Hilo oficial de la guerra PC vs Consolas

...y la noticia del día es que GOG publica 50 juegos para linux (están testeados bajo 14.04, y creo que muchos utilizan DosBox o Wine):
News - GOG.com Now Supports Linux! - GOG.com
P-p-pick Up A SpaceChem: GOG Now Supports Linux | Rock, Paper, Shotgun

Parece que AMD se apunta a la memoria apilada (se supone que la siguiente arquitectura de Nvidia lo va a llevar también, o la siguiente a esa):
Report: AMD Carrizo APUs To Get Stacked On-Die Memory
Los resultados recién publicados de AMD no son ni mucho lo que se esperaba, y la acción cae bastante:
AMD Posts Weaker Than Expected Earnings, Stock Plunges

Nvidia saca un nuevo Shield pero parece que a nadie le importa demasiado (a mi el primero):
Nvidia Countdown, Quest Points to Upcoming Shield
Nvidia Announces Tegra K1 Shield Tablet for Gaming
Asus anuncia un monitor con G-Sync y bastante buena pinta (27", 2560 x 1440, hasta 144 Hz) para Agosto:
Asus Republic of Gamers G-Sync Monitor Arrives in August
Unos cuantos links acerca de los rumores de la GTX 880 (podría ser anunciada en una conferencia dentro de poco, Gamescom):
New GeForce GTX 880, GTX 870 Details Leak
Will the GTX 880 Be Announced at Gamescom?
Will the GTX 880 Be Announced at Gamescom?

Y M$ parece que sique con la idea de integrar todo en un sólo sistema operativo... la gente no está muy contenta con el tema:
Nadella’s “one operating system” ain’t new and won’t be one OS

La PC gaming alliance se renombra "Open Gaming Alliance", y vienen a decir que:
“Our mission is to keep the gaming ecosystem “open” and the most profitable platform for publishing games. Our focus is across multiple OSs such as: Windows, Mac OSX, SteamOS, Linux, etc.; and for all form factors including desktops, laptops, tablets, and 2-in-1s. We provide a unified leadership voice for the industry.”
PC Gaming Alliance Becomes Open Gaming Alliance

Edito y añado: El artículo de hoy de "Week in Tech" de Jeremy Laird. Esencialmente, viene a decir lo que he comentado en el post. Ojo, en particular, al monitor Asus, que parece ser que es de los nuevos TN y no IPS (MagicPep: llevo ya meses oyendo cosas buenas de ellos, pero no he visto reviews decentes)
Week in Tech: Nvidia’s Gaming Tablet, No More Moore | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Week in Tech: Nvidia’s Gaming Tablet, No More Moore

By Jeremy Laird on July 24th, 2014 at 9:00 pm.

Nvidia has wheeled out its second effort at the obviously-not-actually-a-PC-but-does-interesting-things-with-PCs Shield gaming device. And this time it’s a tablet. Which is what it should have been in the first place. But doesn’t actually miccionan it’s automatically good idea. Still, it’s hard to imagine Shield the Second doing much worse than Shield the First, which ended up being given away in boxes of Cheerios (ish) and even then only escaped landfills on account of being handed out by the sackful to shameless media types addicted to freebies. Meanwhile, there’s more confirmation that Moore’s Law is really no, er, more, some interesting screens get priced up, another interesting screen turns out to be an epic dud…it was ever thus.

So, the Nvidia Shield Tablet. First a quick specs tour. We’re talking 8-inches, 1,920 by 1,200 pixels (16:10, yay!) and Nvidia Tegra K1 chips. The latter sports 192 cores. Count ‘em!

Actually, that’s really 192 shaders which sounds good until you consider that a GeForce GTX 780 Ti packs 2,880 of the little buggers and the starting point for decent Nvidia PC gaming card for a PC (the 750 Ti) kicks things off with 640 so-called cores.

Oh, and Tegra K1 is Kepler and thus not the much more efficient new Maxwell graphical gubbins, which would suit a mobile device like this conspicuously well.

Anyway the point is that Tegra Shield has decent graphics grunt for an Android device, but it’s hardly off the map.

Get a load of my magnesium thermal shield…

Then there’s a stylus, stezza speakers plus bass ports and a 5MP forward facing camera (Twitch ahoy etc). The whole shebang is 9.2mm thick, weighs 390g and runs Android 4.4.2. Those dimensions makes it slightly thinner and quite a bit lighter than the current standard iPad. That of course is a 10-inch tablet. The iPad Mini is closer in screen proportions and both thinner at 7.5mm and lighter at 331g. But Shield Tegra is by no means a porker on paper.

A few other technical details include DRM compliance extras that allow high bandwidth Netflix streaming (apparently uncommon on an Android device) and 5 GHz 2×2 WiFi for game streaming goodness.

For me, however, what’s most important is the possibility that this new Shield might cut it simply as a tablet. I don’t have a tablet, currently. I’m really waiting for tablet convertibles to hit a sweet spot for price, portability and performance.

But a tablet that promises exceptional gaming chops along with some fancy antiestéticatures to enhance your PC gaming larks? It’s an interesting proposition, at the very least, and contrasts with the first Shield that may have worked tolerably as a portably gaming console but was crap as a generalist touch-screen tablet.

Streamy stuff plus general tablet prowess could combine to make Shield the Second viable

Anyway, beyond the pure hardware specs, highlights include GameStream support for streaming games from your Nvidia-powered PC, Cloud Streaming from, er, the cloud, Twitch with hardware video acceleration via ShadowPlay and console mode that allows you to hook up Shield Tablet and use it like, yes, a games console.

Caveats include wireless game streaming limited to 720p (ethernet gives full 1080p. Pricing is $299 (£229) with the wireless controller (that mimicks the form of Shield 1) yours for $59.

On the subject of Twitch, it’s said to be fully integrated including live broadcast of Android gameplay with picture-in-picture stream from the front-mounted webcam. This also works with GameStream mode, thus you can stream your PC games to the Shield at the same time as streaming them to Twitch and all with a claimed neglible hit on performance. Hmmmm.

Another kick-stand contraption? Yep. But the new Shield is genuinely intriguing

As a pure gaming device in its own right, you have to be realistic about Shield Tablet. Compared with even a low-end gaming PC, the hardware is feeble. Then there’s the relative dearth of pukka gaming titles for Android.

However, mix in the in-home game streaming and general-purpose tablet functionality and maybe it’s a goer. Personally, I doubt it will fly off shelves but then I haven’t tried it yet as I was on hols when Nvidia had its first hands-on event. Time for me to spool up the email client and fire it in the direction of Nvidia, methinks.

In other news, Intel has apparently admitted that its next family of CPUs, known as Broadwell, is delayed by six months. In fact, going by Intel’s own tick-tock technological deathmarch, Broadwell’s 14nm tras*istors (down from today’s 22nm efforts) will be about a year late when it becomes widely available early next year.

relleniton Freeman in the flesh. Oh, hang on…

No real news here, perhaps, but it does contribute to a broader picture of slowing chip production tech development that we’ve touched on a few times. TSMC, the Taiwanese outfit that makes graphics chips for Nvidia and AMD, has been dead in the water at 28nm for what seem like a aeon, forcing Nvidia to stick on that node for several of its new Maxwell-gen chips.

Admittedly, a bit like oil production the demise of the relentless progress of Moore’s Law and thus computer chip complexity and power has been incorrectly mooted many a time before. But it certainly feels near to end-of-line for silicon chips as we know them. A new engineering paradigm may come along and a few are indeed in the offing, but in the short to medium term it may be software efficiencies that keep the wheels of progress turning – think AMD’s Mantle API and a broader effort to reduce overheads, that kind of thing.

AOC’s super wide effort looks interesting for half a bag of her maj’s finest

Finally, a few screens. AOC has priced up the super wide 34-inch (3,440 by 1,440 pixel) u3477Pqu at £499 in the UK (US pricing / availability TBC). It’s an IPS panel and that price puts it on a par with many of the new 28-inch 4K TN generation. Interesting.

Then there’s the long-overdue Asus ROG Swift PG278Q. 27-inch, 2,560 by 1,440, 140Hz, G-Sync and…TN. Going by the latest TN 28-inch 4K panels, the TN thing may not be the deal breaker it once was for a premium panel and it could all make for the ultimate gaming panel. On the other hand with a UK price of around £700 (so US buyers probably need around $1,000), it will need be TN unlike anything we’ve seen before – including even those 4K panels.

The Asus Jesus panel. There, I said it again!

Then there’s the Viewsonic VX2880ML. It’s based on the same 28-inch TN 4K panel as everything else but priced at £430 ($831), it’s the cheapest yet. I had a quick look at one yesterday and all I can say is don’t walk. Run. Run away from this monitor. It doesn’t support 60Hz as far as I can tell, it has some horrible pixel sharpening by default (and that can’t be disabled) and the chassis has all the structural integrity of a soggy Trabant after a winter-long soaking. Avoid.

Y otro artículo acerca de por qué Nvidia se está metiendo en el campo de Android: Creen que el futuro del casual gaming no son las consolas, como hasta ahora, sino sistemas de Android con mejores gráficos.
Nvidia Explains Why It's Building Shield Family of Devices
Última edición:
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Aparezco fugazmente y me voy, no me gusta un pelo este jilo... el caso es que obvían la mayor, no sé por qué habiendo tanto aemedero en el jilo.

AMD presenta nuevas CPUs (refritos) en el socket AM3+ y por fin la CPU Kaveri en el socket FM2+.

Lo más destacable del socket AM3+ es el FX 8370E, ese, junto al FX 8320E, son los que más me llaman la atención. Si tienen tanto recorrido de OC como los demás FX son dignos de echarles un vistazo. AMD asegura que ha afinado el proceso de fabricación de esas CPUs en relación con las existentes. No sé, tengo muchas dudas :pienso::pienso:

Eso sí, va a arrastrar los precios hacia abajo de los existentes... es muy posible que veamos el FX 6300 (precio nuevo recomendado de 80$) por debajo de los 70 euros para navidades más o menos. Redondea más aún el atractivo e mejor micro del socket.

Me llama la atención el FX 8370E por su TDP de 95W pero claro, tras ver sus frecuencias deja de sorprenderme tanto.

Habían muchas ganas de un octacore por debajo de los 100W de TDP, pero claro, esas ganas eran de la gente que no quiere o sabe manipular los valores de la CPU; de hecho yo tengo un octacore a 95W desde hace 3 años ya. Le bajas frecuencias y voltajes et voilá... y eso es justamente lo que sospecho que han hecho.

La verdadera novedad es el Athlon II X4 870K, la CPU pura Kaveri del socket FM2+... parte, creo recordar, desde los 3,7 GHz y se estira hasta los 4,0 con el Turbo Core 3.0. Ojito que Kaveri penaliza muy, muy poquito con los Intel en monohilo (muchísimo menos que los FXs). Si sale con los 5.700 puntos passmark de partida que presenta en su formato de APU como CPU pues estamos hablando de una CPU a la altura del FX 6120 (sixcore) en potencia de procesamiento.

El Athlon II X4 870K viene fabricado de forma muy diferente a la APU, que es lo verdaderamente interesante. En el Athlon no están los 8 cores de la GPU. Ojo, no están, no que los han bloqueado chapuceramente como solían hacer con los Athlones, Phenones y FXs... y esa es la gran noticia.

De momento el gran puntazo es le precio del Athlon, que andará por los 75 euros (70$ precio sugerido por AMD... pero ya conocemos lo sioputas que son los proveedores haciendo siempre la conversión 1: entre euro y dólar)... otra cosa es que nos lo traigamos de Malasia directamente, ahí va a ser fácil encontrar el 870K en el precio sugerido.

O sea, sabemos que el Kaveri funrrula a 95W, 65W y 45W según elige el usuario en bios... ¿será el siguiente paso incorporar en el lugar de la GPU un módulo de 2 núcleos y ofrecer el kaveri sixcore a 100W? :pienso: ¿o el octacore Kaveri a 125W?

Lo que está claro es que el Kaveri canibaliza a los sixcores y quadcores del socket AM3+, de ahí que las novedades en el socket AM3+ hayan venido todas en la familia de los octacores. No tiene sentido, al precio que andan las placas FM2+ (muy baratas) optar por un quadcore o sixcore de AM3+. Eso no es absoluto malo pues la canibalización del Kaveri sobre sus veteranos hermanos AMD traerá consigo una gran bajada de precio de los quadcores y sixcores de AM3+ para que sigan siendo atractivos y no acumulen un stock imposible de disolver en el mercado. Están de enhorabuena los usuarios que se incorporen al mundillo gamer en niveles de acceso y medio (con tarjetas gamers bajas y medias); sus pcs se van a abaratar considerablemente.

Las dudas que me surjen son dos principalmente. La primera es que esta presentación de refritos me hace pensar que va a haber un retraso, como es habitual, en presentar las CPUs sucesoras de los FXs del socket AM3+, previsto para el 2016... ponedle otro añito más fácilmente, es muy habitual en AMD (solamente hay que recordar que las Kaveris fueron anunciadas para el 2012 y hasta enero del 2014 no vieron la luz). La otra duda que me asalta es que por prolongar la vida de los FXs de AM3+ no den el recorrido lógico que admite Kaveri... y eso casi que lo tengo confirmado en el momento que AMD no da orden a los fabricantes de placas para que abran las fases hasta la 8+2 y se quede en 6+2 que ofrecen algunas 88+ del socket FM2+.

En fin, todas estas dudas van a desaparecer muy rápidamente, el Athlon II X4 870K estará en el mercado dentro de 7 días y su evolución en ventas nos sacará de dudas.