Para argumentos los tuyos... a caso no sabes que ya le han rebatido decenas de personas. Lo que pasa es que eso no te interesa contarlo... eh?
Economics of Bitcoin: Re: Bitcoin Bubble 2.0 by Patrik Korda
Voy a hacer la buena obra del dia y hacerte ver como se ha quedado contigo tu rebatidorrrr... tomemos su primer argumento:
Korda's first argument is that because it is easy to create a new cryptocurency, they will compete each other out of the market, kinda "race to the bottom", ending up with a hyperinflation and a collapse.
If I said that everyone can create their own language, therefore without barriers to entry, everyone would end up with their own language and the ability to communicate would collapse, you'd surely think that I'm a jovenlandésn.
El primer argumento de Korda ni menciona ni implica que la competencia causase un "race to the bottom". Es absurda esta interpretación porque para ello habría que devaluar cada criptomoneda intencionadamente por debajo de las otras a base de imprimir a nas velocidad, cosa que con las cripto no es posible.
Korda se refiere al
aumento cantidad de criptodinero circulante bajo cualquier denominación que se te antoje: bitcoin o bananascoin,
coexistiendo y haciendo que cada variante valga menos (mas criptomoneda en pos de los mismos productos = inflación):
Argumento original deKorda:
Back to Reality
While bitcoins cannot be hyperinflated in name, they certainly can be hyperinflated in substance. Already, there are numerous knockoffs such as namecoin*, freicoin*, and litecoin* in place. This is a particularly valid point because bitcoin is a starfish i.e., it is fully decentralized. As put by Ori Brafman and Rod A. Beckstrom, 'The starfish doesn't have a head. Its central body isn't even in charge. In fact, the major organs are replicated throughout each and every arm. If you cut the starfish in half, you'll be in for a surprise: the animal won't die, and pretty soon you'll have two starfish to deal with'*. After Napster went under, Niklas Zennström (the creator of Skype) stepped in with his creation called Kazaa, which had no central server that could be shut down. Eventually, the peer-to-peer programs got more and more numerous, including Kazaa Lite, eDonkey, eMule, BitTorrent, et cetera. While this may be good news for people who like to download and share content for free, it certainly is not for people who are under the impression that bitcoin is a hedge against inflation.
Tu rebatidor modifica el argumento a Koza a su gusto y luego ataca su propia caricaturización. Te está tomando el pelo.
Googlea la falacia del
hombre de trabajo manual, panoli, que te han colado un espantapájaros como un catedral y te lo has comido en seco.