed from society one by one. They've already talked about the lists, and how I've outlined it here is exactly how they'll execute their plan.

If you think I'm crazy for putting forth this idea, look at what they've already been doing to us over the past four years. And, just hours ago, they shut down Trump's Twitter account and said they will go for permanent suspension over one more violation of their rules that they just make up as they go along.

Get ready for the shit to hit the fan.
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Lo de forocoches es por no organizarse, la extrema izquierda esta muy organizada, eran pocos pero muy organizados y han ido tumbando todas las cuentas de la gente que discrepase.