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No tengo tiempo ni para opinar :rolleyes: , así que copypasteo a saco:
PC News: PC community shouldn't antiestéticar next-gen consoles, says Crytek CEO - ComputerAndVideoGames.com
PC community shouldn't antiestéticar next-gen consoles, says Crytek CEO

By Andy Robinson for CVG UK

The PC gaming market have nothing to antiestéticar over the impending launch of powerful next-gen consoles, the CEO of Crytek has said.

Speaking to CVG at E3, Yerli said that one change he expects to occur in the PC space is an evolution of business models to free-to-play - and the Crysis studio is trying to fuel the tras*ition by offering 'Crysis quality' games for free.

"I think PC gaming should never antiestéticar. PC gaming is always going to be on the public's eyes," he said.

"The only thing that will happen is that PC gaming is going to change and adopt different business models - and we are trying to change it ourselves with high quality, premium free-to-play titles.

"There is absolutely no reason why gamers shouldn't get triple-A games for free. Absolutely no reason. But we're going to bite the bullet and do it. Somebody has to lead the way."

Yerli described Western devs' hesitation to adopt F2P for its traditional titles as "a typical industry problem."

He explained: "How can you justify 10-30 million in production going in to a game that people are going to play for free? There is no royalty calculation possible in traditional minds.

"What everybody needs to do is look at the Eastern world and how they make their royalty calculations and business plans, and literally bring that to the West, but apply the Western quality standards."

And that's what Crytek did, adds Yerli, and is now applying to its new free-to-play ventures Warface and its G-Face social platform.

"I went to Korea in 2006 and I was blown away by the way people play games - online, connection and social... that's their lifestyle. There are pro-gamers making more money that some sports guys.

"So in 2006 I saw the future. A Future with crappy quality at that point, but with games that were creating revenues and business models that were astonishing. So when I came back I said, 'I want that kind of business model in the Western world with the quality of a Crysis.'

Carmack: next-gen visuals "will be what we already have, but a lot better" • News • Eurogamer.net
Carmack: next-gen visuals "will be what we already have, but a lot better"

By Wesley Yin-Poole Published 20 June, 2012


"In many ways I am not all that excited about the next generation."

Some gamers and game developers are crying out for the next-generation of consoles in the hope they will herald significant advances in graphics.

But games programming legend John Carmack remains unconvinced.

"When people ask how tapped out is the current console generation, PCs are 10 times as powerful but you really are still not technically limited," he told GamesIndustry International at E3.

"Any creative vision that a designer could come up with, we can do a pretty good job representing on current generation and certainly on PC. In many ways I am not all that excited about the next generation. It will let us do everything we want to do now, with the knobs turned up."

Amid leaked Xbox 720 strategy documents and rumoured tech specs one thing is certain: the next-generation will bring with it improved visuals. But just how improved?

Developers Eurogamer has spoken with indicate graphics achieved on high-end PCs using the DirectX 11 standard provide a good indication of what we'll see on the next consoles from Microsoft and Sony.

One improvement many gamers are hoping for is games running at 60 frames per second in 1080p natively. But Carmack, whose programming smarts helped make last year's FPS Rage achieve a super smooth 60fps throughout, cast doubt on this becoming a reality.

"If you take a current game like Halo which is a 30 hertz game at 720p; if you run that at 1080p, 60 frames with high dynamic frame buffers, all of a sudden you've sucked up all the power you have in the next-generation," he said.

"It will be what we already have, but a lot better. You will be able to redesign with a focus on D11, but it will not really change anyone's world. It will look a lot better, it will move towards the movie rendering experience and that is better and better, but it's not like the first time you've ever played an FPS. It won't be like putting yourself in the virtual world. All the little things you can do on that, such as playing an audio cue over here, and turning your attention to that. That will be more of the discontinuous step like we've had with first going to 3D or first using a mouse."

Carmack's comments came as part of a demo of his homebrew stereoscopic virtual reality headset, which has a motion sensor stuck to it to allow it to track your head movements. This, he said, could make a big difference to the experience of playing games, in the same way Nintendo's Wii introduced motion control.

"Sony and Microsoft are going to fight over gigaflops and teraflops and GPUs and all this," he said. "In the end, it won't make that much difference. When you get to this, it makes a really big difference in the experience. Nintendo went and brought motion into the gaming sphere and while only having a tenth of the processing power was able to outsell all of them in all of these ways. I think someone has an opportunity to do this here. It takes a whole ecosystem though, but it is almost perfect."