La city de Londres y la sociedad Fabiana


Non-Violence Project | Prevention Services | Miami, Florida

We have, during 17 years of operation, educated and trained 5 million teachers, students and sport coaches on five continents. We have been awarded the Presidential Daily Light Award by President Clinton, the Weed & Seed Award by the US Justice Department and some other 70 prestigious awards around the world for best practice.

This unique Non-Violence symbol is antiestéticatured on more than thirty strategic public locations around the world, including the UN Headquarters in New York, the Olympic Museum in Lausanne and the Peace Park in Beijing.

The knotted gun was originally created as a memorial tribute to John Lennon when he was shot and killed outside his home in New York City on the 8th of December, 1980. The idea with the knotted gun was to tribute John Lennon for his vision and activism for a world with less violence. In many of his songs, both as part of the famous pop group the Beatles, as a solo artist and together with his wife Yoko Ono, the lyrics were centered around the message of peace and non-violence.

jojo, john lennon, asesinado por los fabianos o sus supuestos enemigos, los Muy de derechas de skull and bones

The Clinton Global Initiative and Bill & Hillary's Soon-Coming Appointment As "Governor General and Deputy Governor General" of the New Sovietized "Amer-ika" >> Four Winds 10 - Truth Winds

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Excelente post.

Ésta es La Conspiración.

Y estoy de acuerdo con Gabi, lo de la religión única se la rezuma.

El movimiento clave, el Game Over, el Jaque Mate será el siguiente:

La eliminación del dinero físico.

Ese es el objetivo final
Exacto. Y el dinero físico desaparecerá. Lo estamos viendo ahora mismo.