Que animal os gustaría ser?

Un aguila o un toro bravo
Ni fruta idea tienes de tiburones blancos
Lo que tu digas naturologo.

Una orca es mucho mas grande, fuerte e inteligente que cualquier tiburón blanco.

Ni de coña se atreven con ellas. Y ellas si que llegan a cazar hembras adultas (los ejemplares más grandes) además de crías

Mira en google
A mi me gustaria ser un ameti tipo @bowlingzo_especulativo
Siempre he querido ser un pato necrofilo gai.

On June 5th 1995 at 17:55h, a mallard duck (Anas platyrhynchos) died after colliding with the all glass new wing of the Natural History Museum in Rotterdam. Immediately after falling to the ground, the dead duck was mounted by a (live) duck — also of the male sex. The copulation took 75 minutes, and became known in the scientific community as ‘the first case of gai necrophilia in the mallard’. The victim is on display in the museum. Each year on June 5th at 17:55h, just outside the museum, right on the spot where it all happened in 1995, people gather to celebrate ‘Dead Duck Day’. This short ceremony commemorates the dramatic death of the duck — and the tragedy of billions of other birds that die from colliding with glass buildings.
