Hilo oficial de la guerra PC vs Consolas

Y mientras los fanboys de AMD se aferran patéticamente a un artículo de hace un mes, cuando aún no habían salido las tarjetas definitivas y no había ni drivers apropiados, los reviews de todas las páginas esta semana se deshacen en elogios a la GTX 750 Ti: (pero que bien troleo cuando me pongo!!!)
An Upgrade Story: Can the GTX 750 Ti Convert OEMs PCs to Gaming PCs? | Power Consumption Changes and Closing Thoughts
Look at these numbers! Usually when we compare graphics performance between different GPUs we are talking in the 5-10% range as being a big deal. Take a look at our review of the GeForce GTX 750 Ti and how it compares to the Radeon R7 260X and you'll see that pattern of logic repeated over and over. In our article today we saw increases as high as 10.2x - an order of magnitude increase in the average frame rate!! Bioshock Infinite on the Lenovo H520 went from a completely unplayable mess to an ultra-smooth 1920x1080 title with plenty of room for image quality increases.

Nvidia’s new Maxwell-powered GTX 750 Ti is hyper-efficient, quiet, a serious threat to AMD | ExtremeTech
Judged strictly on performance, it’s a sideways step from the GTX 650 Ti Boost, with similar performance and the same MSRP. Factor in power consumption, however, and there’s simply no comparison: The GTX 750 Ti is the most power-efficient GPU we’ve seen years. Its strongest use-case will be in thermally constrained environments like HTPC or SFF systems where users want to maximize gaming performance per watt. Coincidentally, that’s where most of the future of gaming is expected to be (consoles, Steam Machines, set-top boxes, portables, etc.)

The GM107 today is just one mid-market GPU, but it’s impossible to look at this core and not see the tremendous difference it could make for the laptop market, too. As Intel’s integrated graphics have ramped up and laptops have gotten thinner, there’s been a real question as to what Nvidia would do to ensure its mobile GPUs could still compete. Maxwell takes everything Kepler did well, and does it even better.

In theory, the competitive situation with AMD is simple: AMD believes that the R7 265 will match or exceed the GTX 750 Ti across the board. From what we’ve seen, that seems likely to be true — but the rampant street price inflation fueled by the recent cryptocurrency boom hurts any such comparisons. If the R7 265′s price is pushed up to $200 by the same market forces that are pumping up the R9 270 and R9 270X, it’s not going to compare nearly as well.

Nvidia's GeForce GTX 750 Ti 'Maxwell' graphics processor - The Tech Report - Page 12
In my view, the outcome here is pretty straightforward. Nvidia is apparently rather proud of Maxwell, and it has priced the GeForce GTX 750 Ti accordingly. The 750 Ti offers lower overall performance than the card it replaces at $149, the GeForce GTX 650 Ti Boost, and it's also slower than the Radeon R7 265. Since Nvidia has killed off the 650 Ti Boost, the Radeon R7 265 captures the value title at $149. If you base your buying decision solely on price and performance, then the Radeon is the card to choose.

But the GTX 750 Ti can go places the R7 265 can't. The reference GTX 750 Ti is 5.75" long, doesn't need an auxiliary power input, and adds no more than 60W to a system's cooling load. The R7 265 is over eight inches long, requires a six-pin power input, and draws up to 150W of juice, which it then converts into heat. For many folks choosing between these two products, those factors may matter more than the difference in performance, especially since the GTX 750 Ti can provide a very nice gaming experience at 1080p. You've gotta think the GTX 750 Ti will be the animating force behind a legion of Steam boxes.

The Radeon R7 260X and the GeForce GTX 750 offer nearly identical performance at $119, but many of the same dynamics apply otherwise. The GTX 750 requires less power and doesn't need a six-pin aux input, for example. Also, in this case, the difference in noise levels is huge. The reference R7 260X registers 47 dBA on our sound level meter, while every GM107-based card we've tested flirts with the ~32 dBA noise floor in Damage Labs. I'd call this an unqualified win for Nvidia, except that the R7 260X has 2GB of memory, twice what the GTX 750 does. That fact didn't seem to harm the GTX 750 in our testing, but the Radeon is arguably more future-proof. Let's call this one a qualified win for Nvidia and add an asterisk about the memory size.

AnandTech | The NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti and GTX 750 Review: Maxwell Makes Its Move
Wrapping things up, as excited as we get and as focused as we are on desktop cards, it’s hard not to view this launch as a preview of things to come. With laptop sales already exceeding desktop sales, it’s a foregone conclusion that NVIDIA will move more GM107 based video cards in mobile products than they will in desktops. With GK107 already being very successful in that space and GM107 doubling NVIDIA’s performance-per-watt – and thereby doubling their performance in those power-constrained devices – it means that GM107 is going to be an even greater asset in the mobile arena. To that end it will be very interesting to see what happens once NVIDIA starts releasing the obligatory mobile variants of the GTX 750 series, as what we’ve seen today tells us that we could be in for a very welcome jump in mobile performance.

Nvidia GeForce GTX 750 and 750 Ti review - Final words and conclusion
The GTX 750 is an okay card, but if you are on a limited budget then the 750 Ti really is what you want to purchase as it has that little extra bite in performance. The 128-bit memory bus however limits the graphics memory bandwidth these cards really need. And that shows in performance. You, as a consumer, will have to forfeit on image quality settings to make the modern games perform well enough at a monitor resolution of 1920x1080. The cards will run with good image quality settings up-to 1600x1200, after that resolution you'll find yourself making compromises on image quality in order to gain in rendering performance. The cards are versatile and progressive when it comes to antiestéticatures and options.

That cooler works well, the product is silent and the GPU remains at fairly low temperatures. If cards like those tested today meet your maximum budget then we can certainly give them a recommendation. But truth be told, if you are purchasing a dedicated graphics card with the sole intent of gaming at HD resolutions, then really my recommendation remains the GeForce GTX 760 or better. On the competition's side, AMD pulled a fast one by releasing the R7-265 which really is a Radeon HD 7850 in disguise at a very fair 150 USD. Be sure to check that one out as overall it'll be faster (unless you opt factory overclocked products). But energy consumption wise the GTX 750 series will be hard to beat.

Por lo demás, Nvidia saca la Titan Black, con un GK110 sin límite alguno (es decir, que no lleva Streaming multiprocessors capados):
Nvidia GeForce GTX Titan Black Has Fully-enabled GK110 Core
Nvidia releases the next Titan, the GTX Titan Black – still costs $1000 | ExtremeTech

Y nuevos drivers que mejoran el rendimiento considerablemente... en las GeForce GTX 770/780/TITAN/780Ti - es decir, que los drivers buenos para la 750 Ti aún no ni han salido:
Nvidia's 334.89 WHQL Drivers Boost Performance Up to 19%
New NVIDIA WHQL Drivers - Blue's News Story

Me ha llamado la atención que por lo visto Carmack no se ha creído en absoluto la afirmación de Nvidia de que la Tegra K1 está a la altura de las PS3 y XBOX 360:
John Carmack Says to Take Nvidia's K1 Claims with Several Grains of Salt - Bright Side Of News*
Lo digo porque (aunque seguramente tenga razón, creo que Nvidia ahí se pasó un pueblo) la Tegra K1 tiene un núclero Kepler, y la 750Ti está demostrando que la nueva arquitectura (Maxwell) es mucho más eficiente energéticamente que Kepler, y por tanto tiene toda la pinta de que los siguientes SoCs de Nvidia van a ser sorprendentemente bueno.

Y... leches, que post más fanboy de Nvidia me ha quedado, no? :|
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Os reis del helicóptero, pero el kwhr raro es que no te salga a 20 ctms con todos los impuestitos y demás.

Hagamos cuentas:
365 días * 10hr * 50w * .20€ = 36€/año

Claro que PI puede que la use como apoyo a la estufa de la habitación o para calentar el sandwich mixto, y entonces, encendiéndola solo en invierno, hay que tirarse en plancha a por la R7, acordándose de pillarse unos tapones orejeros de 3M.

Serpentín, ¿a cuanto te pagan el review? Creo nos vendemos barato :roto2:

"Hestufa Helicóstero" HD 7850 OC 2GB GDDR5



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