La vida es como Perdidos
Amos no jorobes! ¿en sus intercambios entre ellos dos ó en general con el mundo mundial? Si es entre ellos dos ¿qué usarán?¿rublos, yuanes, maravedíes, latunes? Si es con el mundo mundial... se va a liar pardísima y lo de Corea es el aperitivo.... :ouch::ouch:
Furthermore, keep in mind that Russia was not even a top 10 trading counterparty of China in 2010. If China does the same with any of its top 10 partners then there may be a reason to worry. For now, China is merely testing the waters, and has absolutely no intent on isolating the US, nor making its nearly $3 trillion US FX reserves lose a double digit percentage of their value overnight.
Zero Hedge