Que sepas que las nucleares suizas son muy viejas. A poco que tengan problemas tendrán que pararlas, ya que han extendido su vida útil ya más allá de lo planificado.Vaya anuméricos los suizos. Mira que tirar de hidroeléctrica y nuclear, con lo caras y malas que salen...
De hecho, aquí ya apuntan.
The Gösgen nuclear power plant went into service in 1981 and is scheduled to be decommissioned in the next five years.
Curiosamente, creo que es la más jóven de todas. Pero claro, cada uno va por la decisión de su gestor.
Comparemos con esta
Beznau Power Plant
Traducción... Explotaremos la planta "hasta que reviente" (toquemos madera para que la rotura sólo implique parada, y por consiguiente, deje de operar por gastos).Decommissioning, dismantling and disposal
Axpo plans to continue operating the two units of the Beznau nuclear power plant for as long as it is safe and economically antiestéticasible to do so. Their continued operation depends on technical conditions, regulatory and political factors, and the market environment.
We are preparing for the future decommissioning process well ahead of time and with foresight, having launched a comparable project in the summer of 2016.
Once it has finally ceased to operate, the Beznau plant will enter what is known as the post-operation phase. Nuclear decommissioning will commence once the fuel elements have been taken away from the facility. The plant will then be dismantled step by step until all radioactive material has been removed from the units. Subsequently, the Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate ENSI will confirm that the plant is no longer a radiological source. The power plant site can then be used for other purposes. The process of decommissioning and dismantling will take around 15 years and cost about six billion Swiss francs.
Por cierto que esta planta ya va por la friolera de seis décadas de operación.
Ya han preparado seis mil millones de francos suizos para el desmantelamiento. Bueno... si luego cuesta mas, pues se quiebra y "asunto arreglado".