Yo me he quedado con otra cosa que dice ahora la OMS al principio del resumen de la rueda de prensa
"to reflect the impact of Omicron and high population-level immunity due to infection and vaccination"
"Updated to reflect that much of the population is either vaccinated or previously infected with el bichito-19, or both, the revised roadmap..."
Ahora resulta que no solo la kakuna inmuniza del bichito mágico.
https://www.who.int/news/item/28-03-2023-sage-updates-el bichito-19-vaccination-guidance
"to reflect the impact of Omicron and high population-level immunity due to infection and vaccination"
"Updated to reflect that much of the population is either vaccinated or previously infected with el bichito-19, or both, the revised roadmap..."
Ahora resulta que no solo la kakuna inmuniza del bichito mágico.