un tecnico preocupado
Salta el nivel de radiación en el sistema de drenaje de Fukushima tras el tifón Wipha
Según informó la operadora TEPCO, citada por Itar-Tass, el nivel de estroncio y otras sustancias beta-emisoras es de 1.400 bequerelios por litro, lo que supera casi 30 veces la norma máxima para el agua que puede ser vertida al mar.
La prueba fue tomada a 150 metros de la orilla del océano, y ahora los expertos dela TEPCO van a medir la radiactividad del agua en la zona marítima circundante.
Las últimas mediciones mostraron tasas 70 veces más altas que las registradas este martes tras las pruebas de radiactividad en esta zona.
Los expertos creen que este salto está relacionado con el tifón Wipha, que azotó la región este 16 de octubre.
El tifón provocó fuertes lluvias que podrían haber vertido tierra radioactiva al sistema de drenaje.
Texto completo en: Salta el nivel de radiación en el sistema de drenaje de Fukushima tras el tifón Wipha
Pero eso fue el otro día...esto es de hoy...
Radioactivity level spikes 6,500 times at Fukushima well
Radioactivity levels in a well near a storage tank at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan have risen immensely on Thursday, the plant’s operator has reported.
Officials of the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) said on Friday they detected 400,000 becquerels per liter of beta ray-emitting radioactive substances - including strontium - at the site, a level 6,500 times higher than readings taken on Wednesday, NHK World reported.
The storage tank leaked over 300 tons of contaminated water in August, some of which is believed to have found its way into the sea through a ditch.
The well in question is about 10 meters from the tank and was dug to gauge leakage.
TEPCO said the findings show that radioactive substances like strontium have reached the groundwater. High levels of tritium, which tras*fers much easier in water than strontium, had already been detected.
Officials at TEPCO said they will remove any contaminated soil around the storage tank in an effort to monitor radioactivity levels of the water around the well.
The news comes after it has been reported a powerful typhoon which swept through Japan led to highly radioactive water near the crippled nuclear power plant being released into a nearby drainage ditch, increasing the risk of it flowing into the sea.
On Wednesday TEPCO said it had detected high levels of radiation in a ditch leading to the Pacific Ocean, and that it suspected heavy rains had lifted contaminated soil.