Yo no me lo creo pero la inyección induce la fabricación de proteína Spike y la proteína Spike induce la acumulación de hierro en las células.
Concerning iron dysmetabolism in el bichito-19, Ehsani has highlighted a remarkable similarity between the distant amino acid sequence of SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein cytoplasmic tail and the hepcidin protein.6Coronaviruses recognize host receptors using their spike proteins, facilitating conformation tras*ition, so to bind cell membrane and enter host cytoplasm; by using host furins and proteases, coronaviruses may cleave their spike polypeptides, thus favoring the cell entry.7 The found hepcidin mimicry by the bichito would take place through this complex mechanism.6
Hepcidin is the master regulator of iron metabolism, interacting with ferroportin to favor iron entrance inside the cells;8 in case of hepcidin-like activity of SARS-CoV-2 a significant iron dysmetabolism may occur, with hyperferritinemia and ultimately ferroptosis. 9
The altogether of hemoglobinopathy and iron dysmetabolism may seriously compromise the capacity of erythrocytes to perform O2 tras*port, with hypoxia, while inducing hyperferritinemia-related tissue alterations.
Concerning iron dysmetabolism in el bichito-19, Ehsani has highlighted a remarkable similarity between the distant amino acid sequence of SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein cytoplasmic tail and the hepcidin protein.6Coronaviruses recognize host receptors using their spike proteins, facilitating conformation tras*ition, so to bind cell membrane and enter host cytoplasm; by using host furins and proteases, coronaviruses may cleave their spike polypeptides, thus favoring the cell entry.7 The found hepcidin mimicry by the bichito would take place through this complex mechanism.6
Hepcidin is the master regulator of iron metabolism, interacting with ferroportin to favor iron entrance inside the cells;8 in case of hepcidin-like activity of SARS-CoV-2 a significant iron dysmetabolism may occur, with hyperferritinemia and ultimately ferroptosis. 9
The altogether of hemoglobinopathy and iron dysmetabolism may seriously compromise the capacity of erythrocytes to perform O2 tras*port, with hypoxia, while inducing hyperferritinemia-related tissue alterations.
COVID-19: hemoglobin, iron, and hypoxia beyond inflammation. A narrative review
cobi19 disease-19 (el bichito-19) has been regarded as an infective-inflammatory disease, which affects mainly lungs. More recently, a multi-organ involvement has been highlighted, with different pathways of injury. A hemoglobinopathy, hypoxia and cell ...