Así que Lewis es un ·notorio" spammer. Tal como cuenta en su carta, intentó que los miembros de la APS formalizaran un equipo de trabajo sobre el cambio climático. Precisaba de 200 firmas, por ello les envió un mail a todos. ¿Eso es spam? Ni que estuviera mandando fotos de rusas en pelotas, o ofreciendo un magnífico negocio con el ministerio de petróleo nigeriano. ¡Qué forma más ridícula de difamar, lo de llamarle spammer..¡
Su carta también comenta la toma de postura de la APS acerca del cambio climático, origen de su indignación, Un grupo reducido de insiders la escribieron durante una comida, El texto que adjuntas es un intento de matizar la primera comunicación
Por cierto, si la física no tiene que ver con el estudio del cambio climático, ¿por qué la sociedad americana de físicas opina sobre el tema cual autoridad?
Basicamente por conseguir de forma fraudulenta una lista de emails y enviar sarama desinformativa a quien no la quiere recibir. Eso es Spam. Aun asi, su intento de ddos desinformativo fracaso, y consiguio solo alrededor de 1 tercio de apoyo, al lo cual respondio con una infantil pataleta:
Climate Change Supporters Resort to Intemperate Calumny
I was disappointed to see the evident bias in letter selection that characterized the APS News discussion of the global warming issue. From the flood of e-mail that descended on the Council members before the meeting, I would judge that the membership is split more or less down the middle on the substance of the current APS official position. You published one letter, occupying 3 column-inches supporting the position that the Statement should be rescinded, and two letters, totaling 14½ column inches on the other side. Further, the letter supporting revision of the statement had in it only comments about the science, with no denigration of the motives or characters of those who hold the other view, while the other two were largely devoted to character assassination and obloquy. I give you for examples: “a blatant and political statement, that obscures the issues,” “politically based myths,” “political extreme”, “conflict with state-of-the-art climate models,” [I included that one because I hadn’t thought that conflict with models is a defect–I thought it was conflict with the facts that was], “it beggars the imagination that serious scientists can ignore this overwhelming evidence”, “obfuscating and confused deniers,” etc.
These are serious issues. When I joined APS 65 years ago reasoned argument was the order of the day, and such intemperate calumny would never have been published.
Hal Lewis
Santa Barbara, CA
Ed. Note: As best we can tell, the “flood of e-mail that descended on the Council members” was two to one in favor of the APS position (see the story “Members Bombard Councilors with Messages on Climate Change” in the December APS News.) We did not calibrate the letters by column inches–we simply printed the letters we received.
Por cierto, su colega en esta historia es el Dr. Roger Cohen: (retired Manager, Strategic Planning, ExxonMobil). Si, aqui huele a zooplacton fosilizado.
A todo esto, sabrias decirme alguno los logros de este tal Lewis, aparte de haber servido como Marine en la Segunda Guerra Mundial, ser un nostalgico de la guerra fria, y erigirse como martir del negacionismo renunciado a la APS?
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