A toda ostra!

GameStop Corp (GME)

193.60 -153.91 -44.29%
- Mercado cerrado. Valores en USD ( Aviso legal )
Después del cierre

01:24:30 - Info en tiempo real
  • Volumen: 56,624,576
  • Compra/Venta: 259.50 / 261.00
  • Rango día: 112.25 - 483.00
Esta historia es absolutamente fascinante por la mezcla de valentía, temeridad y humildad de los WSB

[–]biden_loses_lmao 2631 puntos hace 2 horas
I watched as I was up $30k in tax free spreads, $20k in tax free ISAs and $20k in regular share accounts.
I watched as over 45 minutes they came searching for the stops, halting intentionally so we couldn't modify our positions all the way down from $483 to $120. At the end my gains were probably miniscule.
They searched for my stops, but there weren't any, they will have to suck my diamond cock if they want to even be considered for selling.

[–]freexe 308 puntos hace una hora
The pros all use stops, so their little short ladder would normally have worked. But we are all too stupid for stops.

[–]noconc3pt 114 puntos hace una hora
What are stops? I just buy.

[–]FatchRacall 76 puntos hace una hora
Stops are for quitters.

[–]Randomperson1362 52 puntos hace 38 minutos
There are two ways for me to get out. 2,000, or 0.

[–]FatchRacall 18 puntos hace 22 minutos

2000? Rookie numbers. 20,000 or bust.

[–]Gallow_Bob 120 puntos hace una hora
Wow. That's crazy. And they knew where the stops were, as Robinhood sells Citadel that data, and Citadel are the ones who are about to eat a couple billion dollars in losses...

[–]AngryT-Rex 88 puntos hace una hora
Searching for stops? Look at these jovenlandésn hedge funds who think we know what stops are.

[–]mindlessASSHOLE 143 puntos hace una hora
People were pleading with me to put a stop limit. I almost did at $205 but I thought about it for like 5 mins(and watched some memes). I got some confidence and clicked cancel. I'm happy I did.
A toda ostra!

GameStop Corp (GME)

193.60 -153.91 -44.29%
- Mercado cerrado. Valores en USD ( Aviso legal )
Después del cierre

01:24:30 - Info en tiempo real
  • Volumen: 56,624,576
  • Compra/Venta: 259.50 / 261.00
  • Rango día: 112.25 - 483.00

jorobar yo debería estar sobando, pero que corazones estoy entre foro gusano, investing y burbuja a tope.
Chavales, qué envidia sana me da ver a locos así en EEUU, rodeado como estoy de gente anodina que sólo habla del monotema con las expresiones mil veces oídas.

En serio, se me ponen los ojos llorosos leyendo cosas así :

ChooChoo_Mofo 3089 puntos hace 3 horas
You only live once.
Said before as joke, it has taken on more meaning in the past 24 hours than it ever has before. What does our one shot at life miccionan unless we stand for something. Stand against injustice. Stand against inequity. Stand against those who would change the system in order to protect themselves against their own bad decisions.
We've all said it 100 times - but this is what YOLO really means. We only live once to make something matter.
47 GME shares @ 227. $10k I've earned by working hard in the system. A very meaningful sum for me. A rounding error of a rounding error for them. I don't care if it goes to 0. Diamond FUCKING hands.
They can't get away with this.

Que suena a secta, a loco, a CM, lo que queráis, me da igual