Ignusuario Norar
- Desde
- 7 Nov 2016
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- 6.426
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- 14.769
Esto va bien... ahora insultos.
No, te lo repito: cuando, sin importar el nivel de vida, tengamos los millones de muertos de la viruela, hablamos.
Hay que ser inane para separar el nivel de vida de la morbidad. Un verdadero inane.
En un pais como Pakistán, con contrastes extremos er el nivel de vida, se ve claramente el gran peso de las variables higiene, salubridad y nutrición en el control de las epidemias.
The immune function and measles bichito infection in three different socioeconomic child populations in Karachi, Pakistan.
“…These results suggest that the living environmental conditions of these different socioeconomic groups vary greatly and hygienic conditions must influence the chance of encountering infectious pathogens including measles bichito…”
“…These results suggest that the living environmental conditions of these different socioeconomic groups vary greatly and hygienic conditions must influence the chance of encountering infectious pathogens including measles bichito…”
Lo mismo se observa en África:
Influence of environmental factors on underfive morbidity.
"..Various illnesses observed included gastroenteritis, upper respiratory tract infection, stomatitis, constipation, fever, pica, anemia, Vitamin A deficiency, measles, chicken pox, whooping cough, and others. …
…Children who lived in pucca and mixed houses in urban slum and rural areas had significantly higher morbidity compared to the urban group …
…The incidence of morbidity was higher in children who lived in inadequately ventilated kachcha houses, had poor source of water supply through open wells and practiced open field defecation compared to those who lived in pucca houses with adequate ventilation, utilized tap water, and were using service latrines….”...
(measles, chicken pox, whooping cough = sarampión, varicela y tosferina)
"..Various illnesses observed included gastroenteritis, upper respiratory tract infection, stomatitis, constipation, fever, pica, anemia, Vitamin A deficiency, measles, chicken pox, whooping cough, and others. …
…Children who lived in pucca and mixed houses in urban slum and rural areas had significantly higher morbidity compared to the urban group …
…The incidence of morbidity was higher in children who lived in inadequately ventilated kachcha houses, had poor source of water supply through open wells and practiced open field defecation compared to those who lived in pucca houses with adequate ventilation, utilized tap water, and were using service latrines….”...
(measles, chicken pox, whooping cough = sarampión, varicela y tosferina)
Volvamos ahora a Europa:
Measles epidemiology in Italy.
“…the immune status with regard to measles was determined in over 8300 unvaccinated children aged 0-13 years, residing in eight Italian cities with different socioeconomic situations and geographical locations….The 50% prevalence of natural immunity was reached at an earlier age in southern cities in which poorer socioeconomic and hygienic conditions prevailed… special attention should be given to the poorest areas, especially in southern Italy, where measles occurs earlier and can be particularly severe…”.
“…the immune status with regard to measles was determined in over 8300 unvaccinated children aged 0-13 years, residing in eight Italian cities with different socioeconomic situations and geographical locations….The 50% prevalence of natural immunity was reached at an earlier age in southern cities in which poorer socioeconomic and hygienic conditions prevailed… special attention should be given to the poorest areas, especially in southern Italy, where measles occurs earlier and can be particularly severe…”.
Qué curioso! en Europa el sarampión también se da con más frecuencia en las zonas mas pobres y con peores condiciones higiénicas. Subrayo que se habla de niños no medicados, por tanto sin diferencias artificiales en la inmunidad que distorsionen las observaciones.
The success of hygiene in the last 40 years
“…A significant spread of the disease throughout Europe was prevented by generally high standards of drinking water and sewage treatment. Sporadic cases of typhoid fever were imported from countries with low standards of hygiene…”
“…A significant spread of the disease throughout Europe was prevented by generally high standards of drinking water and sewage treatment. Sporadic cases of typhoid fever were imported from countries with low standards of hygiene…”
Una vez más, la realidad vista sin anteojeras vacuneras nos enseña que la higiene, la nutrición y la salubridad son los factores que detienen el avance de las enfermedades llamadas “infecciosas”, y no las banderillas.
Vemos como las mismas medidas que acabaron con enfermedades infecciosas de vector de tras*misión claramente antihigiénico (cólera y tifus) también son responsables de que desaparezcan enfermedades infantiles supuestamente tras*misibles de persona a persona.
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