QUBIC, by Sergey Ivancheglo-CfB

ahora falta saber donde vender cuando pegue el próximo estirón.
Se me da fatal hacer trading, lo mismo sube un 80% crees que va a caer y sigue subiendo otro 100% sin parar, ya ,e ha pasado mas veces con otras.
Se me da fatal hacer trading, lo mismo sube un 80% crees que va a caer y sigue subiendo otro 100% sin parar, ya ,e ha pasado mas veces con otras.
pues hay que buscar las pistas adecuadas, o se queda uno con la cara orate cuando llevas un x5 y se vuelve al punto de partida de nuevo, como ha pasado los últimos meses.
Recuerdo como fomeaban con insistencia cuando Qubic estaba acariciando los 1000 mill. mcap., porque lo había hecho estando en exchanges desconocidos o de bajo volumen.

Bueno, pues ahora resulta que cuando ha llegado Gate, Bitget y parece que está cerca Mexc, ha vuelto a los 250 millones mcap.

Así que aquel fomo se ve ahora ridículo, claro que algunos lo aprovecharían para tomar beneficios y podrán recomprar a un precio un 70% más barato.

Lo que me pregunto es cual será el fomo de la siguiente toma de beneficios, para intentar identificarlo.
Tiene pinta de que tocaremos casi los 40k en btc, pero bueno, dca y no rendirse.
Tiene pinta de que tocaremos casi los 40k en btc, pero bueno, dca y no rendirse.
si, DCA parece lo mejor.

Te refieres a comprar una cantidad constante cada semana o a comprar en niveles clave(cuando cae fuerte)?

En la primera opción no estás pendiente del precio todo el día, simplemente compras el día elegido.

Qubic Roadmap 2024 Overview​

Written by Qubic Team Jul 12, 2024

Qubic's vision is to make artificial intelligence accessible to everyone. In 2023 and 2024, the focus was on building the foundation and ecosystem to achieve this vision.
During our first X space on July 11th 2024, We're excited to present to you our 2024 roadmap, bringing us one step closer to achieving that vision.
In the process of creating our roadmap, we have spoken to our loyal community, advisors, and other investors, and identified three focus areas:
  1. Develop a vibrant ecosystem (community, users, developers, partners)
  2. Advance AI research and development
  3. Ensure Qubic's ecosystem financial health and long-term success.

Develop a Vibrant Ecosystem (Community, Users, Developers, Partners)

Qubic aims to become the number one AI blockchain ecosystem for developers and partners to build on. We are easily accessible to the community, provide best-in-class infrastructure for developers, and support teams and individuals who want to invest and grow with the Qubic network. Here's what you can look forward to:
  • Expand the Developer Ecosystem: Expand the developer ecosystem by providing comprehensive SDKs, detailed documentation, regular developer workshops, and dedicated technical support to assist developers in building on Qubic.
  • Develop a Grant or Incubator Program: Develop a Grant or Incubator Program to provide financial resources and mentorship for startups and projects that contribute to the Qubic ecosystem.
  • List Qubic on Tier 1 Exchanges: Enhancing visibility and accessibility for Qubic on a Global Scale.
  • Drive Business, Institutional, and University Partnerships: Building strong partnerships to expand the adoption of Qubic in business applications and academia.
  • Drive User and Investor Communities: Through user focused events, ambassador programs, scaling the Qubic footprint across the globe.
  • Improved Technical Documentation and Starter Kits: Publish enhanced technical documentation and comprehensive starter kits for developers and interested investors.
  • Launch of Wallets: iOS, Android, Windows, and macOS.
  • Evm/Non-Evm Wallet Integrations: Hashwallet, Heat, Metamask, Tangem.
  • Drive Crypto Partnerships: Strengthening the positioning of Qubic in crypto by partnering with top tier crypto projects.
  • Educational Qubic Marketing Campaigns: Raising awareness and understanding by publishing improved Qubic ecosystem documents.
  • Update Website: Enhancing user friendly experience by revamping the UI/UX.
  • Launch Newsletter: Keeping the community and investors informed of updates, milestones, etc.
  • Improve Community Onboarding Experience: Making it seamless and welcoming. Qubic prides itself on its passionate community and its always a priority for the SteCo to ensure the community is happy.

Advance AI Research and Development

We are on a mission to develop the most advanced, decentralized computational crypto network, setting new standards for performance and innovation. Here's what you can expect:
  • Targeting a Stable Tick Time of 1-2s: Enhancing overall network performance.
  • New Computor Reward System: Increasing incentive to run Qubic on the best hardware.
  • Security Audits for Critical Code and Infrastructure: Ensuring a secure network and environment.
  • Qubic Light Nodes: To run on Linux for better adoption.
  • Qubic Core Event Emitter: Enabling everyone to track all on-chain events.
  • Introducing Oracle Machines: To add new capabilities.
  • Publish Qubic AI Academic Paper: Sharing our findings with the broader web3 and web2 AI community.

Ensure Qubic's Ecosystem Financial Health and Long-Term Success

Creating healthy fundamentals is key to Qubic's future success and survivability. Here's what you can look forward to:
  • Secure Sustainable Runway for Qubic: Ensuring financial stability to sustain Qubic operations for years.
  • Roll-Out People Organization: Managing contracts, payroll, invoices, and expenses.
  • OKR Performance Tracking: Monitoring and achieving goals to ensure KPIs are being met.
  • Hiring the Best Team: Supporting Qubic's growth and infrastructure.
  • Legal Entity: Exploring fomration of a potential legal entity to support Qubic ops.
  • Reporting and tras*parency: Through Bi-weekly updates, community events and enhanced progression reporting.
We'd love to hear your thoughts! What excites you the most about our 2024 roadmap? Do you have any questions or suggestions for us? Let's start a conversation in the Qubic discord. Your feedback is invaluable as we work together to make artificial intelligence accessible to everyone.
Please note that we will update the roadmap over the coming days with greater detail and an infographic for easier consumption.
Última edición:
pues hay que buscar las pistas adecuadas, o se queda uno con la cara orate cuando llevas un x5 y se vuelve al punto de partida de nuevo, como ha pasado los últimos meses.

pero si ha bajado mas del punto de partida, es brutal...
Coinmarketcap muestra por fin el Marketcap de Qubic y su posición más real

crypdro — hoy a las 13:36
Qubic Finally Listed on MEXC
Seems like only yesterday that the Qubic community was asking for an MEXC listing. The day is finally here as Qubic is now available for trading on MEXC, a leading global cryptocurrency exchange known for its extensive range of digital assets and user-friendly trading platform.

Key Details:
Deposit: 2024-07-16 12:00 (UTC)
Trading: 2024-07-17 14:00 (UTC)
Withdrawal: 2024-07-18 14:00 (UTC)
Kickstarter Period: 2024-07-16 12:00 to 2024-07-17 11:50 (UTC)
Kickstarter Result: 2024-07-17 12:10 (UTC)

How to participate in the MEXC Kickstarter: MEXC Kickstarter - Vote Qubic (QUBIC) to Win Free 50,000 USDT Airdrops!

MEXC operates in over 200 countries with approx 10 million users, offering a robust platform for millions of users worldwide with over 1,100 digital assets listed, to provide diverse trading options for its users.

This listing on MEXC marks a significant milestone for Qubic and a fulfilment of the SteCo's promise of 5 more listings! The Jobs not done, we have much more to accomplish on the road to global Qubic recognition and adoption!
Tengo un promedio de entrada en 5000 por Billon. Necesito hacer unas compras mas a estos valores para mejorar el promedio. Si, fuí victima del Fomo pre Gate. Espero se sostenga así unos meses mas así logro emparejar a al menos 2500.
Interesante proyecto.
Están hablando de bajar el supply un 80%, lo quieren reflejar en una propuesta para que sea votado por los computors.

Steering Committee Update

Yesterday, the team met to finalize the details of the latest advancements we have in the works for QUBIC. Two monumental developments with the aim to escalate Qubic’s ecosystem development:

Project X
The first development, the final name of which will be voted on by you, the Community, is set to revolutionize the foundations of the balance between Qubic’s supply and demand. The proposal for the computors approval of this protocol extension is being drafted. We need your vote to choose the best fitting name for this exciting proposal :

1️⃣ Project Escalation
2️⃣ Project Extensions Zeus
3️⃣ Project X

Qubic Grants Program
The second is a grants program designed exclusively for Qubic, tailored to the specifics of our ecosystem, with the goal of expanding the developer ecosystem and increasing tools/IPOs.

Mark your calendars for our AMA on Monday 22 July 1PM UTC —this will be an event you don't want to miss.
In the meantime, we invite you to share your thoughts on these exciting initiatives in the comments.
