La SEC abre investigación a TESLA por fraude


7 Nov 2022
Tesla Faces Fraud Investigation From DOJ, SEC Over ‘Full Self-Driving’ Claims


For almost a decade now, Tesla and its CEO Elon Musk have repeatedly promised that its automated driving assists like Autopilot and "Full-Self Driving Beta" are safer than humans—and on the verge of obsoleting us entirely. While Musk's projections have fallen flat for almost as long, Tesla's doublespeak has still led to sometimes fatal overconfidence in its driving tech. Now, the federal government is finally calling Tesla's bluff, as multiple regulators are reportedly looking into whether Tesla's cars are really as self-driving as Tesla claims them to be.

Speaking to "three people familiar with the matter," Reuters reports both the Department of Justice and Securities and Exchange Commission are investigating Tesla's claims over its driving automation tech. The DOJ is looking into suspected wire fraud for misleading consumers, and making them believe that its driving tech is more capable than it really is. The SEC meanwhile is gathering evidence of suspected securities fraud for deceiving investors, which the SEC has previously fined Musk for.

AP and the similar FSD are under scrutiny for the gap between what Tesla claims their capabilities are to the public versus what it tells regulators. These hands-on SAE Level 2 driving assists are advertised as being safer than a human driver, whom Tesla has suggested in the past must only remain attentive behind the wheel for legal reasons. Musk has even gone as far as removing his hands from the steering wheel in a TV interview to promote the tech's ostensible reliability.
But in its fine print, Tesla instructs users to remain engaged at all times, with hands on the wheel and eyes on the road. And while dealing with regulators, Tesla has classified its most advanced FSD tech at SAE Level 2—rather than the borderline Level 5, fully autonomous system the company implies it's on the verge of becoming. While Tesla recently rebranded FSD Beta to FSD Supervised, it did so without implementing significant functional improvement.
Yo todavía recuerdo aquel tesla al que se le cambiaba la batería en menos tiempo de lo que se llenaba un depósito de gasolina.