El unico entretenimiento en verano en un pueblo de la meseta es bañarse en pelotas en una ciénaga que llaman río y estar beodo 24/7 "tomándose el vermú". Y la farlopa rula mucho.
Lyrics + English tras*lation:
Title tras*lation: The weather's way too hot!
The weather's way too hot!!
夏も本番 仕事なんか やってらんないや
Summer is in full swing, I don't want to do any sort of work!
太陽 目が覚めて 雲一つ無い晴天 Happy Day
When the sun wakes up, the cloudless, clear sky makes me think that today will be a happy day.
やりたいこと やりたい 最高の 夏休み
I'd like to do the things I'd like to do, I want to make this the best summer ever,
でも あつすぎる
but it's way too hot.
やりたいことは 家で出来るし
All the things I want to do can be done from home,
コミケ今年は 参加なし
I won't attend the summer comic book market this year.
海も 祭も行かないし
I won't go to the beach nor attend any festivals,
クソ 暑い だけ
it's just fucking hot.
There's no way that I can enjoy summer
while I'm singing this song in the first place.
結局 今日も家に こもりきり
Today as well, I ended up shutting myself in my house,
外の世界横目に おひるね
I'll take a nap while I dream of the outside world from a sidelong glance.
でも 本当は海とか 行きたいの
But I really want to go to the beach,
ただ 外に出たとき どうでもよくなる
but once I exit my house, I become uninterested in anything anymore.
明日もどうせ クソ暑い
It will be hot as fuck tomorrow anyway,
この世の悪 全て あつさのせいだ
all evil in this world stems from this scorching heat.
風物詩とか いらんから
I don't need any seasonal summer goods,
早くこのあつさから 解放してください
just release me from this heat already please!
ホントは外でも 遊びたいけど
I really want to play outside too,
夏は毎日 暑すぎて
but every day during summer is boiling hot.
フェスも プールも行けないし
I can't go to any music or film festivals or to the pool,
クソ 暑い だけ
it's just fucking hot.
What do you think of this summer?
It's way too hot.
あいかわらず おうちで 一人きり
As usual, I'm all alone at home again,
夢の世界 ボクだけ 独り占めでも
A dream world is all I can have for myself.
ホントは 友達 欲しいから
To tell the truth, I'd like to make friends,
誰かを呼び出して 外で遊びたい
I'd like to call someone and play with them outside.
But I don't have anyone to call,
暑さとか 関係なく 人望ない
this is irrelevant of the heat, I'm just unpopular.
夢の続きが 見たいから
Because I'd like to see the continuation of my dream,
お布団に くるまって 現実逃避だ
I'll wrap myself up in my blanket and escape from reality.
結局 今日も家に こもりきり
Today as well, I ended up shutting myself in my house,
この世の悪 全て あつさのせいだ
all evil in this world stems from this scorching heat.
今日の 天気も 知らんから
I really don't give a shit about today's weather,
早くこのあつさから 解放してください
just release me from this heat already please!