El fin del Imperio Romano en el Total War Attila


1 May 2007
Todavía estoy en el año 400. Pero de momento se me cuelan hordas por todos lados (y no importa que las persigas y las extermines porque siguen llegando y parece que cada vez a mayor ritmo), pandemias continuas, rebeliones, e incluso un cambio climático que ha arruinado la agricultura.

Y esto no ha hecho mas que empezar. Todavía no ha llegado el ejército huno.

Menudo infierno. Los objetivos que me marca el senado son simplemente sobrevivir. Y a eso me dedico: a intentar sobrevivir. Aunque no sé por cuanto tiempo. Imagino que en cuanto llegue Atila estaré acabado.

¿De verdad fueron así las cosas durante el final del Imperio romano de Occidente? Pues no me extraña que se hundieran.
trucos, como el lumberjack y el rockon del age of empires.
eso si, los romanos no los tuvieron...
Lástima que no quepa el tag "Sun Tzu + Clausewitz + Total War = Experto del Foro Historia"
¿De verdad fueron así las cosas durante el final del Imperio romano de Occidente? Pues no me extraña que se hundieran.

Más o menos aunque más harcore.Claro tú no eres un emperador inepto que se encierra en palacio con pilinguis y se dedica a vivir a todo tren mientras todo se viene abajo,no,en el juego luchas las batallas y manejas la diplomacia,tienes una visión aérea de Europa y además cuentas con el mejor poder de todos,el poder del save data,si algo sale mal, cargas y a otra cosa.
Roma cayo mas por temas internos que por los barbaros. Cuando los romanos dejaron de defender su imperio y la defensa paso a manos de los barbaros, fue cuando realmente quedaron dolidos.
Lástima que no quepa el tag "Sun Tzu + Clausewitz + Total War = Experto del Foro Historia"

Además de que en las pantallas de carga de casi todos los Total War salen citas y frases de Clausewitz, Tsun Tzu, Suvorov, Maquiavelo, etc. Aunque también de otros menos belicistas.

En mi opinión mejor eso que otras cosas para los jóvenes, considero a la saga Total War de lo mejorcito que se ha hecho hasta ahora en juegos de ordenador. Recomiendo sobre todo algunos mods como el Roma Surrectum o el Total History.
bájate el mod de radious para attila.


El juego pasa de ser un "arcade" y se tras*forma en lo que siempre tuvo que ser.

- Complete Economy system rebalance - this includes all building effects, costs, sanitation, squalor, food and public order mechanics.
- Religion, cultural coversion and population growth rebalanced to play more important role.

New army, navy and agents limits:

Army: 2,4,10,16,22,28,34,40 (fame 0-7)
Navy: 1,3,5,7,9,12,15,18 (fame 0-7)
Agents: 1,1,2,2,3,4,5,5 (fame 0-7)
Edicts: 0,2,4,6,8,10,11,12 (fame 0-7)

- Zone control of armies reduced.
- Unit minimum stregth increased from 0,05 to 0,15.
- Small rebalance of army action points.
- Edited civil wars so they can be avoided even on highest fame levels.
- Generals and Armies getting 3 skill points from level 3.
- Rebalanced amount of experience needed for units to level up.
- Rebalanced diplomacy status numbers: Friendly (35), Hostile (-90), Unfriendly (-55), Very friendly (70)
- Rebalanced conquest decisions - more options and potential gold income from various decisions.
- Only Nomads now can raze settlements.
- Improved Garrisons for all factions in main and minor city buildings. Progressive system - higher tier buildings provide more and better soldiers
- Ambush chance increased on almost all terrain types.
- Kids are adult and can be used since age of 18 (instead vanilla 20), increased chance to have a child by 5% and increased maximum number of family kids by 1.
- Several politics and family tree tweaks to be even more interesting to play with.
- Loyalty factors rebalanced.
- Several technologies slightly rebalanced.
- Colonise settlement cost reduced to 12000.
- Many changes to building recruitment system - additions which helps Ai to be able to handle many building types.
- Reworked unit replacements - about 65% of them were removed and units got their own recruitment requirements - more unit variety in campaigns for all factions.
- Rebalanced general and army skills - several got their effects and values changed.

Battle Changes:

- Complete battle and units rebalance - every single unit got its stats, costs, upkeeps, abilities, weapons and equipment rebalanced. Battles are longer, more enjoyable and more tactical.
- New jovenlandesale system - progressive, changes during battle rapidly, various effects changed. Overall longer and more interesting battles.
- Introducing new Weapon and Shield Tier system - Attilas one of many new antiestéticatures are unit tiers, this was enhanced to create for these tiers unique tier weapons and shields which enhancing unit variety and offer ultimate gamming experience. Higher tier units having simply higher tier equipment which makes battles way more interesting. Levy farmers has no longer same quality spears/shields as Elite Immortals. Every single weapon and shiled has now 3 tier variations which were assigned to all units as their tier is set.
- Every single weapon has its stats rebalanced, same as bonuses vs infantry, AP damage or cavalry/elephants. Every single armor and shiled has also been rebalanced.
- Reworked unit formations and spacing.
- Complete rebalance of all projectiles - every single bow, javelin, sling and crosbow has been edited to offer larger differences between types including reworked ranges, standard and AP damages, reload times - all stats and changes reflects directly in the game and also various munition types plays very important role when you choose your targets.
- Removed fire arrows from horses - simply fire scares the out of them!
- Doubled the health of walls and small city baricades.
- Increased ammo for all ranged units and arty to fit with new balance changes.
- Rebalanced all unit abilities - every ability got its stats, effects and duration changes. Also time when they can be used again is longer. Many abilities are unique for various cultures - Romans having different then barbarians etc.
- Rebalanced level up bonuses for units - more experienced units will play higher role.
- Unit masses and health system rebalanced - shock cavalry charges are really deadly if you not prepared.
- Fatigue system rebalanced - soldiers get tired quikcly in battles but once they are out for the moment they can get fresh faster.
- Increased reload time of Stone and Wooden Towers (50%) and slightly reduced their damage (20%) - they do hurt but no longer machine gun style.

AI Changes:

- Reworked AI recruitment system - AI will produce more balanced armies of various types of units when they are available.
- Ensured AI will use all units classes for future unit packs and wont ignore any unit types.
- Rebalanced AI campaign difficulty bonuses - on higher difficulties it will be really challenge for players.
- AI budget slightly reworked, added higher funds limits to operate with every turn.
- Rebalanced most diplomacy effects and offers which results in more logical aproach when deal is accepted or refused and the outcome of it.

Graphics Changes:

- Added new logo to the main menu and campaign loading screens, representing the mod and you know its activated.
- Removed dust effects when arrows hit the ground.
- Removed various dust effects when army marches on places where no dust would ever appear.
- Improved user interface tab for unit stats - now it shows bonus vs cavalry, bonus vs infantry, range and reload aswell.

Estoy jugando con el imperio romano de occidente...he sobrevivido,he doblegado a las tribus barbaras de germania,aplastado a esos llamados "ingleses",lidiado con la inmi gración subiendo impuestos para que no se asienten en mi imperio,renovado la sanidad y como no la capital de mi imperio aun siendo mediolano su emperador lo dirige desde hispania como buen trajano...y atila ha nacido con la intencion de darme por ojo ciego..pero fracasará...

Por cierto el imperio persa ha declarado la guerra a oriente y lo está despedazando..
Aquí todos resistiendo contra las hordas bárbaras y yo con la cutre campaña de la Galia....... por cierto con los Iberos yo he conseguido doblegar casi toda Europa jajajajaja muy histórico y tal XD
¿Es mejor que el Empire?

Digamos que más vistoso y buenas graficas, en ocasiones la IA tiene movimientos medio erraticos pero son mucho menores a comparación de Empire. Por cierto este último nunca lo jugué si no era con Imperial Splendour o el Darthmod debido a los multiples bugs de fábrica.
Al llegar al año 420 en una sola estación la fertilidad de la tierra cae en mas de 800 niveles. Hay hambre en todos lados. Mis legionarios están desertando en masa por el hambre y el frio. Y revueltas en las provincias.

Y justo en este momento crítico entran las hordas de Atila. Son fortísimas. No se parecen en nada a la guano bárbara a la que aplasto con facilidad. Atacarlas en campo abierto es una completa locura incluso si dispones de superioridad numérica.

Tengo que volver muchos turnos atrás para preparar la que se me viene encima.