46 millones de pobres en Estados Unidos : Desmontando el mito.

Si, lo de pobres en USA es otra falacia de oenejetas para sacar mas pasta y vivir del cuento. Y lo de pobrecitos zainos ya me diran, vieron ayer el partido contra Espanya? todos zainos bien alimentados, que un negraco de mas de 2 metros no sale de la pobreza. Y vayan cualquier dia por usa, veran autenticos mostrencos de 150 kg para arriba de raza blanca y de color que segun estos estudios de la progredumbre seran calificados como pobres.
En fin, que la tontería normalmente nace en usa y de alli se translada como un bichito maligno a europa, no crean que eso de vivir del estado por el morro nacio aqui, aqui picaresca toda la que quieran pero hasta muy recientemente a ningun picaro se le pasaba por la cabeza que el estado le iba a dar algo, eso es algo realmente reciente aqui, comenzo con Franco donde habia un proteccionismo razonable hasta hoy en dia donde hay un "estado de bienestar" patidifuso donde tios hechos y derechos perfectamente capacitados para currar estan lloriqueando una paga de 400 miseros euros a papa estado.

Me permito pegar aqui un articulo USA, veran como las similitudes son asombrosas.
On Entitlements You Should Be Embarrassed

A new report out by US Senator Jeff Sessions (R-Alabama) shows over 110 million people in the United States today are receiving some sort of handout from the government (This Chart Showing Welfare Dependency Will Ruin Your Day | TheBlaze.com). That astronomical number does not include Social Security nor Medicare. You’ll notice I didn’t say, “110 million Americans.” Many who are receiving the handouts are not Americans and a number of those not even in the country legally. Suffice it to say, the practice of giving people a reward of money, food, education, medical care, et al after they disregarded our sovereignty and laws to come here in the cloak of night is ridiculous and should be stopped immediately.

I want to focus on those who are either US citizens or who are here legally and are receiving entitlements. By the way, that moniker is fallacious. Fact is, in this country, we’re entitled to the rights afforded us by the Creator and that are enumerated in the Constitution. We are entitled to equal opportunity to life, liberty and a pursuit of happiness. I think I’ve read that somewhere. We are not entitled to endless free money or food or housing or electricity.

I’m 46 years old. I graduated high school in 1984. I remember the kids who were on the free lunch program when I was in school. They didn’t wear new clothes nor shoes. They didn’t wear jewelry nor wear designer backpacks. They were good kids — as happy as any of us, but there were just not as well off as some of the others. I remember asking them about that card they carried with them that entitled them to a free lunch. I don’t recall any of them being proud of it. In actuality, they wanted to be like the rest of us and bring a bagged or boxed lunch or pay for their own lunches. To put it bluntly, they were embarrassed. More importantly, their parents were busy at work to get themselves into a better position to no longer need that hand out. Generally speaking, they were well aware of the stigma that went along with being on the Free Lunch program for their kids and they did all they could to change it. Today, we seem to live in an alternative universe. There are more people receiving handouts then ever in our history. Not only are we offering free lunch but free breakfast as well. Parents should be embarrassed that they are giving up the responsibility of feeding their children to someone else. People are not only not embarrassed to be on the receiving end, many are actually under the belief they are owed what they get. Huh? Who owes you that? And why?

To that end, at that time, Unemployment was something you got for the shortest imaginable time until you were able to find some other work… any work. You did not hold out until you found your dream job or even a job in your chosen field. One worked anywhere doing just about anything until that perfect opportunity presented itself. The idea of staying on Unemployment for two years was unheard of. It was embarrassing to not have a paycheck coming in. When someone asked, “what do you do?” people were proud to answer the question. If one was out of work, the answer would be, “between jobs,” ***owed up quickly with, “but, I’ve got three interviews tomorrow and expect to be back at it soon.” Nobody was proud to exclaim, “I’m on Unemployment.” That would be embarrassing. Today, many on unemployment are fine with it. The ne’erdowells in Washington have now extended this handout for two full years and the system is so mismanaged that people collecting this freebie are actually punished if they get part time work to make ends meet. Another misconception of Unemployment is that workers pay into it so, “why shouldn’t I get back what I paid in?” Well, you didn’t pay into it, you’re employer did. And, at two full years, those contributions are long gone. At this point, the government is just distributing money it doesn’t have. Have you seen the federal debt lately?

The number in the US getting the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP or Food Stamps) has ballooned to 45 million people. Forty five million people receive money to buy food for themselves and their families. That’s a ridiculous number. Think about that. Tens of millions of people in our great land, the “Land of Plenty,” have admitted they can’t feed themselves or their families? Really? They should be ashamed and embarrassed. They’re not because A. the government changed the name from the embarrassing Food Stamps to the slick SNAP program. B. people no longer carry actual, obvious Food Stamps, they carry a card that looks like a MasterCard or Visa. C. The program was supposed to be a bridge until you got on your feet and regained the ability to feed yourself and your family again, today it’s a never-ending supplement. D. More and more restaurants and other outlets are accepting SNAP to pay for prepared food. Just so I understand, you’re getting free food and you don’t have the time to prepare it? As an aside, I can’t figure out why those who are getting Food Stamps also seem to be first in line to get the free breakfast and/or free school lunches for their kids. We’re (yup, the taxpayers fund all handouts, not the government) giving you free food and instead of taking that food and making a breakfast or lunch for your child, you also get free prepared food for them at school? What a scam! You should be embarrassed.

The government has systematically and systemically promoted programs to deflate the hopes and dreams of millions of people. I couldn’t even begin to fathom taking never-ending handouts and expecting that’s all there was for me in regard to the American Dream. Don’t get me wrong, I am 100 percent for limited and finite help for people in need. We are the most generous people this planet has ever known. But, when you are able to work yet collect unemployment, food stamps, Welfare, Disability, free housing, free electricity — you are allowing the government to limit your ability to succeed to your fullest extent. You are, in essence, allowing the government to decide what your worth is. You should be embarrassed you’ve allowed this to happen and you should make a change. Problem is, just as as we see all the time when the government adds a temporary tax, once that money (or handout) starts coming in, it’s tough to stop it.

To that end, I offer some very sensible solutions:

Allow Unemployment Insurance to end. You heard me right. Actually let it expire. I think a few months should be enough. But, let’s call it a day at six months. If you can’t find gainful employment in six months — doing something. ANYTHING. You’re not trying in America today.

Allow the use of the SNAP program for a finite amount of time. Six months works here as well. Plus, you can’t double dip. If you’re getting food stamps, NO FREE LUNCH AT SCHOOL. Make your kid a lunch. If you want free lunch for your children, NO SNAP FOR YOU.

Only offer Disability to those who are truly unable to work because of they physically can’t. Sorry to burst your bubble, but if you can talk on the cell phone, drive, text, eat out, go shopping, et al — you can get a job and work.

Very limited access to taxpayer-paid-for-housing. Again, I would max this out at six months. You don’t deserve a free place to live. You have relatives. Move in with them until you scratch together enough for first, last and security. We’ve all done it. You can too. If you can’t get a cheap apartment in the US today, you’re not trying.

A major issue in the so-called entitlement programs in our great land is the out of control fraud involved. If you have an SUV, you don’t need an entitlement. Sell it and feed your kids or pay your electric bill. If you have a PlayStation 3, that’s not a necessity. Sell it and buy your kids some food or pay your rent. If you’re rolling on Dubs, you don’t need a hand out. Sell them and buy your kid’s lunch at school or buy him some new pants. If you have cable Internet or a big-screen TV, those aren’t necessities. Sell them, get dial up and a 19 inch TV and get yourself an apartment or buy your family some food or pay your electric bill. We could save billions if we used CPS or the IRS or some redundant agency we’re all paying for to do actual audits of those getting free stuff from the rest of us.

One thing that needs to be re-instituted right up front is a feeling of embarrassment when receiving something free from the rest of us. You should be anxious to get off of the handouts and back on your feet. And, there must be a new realization that you are selling yourself short by taking so much from others. You see, the government is made up of a bunch of people who are convinced they’re smarter than we are. They think they know better what you should drive, where you should live, what you should eat, where or if you should work, how much you need to get by and more. The 110 million with their hands out are allowing just that level of control to happen. I urge you to stick your chest out, find some pride deep down, rebuild your self-esteem and stop allowing others limit your ability to live life to the fullest. For those of you who are receiving YEARS of undeserved Unemployment who have said over and over, “why should I accept a job that’s beneath me?” stop it. Really think about what you’re saying. Do you really think a job is beneath you but, receiving free money from me isn’t? You’re more proud of receiving money in the mail you didn’t earn than you would be working any job and getting paid? Don’t allow the government to define you and what you’re able to accomplish.
Si yo fuera pobre y me dieran a elegir donde vivir,no me lo pienso ni un nanosegundo: USA.

Pobre en USA:


Pobre en Espania:


Te falta comparar el pobre argentino en las villas miseria y los desnutridos indiecitos tucumanos que dieron la vuelta al mundo..... viviendo de los bolsones peronistas.
Y llegaron los mercados y declararon que los pobres eran sólo mobiliario urbano y no padecían necesidades ....

¡Vayanseustedesunpoquitoalamierda! ya no saben que hacer para justificar los cadáveres que deja este sistema criminal.
América con sus Estados quebrados (California incluida), sus 47 millones de pobres alimentados gracias a cupones de racionamiento y sus más de treinta y cinco millones sin seguro médico? Esa primera potencia económica mundial con una deuda de 15 billones de dolares que exportan gracias al engaño del petrodolar? La patria de los CDS y demás productos derivados que han hundido al mundo con sus hipotecas subprime empaquetadas en productos estructurados fraudulentos vendidos por todo el mundo?
Un pequeño detalle de manipulación del lenguaje en este articulo papelera. El problema de los pobres en en USA no es de desnutrición sino de malnutrición (record mundial de obesidad infantil) con una enorme cantidad de comida papelera subvencionada por los derivados del maíz y soja transgénicos. Allí comer no cuesta nada o casi pero lo mas barato es lo peor del mundo mundial.
Última edición:
Aqui el documental francés: La quiebra de America

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USA-Sanidad tercermundista
Aquí lo de gente llevada a un gimnasio atendida por ONGs es de traca:
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Claro para ver y saber estas cosas hay vivir en Francia porque, como muestra este foro, tenemos el país mas penetrado por la cultura e influencia americana del mundo. Burbuja inmobiliaria=subprimes americanas.Por no hablar de series, películas, productos varios, propaganda libertariana, etc...
No nos pasemos, porque la pobreza siempre ha sido algo que se medía de forma relativa.

Si comparamos con los pobres de África en USA y en Europa no hay pobres.

Si nos comparamos con Noruega o Suiza el pobre de allí tiene mas ingresos o beneficios que un mileurista español.

Las pensiones de subsistencia como los 400 euros de aquí o los cheques comida de USA o la renta básica alemana o lo que hay en la mayoria de paises europeos y estados USA son para los más pobres de esos paises en términos relativos y no para pobres que estén al nivel de un pobre africano en taparabos y desnutrido.
Ahora vienen los listillos relativistas a dar carnets de pobres.

La pobreza está bien establecida, ente otras organizaciones por la ONU y es lo que va a misa.

Comprendo que los fabricantes de pobreza la quieran disfrazar de mobiliario urbano pero, va a ser que no, que ya estamos un poquito hartos de tanto mondongo.

El pobre es pobre y el rico es un malnacido que no debería dormir tranquilo y debería sentir el aliento de la población en el cogote. Es un indecente, sencillamente.
Toda historia de éxito profesional suele ser una historia de malas prácticas y delincuencia ......

que se lo digan al Fernández y no precisamente el de la chatina.
Panfleto tan manipulado y sesgado como largo. Ni el ABC, "hoyga"...

No se entiende entonces como ha surgido el movimiento del "99%" si allí son todos ricos y es la tierra de las oportunidades...

¿por qué no comentan en el panfleto el tema de la sanidad (si eres pobre mejor no te pongas enfermo y no hablo ya de una operación o enfermedad crónica...)?

¿por qué no hablan acerca de la educación (la mayoría de los universitarios terminan las carreras endeudados...)?

¿por qué no hablan acerca de lo que cuesta comer sano (la fruta por ej. es casi un artículo de lujo y cuesta más una manzana que una hamburguesa del Mcmierda por la sencilla de que la comida papelera está subvencionada para beneficio de los lobbies agroalimentarios (como por ej. Monsanto y su maiz transgénico)?

¿por qué no hablan de las legiones de sin techo (ah, no que a estos los sacan de la mayoría de estadísticas) y como muchos de ellos son veteranos abandonados a su suerte?

Y así con tantas y tantas otras cosas, aunque en el panfleto te intenten hacer creer que por tener algunos gadgets que valen cuatro duros ya no se es pobre.
Todo lo que un pobre le quite a un rico, por las buenas o por las malas, es reestablecer el equilibrio del universo.
No te preocupes que ya sabe el pobre que lo es y el rico que vienen a por él.
El corresponsal de la Cadena SER en Washington, Javier del Pino:

"En Estados Unidos se puede comer muy bien, pero no mucha gente elige esa opción. Tres de cada cuatro estadounidenses viven en eso que aquí llaman los suburbios y nosotros llamamos las afueras. El problema es que las afueras de aquí están más afuera que las de España, no en términos geográficos sino sociales. Y en esa América real no se come bien, no sólo por falta de cultura culinaria sino porque consideran el acto de comer como algo más fisiológico que placentero".

¿Es la comida estadounidense tan mala como pensamos? >> El Comidista >> Blogs EL PAÍS

‘papelera’ de oro: las cadenas de comida rápida se hinchan en Wall Street - Cotizalia.com

Viven tan de querida progenitora, con el listón tan alto, que se mueren de media tres años antes. Lo bueno, si breve...

El problema está más provocado por la dieta... y no por la falta de comida precisamente :bla:

Los usanos se mueren de media antes porque, de media, están rellenitos como sebos de tanto comer y comer mal, no por falta de medios de subsitencia.