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es mejor lo que hacían en casa de un conocido todos se bañaban en el mismo agua, matrimonio y tres hijos, no es coña. Lo de bañarse con tierra es de gallinas
Señores, cojan un cubo de agua y vayan a la fuente más cercana, y o bien os lavais solo con agua o con jabón del más barato que haya.

Es decir, jabón mangado de los baños de cualquier establecimiento público :D
Lo más lonchafinista: Se conecta la manguera de la salida de agua de la lavadora y se lleva a un balde. Cuando la lavadora desague podemos usar ese agua para llenar la bañera. Ya viene el agua con detergente por lo que nos podemos ahorrar el champú y el jabón.
He calculado que nos podemos ahorrar 50 euros al año.
¿La cabeza también te la lavas con barro, o esa parte se deja tal cual?

Se lava también.


El autor del hilo no ha probado a bañarse en la playa y dejarse la sal un par de días, si lo hubiese probado, preferiría no bañarse.
Lo más lonchafinista: Se conecta la manguera de la salida de agua de la lavadora y se lleva a un balde. Cuando la lavadora desague podemos usar ese agua para llenar la bañera. Ya viene el agua con detergente por lo que nos podemos ahorrar el champú y el jabón.
He calculado que nos podemos ahorrar 50 euros al año.

La reostia de risas que me han entrado leyendo todo el hilo y este mensaje es lo máximo.

Por cierto que pasa si te bañas en el mar y te dejas la sal un tiempo??? A mi no me ha pasado nada :roto2:

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pues lo de la lavadora para una casa de campo no es tonteria , o quizas para la cisterna del wc...

tambien un foco de luz ultravioleta en los sobaquillos podria destruir las bacterias y evitarnos ducharnos y el desodorante..
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pues lo de la lavadora para una casa de campo no es tonteria , o quizas para la cisterna del wc...

tambien un foco de luz ultravioleta en los sobaquillos podria destruir las bacterias y evitarnos ducharnos y el desodorante..

tambien hay tribus en africa que se lavan con el meao... y asi te evitas la cisterna del wc y gastar agua... en fin, luego vendra el que diga que depilandose los sobaquillos se rezuma menos etc, etc...
yo por mi parte me duchare todos los dias y ahora que viene el buen tiempo con agua fria.
El aumento de los medios de producción y de consumo, acompañado de un descenso relativo del número de obreros, fomenta la actividad en una serie de ramas industriales, como los canales, los muelles de mercancías, los túneles, los puentes, etc., cuyos productos sólo son rentables en un remoto porvenir. Surgen –ya sea directamente a base de la misma maquinaria, o bien indirectamente, gracias a la revolución industrial provocada por ella– ramas de producción y campos de trabajo totalmente nuevos. Sin embargo, el espacio ocupado por ellos en la producción global no es considerable, ni aun en los países más avanzados. El número de obreros empleados en estas ramas nuevas de producción crece en razón directa a la medida en que se reproduce la necesidad de los trabajos manuales más toscos. Como industrias principales de este género pueden citarse, en la actualidad, las fábricas de gas, el telégrafo, la fotografía, la navegación a vapor y los ferrocarriles. El censo de 1861 (para Inglaterra y Gales) registra en la industria del gas (fábricas de gas, producción de aparatos mecánicos, agentes de compañías de gas, etc.) 15,211 personas; en telégrafos, 2,399; en la rama de fotografía, 2,366; en la navegación a vapor, 3,570 y en los ferrocarriles 70,599, entre las cuales hay que contar unos 28,000 peones ocupados más o menos permanentemente en los trabajos de desmonte, y todo el personal comercial y administrativo. El censo global de estas cinco industrias nuevas asciende, como se ve, a 94,145 personas.
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con talco si he visto yo a las tias frotarse ..pero el talco sera mas caro que l agua aunque alo mejor lo puedes reusar...
pos la urea es emoliente , hidratante y sale limpia de bacterias y bichito ...en otros tiempos se uso para lavar heridas...

un buen lonchafinista madmaxista deb saber aprovechar todo recurso ...
Yeah,I know gross right? that stuff that your flushing down the john actually has other uses (to some) besides making you utterly uncomfortable when you have no access to a bathroom.

Tanning Hides:

Apparently in ancient Rome piss was a hot commodity used in the tanning industry.So much so that they decided to tax it (see Roman pee tax).Urine was used to soften the hides to make it easier to work.Also good for dissolving the remaining fatty tissue and flesh that remained on the hide after skinning.

urine itself has actually been used as a bleaching agent for centuries -- perhaps millenia. This fact may make more sense when you consider that both bleach and urine are strongly alkali and that both have the ability to dissolve or disintegrate biological material (seen Tanning, above. Nonetheless, most modern folks balk at adding fresh urine to the laundry machine (But won't it make the clothes stinky?), although they are quite confident about pouring nasty smelling, caustic bleach in with the wash.

But of course it is not the stink that makes urine a good bleach. It's the ammonia.

Curing Tobacco:
While it's hard to tell how extensive this practice really was, it is documented that at least some folks found that hanging their tobacco in the outhouse mellowed it and, oddly enough, lessened the stink it created when burned (as in a gentleman's after dinner cigar). Go figure.

Cheese making:

Although not a common practice, the addition of urine to cheese-making has been known to make a richer, more piquant cheese, highly sought after by those who've tasted it.

Sick,sick,sick..I don't think I've ever eaten piss cheese(hopefully)

Urine has been used in various ways as a healing substance, both when taken internally (see Drinking Pee) and when applied externally. Native Eskimo people are but one of many cultures to use fresh urine as an antiseptic, and certain tribes of central Africa who mix it with mud to form a paste which relieves insect bites.

Mixed with coal dust, urine was used in some cultures for tattooing. You have to wonder as to who thought of this combination -- not to mention how and why.
Eight Brilliant Uses for Urine

Published by Anne Lyken Garner in Science
March 3, 2010

So flushing it down is not the way to go.

1. Urine Therapy – Oral

This is a popular Asian practice for good health, and a cure-all especially for colds, flu’s and gout. It is believed that one should drink the first stream of the day, nice hot and steaming to boost one’s immunity.

If you do want to try it, you can choose to either drink it straight or mix in with your morning fruit juice, or a glass of water. It’s also good for the teeth as it has bleaching properties.
2. Enhancing Beauty

To improve skin quality, it is suggested that a wash in the fluid at least once a week maintains youth, keeps the skin smooth, and protects against most forms of dry skin. This bizarre activity is practiced even today having endured for thousands of years. There are of course the obvious advantages of cost and availability.
3. A Cure for Hangover

Urine is said to be the best cure for a morning hangover. Drinking the first stream of urine after an overindulgent night out is said to wake up the energy inside you.
4. For the Garden
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If you have problems with the neighbors’ cats soiling your garden, the best cure is for the man (testosterone) of the house to catch his first pee in container and empty it out on the targeted area.

Some companies sell pellets made from the urine of carnivorous animals such as mountain lions and bobcats. These pellets are then scattered around the garden so as to deter animals like squirrels and domestic cats from marking territory (which they feel have already been marked by bigger animals) in your garden.

In addition, one part urine to 10 parts water is a great and free way of fertilizing the garden.
5. Ammunitions

Many years ago, stale urine was used to make munitions. The urine was left for more than a year to ferment. The salts formed from this fermentation were then washed and mixed with wood ash, dried out, then added to sulphur and charcoal to make black powder.
6. As Clothes Dye

In the past urine has been used as a mordant (this is a substance which helps fabric dye to set, like tannic acid or iodine) to help in the process of dyeing wool.
7. Jelly Fish Stings

Actually, urine should not be used as a cure for jelly fish stings since it releases the poisons in the sting rather than retard them.
8. Electricity

Physicists in Singapore have published an article in the Journal of Micro-mechanics and Micro-engineering about their success in creating the first paper battery to generate electricity from urine.

This paper battery will use the substance it is testing (urine) as the very source of energy used to do the test.

They will use this device to test for diseases like diabetes. It will be used by patients to monitor their health from their own sitting rooms (or bathrooms), and would be widely used as it will be cheap and accessible.
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