Prohíben vehículos eléctricos en aparcamientos de Vietnam tras un incendio con 56 muertos

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On September 12, minutes before midnight, Vietnam registered its deadliest fire incident in over a decade: 56 people were killed in a fire at a nine-story apartment building in Hanoi. Soon after, rumors spread that an e-scooter battery had caused it, which led several building owners in the city to quickly ban the charging of electric vehicles at their properties. Though these rumors were later proved false by the police, many buildings continue to restrict EV charging.

The cause of the fatal blaze that claimed 56 lives in a mini apartment building in Hà Nội on September 12 night was determined to be a short circuit in the electrical wiring of a gasoline-powered motor scooter parked on the building’s first floor, the investigative police agency of the Hà Nội Police Department announced on Wednesday.