No estamos tan mal. 51 razones por las que un norteamericano de clase obrera prefiere vivir en España.

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Why would a US citizen prefer to live in Spain? - Quora

Why would a US citizen prefer to live in Spain?

6 Answers
Eric Marsh
Eric Marsh
, lives in La Drova, Spain (2017-present)
Updated Jun 20 · Upvoted by Natalia Cortés, lived in Spain (1990-2012)

I’m an American citizen who moved to Spain about six months ago. Here are my reasons:

1> The US healthcare system was taking 1/3 of my after tax income for two low end HMO plans and my wife’s deductible. I was a software engineer so I made decent money.
2> The Republicans in particular are doing nothing to protect the middle class and the poor from the predatory rich.
3> Cops are killing people and their pets with virtually no accountability.
4> America is a violent society. School shootings and mass murder are becoming an epidemic.
5> Europe has a rich culture. The US hasn’t much to offer beyond pop culture.
6> I’m sick having blood on my hands by proxy from US military adventurism.
7> Food in the US is crap. European food is much better and more healthy.
8> I can live less expensively in Spain.
9> Spain (and most EU countries) are very safe. Mass shootings (or any shootings) in Spain are virtually unknown.
10> I can hop on a jet or high speed train and spend a few days elsewhere in Europe (I’m in Paris right now - my round trip train tickets from Valencia cost me about 100 Euro).
11> Trump
12> Human rights and the qualify of life in Europe are better than those in the US.
13> I live 20 minutes from the Mediterranean.
14> The Spanish people are in general very warm and friendly.
15> Public art is common in Europe. In contrast it’s almost non-existent in the US. (Art is good for the soul).
16> There is almost no homeless problem in Spain. It’s an epidemic in some US cities, such as Austin, Texas where I lived.
17> Environmentalism is considered to be important in Europe. In the US it’s treated like a dirty word by many.
18> lgtb and tras*gender rights are written into the constitution.
19> There’s not much religion here and the religion that is here is moderate (as opposed to Fundamentalism in the US).
20> There’s not a lot of racism or bigotry against people with different cultural backgrounds. Jovenlandeses are a part of Spain’s rich historic culture.
21> Public tras*portation is much better than in the US. City dwellers in many cases simply don’t need to own a car.
22> Tipping is not expected.
23> Medical costs are a fraction of those in the US. My wife’s botox cost about 1/4 of the US price. Her Creon costs less than 1/8th of what it cost in the US. A doctors visit cost me 20–30 Euro and 100 Euro for a specialist.
24> There is an enormous amount of history here. People live in houses that are older than the US and don’t think anything about it. I can easily visit a dozen castles within a radius of 100 km of my house. The Borgia ducal palace is 15 kilometers. I can walk to a cave with human artifacts going back as far as 30,000 years.
25> Every village has a Casa de Cultura (house of culture). I can attend monthly classical music performances in Gandia for 8 Euro.
26> My expat neighbors are self selected and as such tend to be interesting people.
27> The pace of life is much slower. Stores are closed on Sundays so that employees can have a day off. Many businesses close for siesta. I think this makes people less stressed and happier.
28> Beer costs about a Euro and a half.
29> Hiking and bicycling trails are common inside of cities and outside.
30> Gun ownership is virtually unknown. Nobody misses them.
31> Spain is clean. Once a month city employees come by and sweep our streets by hand.
32> There are many new highways and they are well maintained.
33> Many museums are free or accessible for only a couple Euro.
34> There is a remarkable sense of community.
35> The Spanish people love to have festivals and party. I recorded this video last week:

36> The government is actually willing to spend money to maintain infrastructure and historical sites.
37> There is a decent public safety net.
39> It’s sunny most of the time (at least where I live).
40> Spain is much more liberal than the US (but then again most places are).
41> The Spanish people are less concerned about maintaining an appearance of wealth (conspicuous consumption) than Americans are.
42> Spanish people work to live rather than living to work.
43> Living in Spain I can mostly escape the American noise machine.
44> It’s possible to get a Menu del Dia (daily lunch special) with two courses, a drink and desert in most places for somewhere around 9–10 Euro.
45> The Spanish people don’t give family values lip service - they live them instead.
46> Many traffic tickets are reduced by 50% if they are paid in 14 days.
47> The government limits the price of fuel cylinders that are commonly used for heating and cooking.

48> This is our opera house.

49> There are safe, clean parks and public facilities for children to play in.

50> Most importantly, living in Spain makes me happy. All I hear from the US these days is bad news. It feels so good to leave it behind. The longer I’m here the more I love being here.
Is that a good enough answer?
Edit Nov 2, 2018:
51> The life expectancy in Spain is the second longest in the world and will soon be the longest. In contrast life expectancies in the US are in decline.

Este es un progre de cosa fulastre.
Evaluémos sus respuestas.

1> The US healthcare system was taking 1/3 of my after tax income for two low end HMO plans and my wife’s deductible. I was a software engineer so I made decent money.
USamérica es una sociedad psicopática.

2> The Republicans in particular are doing nothing to protect the middle class and the poor from the predatory rich.
Este es un fulastre progre anti-Trump.
Esta situaciçon USAmerican ase ha creado en parte importante por los demócratas.
No se ha enterado que l aoligarquía e su país es única.
Pero carga contra Trump.
Ejj que a Trump le han votado los blancos, gñe.

3> Cops are killing people and their pets with virtually no accountability.
Pocas amscotas dan el pasaporte.
Se están matando a perros peligrosos.
Yo mataría los dueños también a la mínima.

4> America is a violent society. School shootings and mass murder are becoming an epidemic.
Es aun socieadd enferma.
Allí escparon todos loso criminales, edlincuentes, pilinguis y gente con gusto por el riesgo.
Y se han erproducido enrte ellos.
¿Qué shishi esperas paaret de una sociedad de psicóticos agresivos?

5> Europe has a rich culture. The US hasn’t much to offer beyond pop culture.
Este es orate.

6> I’m sick having blood on my hands by proxy from US military adventurism.
Este es un progre de cosa.

7> Food in the US is crap. European food is much better and more healthy.
Eso es cierto.

8> I can live less expensively in Spain.
A este orategineer habrá que contarle eso del PP.

9> Spain (and most EU countries) are very safe. Mass shootings (or any shootings) in Spain are virtually unknown.
No tenemos psicóticos.

10> I can hop on a jet or high speed train and spend a few days elsewhere in Europe (I’m in Paris right now - my round trip train tickets from Valencia cost me about 100 Euro).
Orto yanki orate que tiene idealizada a la vieja Europa.

11> Trump
Dije qeu era anti-Trum pantes de leer esto.
Este es un fulastre progre.
Los blancos heterosexuales de Europa DESEAMOS un Trump.

12> Human rights and the qualify of life in Europe are better than those in the US.
Ejj lo que tiene vivir en una osciedad de psicóticos.
Cuidado, que el con su progrez es otro psicótico, pero no lo sabe.

13> I live 20 minutes from the Mediterranean.
So what?

14> The Spanish people are in general very warm and friendly.

15> Public art is common in Europe. In contrast it’s almost non-existent in the US. (Art is good for the soul).
Muchos deseamos que quiten esos puñeteros bodrios (encima pagados con dinero público) de la vista, ya que ofenden el sentido estético y el buen gusto.
El aret al gusto de cada uno en su fruta casa.

16> There is almost no homeless problem in Spain. It’s an epidemic in some US cities, such as Austin, Texas where I lived.
No sólo es fulastre.
Es que se empeña en demosrtarlo.

17> Environmentalism is considered to be important in Europe. In the US it’s treated like a dirty word by many.

18> lgtb and tras*gender rights are written into the constitution.
¿Qué derechso de más tiene esas personas?
Hasta lso huevones estamos de los trastornados esos.

Y no, la constitución no tiene un apartado especial para los abecedario-boys-girls-its.

19> There’s not much religion here and the religion that is here is moderate (as opposed to Fundamentalism in the US).
Aqui tenemos la maldita religión atea que es el progresismo:
  1. Feminismo.
  2. amanergismo.
  3. Animalismo.

Lo que pasa que como es SU religión, no le molesta.

20> There’s not a lot of racism or bigotry against people with different cultural backgrounds. Jovenlandeses are a part of Spain’s rich historic culture.
Este es fulastre o un propagandista.
O las dos cosas, claro.

21> Public tras*portation is much better than in the US. City dwellers in many cases simply don’t need to own a car.
A cambio tiene peores casas.

22> Tipping is not expected.

23> Medical costs are a fraction of those in the US. My wife’s botox cost about 1/4 of the US price. Her Creon costs less than 1/8th of what it cost in the US. A doctors visit cost me 20–30 Euro and 100 Euro for a specialist.
creon - Buscar con Google
Tenemos a una enferma.

24> There is an enormous amount of history here. People live in houses that are older than the US and don’t think anything about it. I can easily visit a dozen castles within a radius of 100 km of my house. The Borgia ducal palace is 15 kilometers. I can walk to a cave with human artifacts going back as far as 30,000 years.
Ya está con al típici aimbecildiadi yanki.
Si es que son orates los pobres.

25> Every village has a Casa de Cultura (house of culture). I can attend monthly classical music performances in Gandia for 8 Euro.
No hijo no.
Eres un free-rider pagado con dinero público.
Una versión del pan y circo.
Yo eliminaría todos esos gastos.

26> My expat neighbors are self selected and as such tend to be interesting people.
Que vive en zona de expats.
Que co lso locales no se mezcla el yanki proge de cosa.
Todos lso yanksi la misma sarama.

27> The pace of life is much slower. Stores are closed on Sundays so that employees can have a day off. Many businesses close for siesta. I think this makes people less stressed and happier.
Es un fulastre demarca mayor con lo de la siesta.
Solo un yanki progre puede ser así de fulastre.

28> Beer costs about a Euro and a half.
Si está preocupado por el coste sanitario, debería de dejar ded beber tanta cerveza.
Y más con su muejr con el páncreas cascado.

29> Hiking and bicycling trails are common inside of cities and outside.
pilinguis bicicletas de lso huevones.

30> Gun ownership is virtually unknown. Nobody misses them.
Proger demierda.
MUCHA GENTE als echamso de menos.
Es lo qeu defien al ciudanía auténtica del subditaje.
Este va a ser un soy-boy nu-male rellenito cebón, como si lo viera.

31> Spain is clean. Once a month city employees come by and sweep our streets by hand.
No, no l oes.

32> There are many new highways and they are well maintained.
Pero es qeu su país es tercer mundo a efectos prácticos públicos y no se ha enterado.

33> Many museums are free or accessible for only a couple Euro.
Debeŕían de costar más los impuestos ser bajados.

34> There is a remarkable sense of community.
Este es fulastre.

35> The Spanish people love to have festivals and party. I recorded this video last week:
Me lo temía.
Yanki simplón que lo que le gusta es alfiesta, pael-la, toros, olé!

36> The government is actually willing to spend money to maintain infrastructure and historical sites.
Es que si no, ¿para qué se pagan impuestos?

37> There is a decent public safety net.
Es au meirda.
Pero como viene del infierno psicoático qeu es USAmérica esto le parece jauja.

39> It’s sunny most of the time (at least where I live).
En mi tierra ha habido gente de Boulder, Co, que al primer mes de invienro se querían ir, les he visto llorar de frío.

40> Spain is much more liberal than the US (but then again most places are).
Este es amahomos y abecedarios.

41> The Spanish people are less concerned about maintaining an appearance of wealth (conspicuous consumption) than Americans are.
Lal gente española tiee nmás psotureo que lso yankis.
Lo que pasa es que com son pobres a él le parece que son normales.
Pobre fulastre.

42> Spanish people work to live rather than living to work.
Por la cosa sueldos que hay...
Aparte de eso es que este tipo vienie del infienor psicopático laboral qeu es USAmérica.
Sin protección hacia el trabajador.

43> Living in Spain I can mostly escape the American noise machine.
¿La de propagada dice?
¿O de qué habla?

44> It’s possible to get a Menu del Dia (daily lunch special) with two courses, a drink and desert in most places for somewhere around 9–10 Euro.

45> The Spanish people don’t give family values lip service - they live them instead.
En todas las casa crian habas, y en la mía, calderadas.

46> Many traffic tickets are reduced by 50% if they are paid in 14 days.
Lasmultas están infladas en un 100% para que no se recurran.
Es una fruta extorsión.

47> The government limits the price of fuel cylinders that are commonly used for heating and cooking.
Si, eso es algo bueno.

48> This is our opera house.
¿Y qué?
Es una barbaridad que con la excusa del turismo se haya malempleado dineor público para eso, que no produce nada.

49> There are safe, clean parks and public facilities for children to play in.
Si no se te come al niño y a ti el maldito perro-mascota-salvaje que el policía no ha apiolado.

50> Most importantly, living in Spain makes me happy. All I hear from the US these days is bad news. It feels so good to leave it behind. The longer I’m here the more I love being here.
Malas noticias.
Trump sigue en el poder.
Los heterosexuales blancos no son exterminados.

Is that a good enough answer?
Edit Nov 2, 2018:
51> The life expectancy in Spain is the second longest in the world and will soon be the longest. In contrast life expectancies in the US are in decline.
Todos comiendo sarama y drogándose con meta.