¿para quien trabaja Scorsese?

Enrika, lee


Nicole Kidman en Eyes Wide Shut:

Un hombre salía del bosque, era el hombre del hotel ese del que te hablé; el oficial de la marina. Él me miraba y luego se reía, se reía de mí… Me besaba y luego hacíamos el amor. Había mucha gente a nuestro alrededor, cientos de personas, todos amando, y luego yo amaba con muchos hombres, muchos. No sé ni con cuantos estaba. Y sabía que podías verme en brazos de aquellos hombres amando con todos. Y quería burlarme de ti, reírme en tus narices… Y me reía tanto como podía”.

Naval Intelligence, MKUltra and the Hippie Movement [Archive] - DEEP POLITICS FORUM

In the introduction to Vol 3 of Peter Levenda's brilliant Sinister Forces, Paul Krassner discusses the evidence of everyone from Dennis Hopper to private investigators that the LAPD found & sold hardcore films of Sharon Tate after her murder.

Hopper was one of the sources for persistent tales of the public flogging of a drug dealer (possibly filmed) at Cielo Drive just prior to the slaughter.

And, as I've written before, there have also been persistent - and briefly published - claims that Manson had a Naval Intelligence handler who provided him with highly experimental and potent drugs. Drugs from the dark side...






Terciopelo azul - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre


Dennis Hopper | Bring Back Twin Peaks



Colección de otoño + nuevo video de Lana Del Rey para H&M: “Blue Velvet”.


Lana Del Rey, video artist extraordinaire (Video) - Fort Lauderdale Pop Culture | Examiner.com

The singer songwriter whose statuesque form and retro sense of style and makeup, evokes such 1960s pop culture icons as Jackie Kennedy, Sharon Tate, and most of all Nancy Sinatra. Lana Del Rey, with her seductive pout and trance-like vocals is always in character because this is who she is, or at least appears to be. She could be a guest performer on “Mad Men”, simply play herself, and be at perfect ease in the world of Madison Avenue circa 1965.
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Illuminati symbolism in James Franco’s ‘Love in the Old Days’ video | IlluminatiWatcher


The guy playing the priest is Kenneth Anger.....

In conjunction with the current exhibition For the Martian Chronicles, L&M Arts is pleased to present The Bartzabel Working, a performance by filmmaker and artist Brian Butler. Based on a ceremonial evocation of the spirit of Mars, first written and performed in London in 1910 by the famed British occultist Aleister Crowley, the ritual later became part of Los Angeles history in 1946 when Jet Propulsion Laboratory rocket scientist and Crowley protégé Jack Parsons conducted his own version of this rite, with the intention of placing a martial curse on a pre-Scientology L. Ron Hubbard.

For his reinterpretation of this historical performance, Butler will conjure Bartzabel, the spirit of Mars, evoking the site that was once home to the late sci-fi author Ray Bradbury and currently comprises L&M Arts. The ritual will have Butler as Chief Magus, leading a cast drawn from his upcoming antiestéticature film King Death and antiestéticaturing Henry Hopper as Assistant Magus, Noot Seear as Magus Adjuvant, and James Franco as Material Basis, the vessel though which the spirit of Mars manifests.


James Franco Remakes 'My Own Private Idaho,' for Some Reason (Video) - TheWrap

James Franco: I’m obsessed with “My Own Private Idaho” - Salon.com

Cigarettes & Red Vines - The Definitive Paul Thomas Anderson Resource: James Franco Almost In ‘The Master'; New Interviews With Phoenix, Hoffman & PTA



gus van sant:

Largometrajes[editar · editar código]
The Canyons (2013)
Promised Land (2012)
Restless (2011)
Milk (2008)
Paranoid Park (2007)
Last Days (2005) kurt kobain
Elefante (Elephant) (2003) masacre de columbine
Gerry (2002)
Descubriendo a Forrester (Finding Forrester) (2000)
Speedway Junky (Peligroso y Rapido) (1999)(productor)
Psycho (1998) (director y productor)
El indomable Will Hunting (Good Will Hunting) (1997)
Todo por un sueño (To Die For) (1995)
Ellas también se deprimen (Even Cowgirls Get the Blues) (1993)
Mi Idaho Privado (My Own Private Idaho) (1991)
Drugstore Cowboy (1989)
Mala Noche (1985)

The Discipline of Do Easy, by William S. Burroughs and Gus van Sant | Motherboard
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