pilinguin levanta el embargo a Irán del sistema anti-misiles avanzado S-300

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Únete al mayor foro de economía de España

Y un año más tarde, Rusia confirma que enviará el sistema anti-misiles a Irán en "los próximos días"- La noticia ya es noticia de portada en Israel

Russia to Start Delivering Iran S-300 Air Defense Missiles, Interfax Reports
Senior Russian diplomat tells news agency says exact timing of shipment is not yet clear.

REUTERS -- Russia will begin the first shipment of its S-300 air defense missile systems to Iran in the coming days, Interfax news agency quoted a senior Russian diplomat as saying on Tuesday.

"I don't know if this will happen today, but they (S-300 missiles) will be loaded (for shipment to Iran)," the agency quoted Zamir Kabulov, a department chief at the Foreign Ministry, as saying.

On Sunday, the Israeli deputy air force chief said that Israel’s neighbors are buying arms on a scale that threatens its regional military superiority.

"There are countries here which have plans that are being actualized for arms deals in the hundreds of billions of dollars, for the most advanced Western weaponry and the most advanced Eastern weaponry," Brig. Gen. Tal Kelman told a conference to promote Israel’s purchase of the advanced U.S. fighter jet the F-35.

read more: Russia to Start Delivering Iran S-300 Air Defense Missiles, Interfax Reports - Middle East News - Haaretz