Demoler su propia casa o pagar por ello, opción de Israel a los palestinos

Están tan oprimidos que los europeos hemos estado pagando la buena vida de su jefe Arafat (gracias que falleció). Que son los que votaron a un partido politico terrorista, que le lavan la cabeza a los infantes hasta convertirlos en bombas humanas que estallan en supermercados o autobuses. Y luego sacan las fotos de los niños muertos para dar lástima, cuando la mayor parte, los han apiolado ellos, (porque como NO sabes, ellos se dan el pasaporte entre sí para obtener el poder, Hamás y Alfatat, son enemigos entre sí) y les sale rentable ponerlos en bandeja a la opinión publica.

A mi no me engañan, si por eso soy H. de P.

Verás, todos esos hechos que cuentas sobre los palestinos son, hasta donde yo sé, ciertos (lo de Arafat, lo del condicionamiento a los niños para el terrorismo, etc.), pero el problema de fondo de este hilo es si a esos palestinos a los que van a demolerles las casas se les está tratando de forma ecuánime, o no, cosa de la que tampoco tengo datos fehacientes para dar una opinión, pero que es una realidad concreta que no se puede debatir con generalidades del tipo "los palestinos son tal o cual" ni con hechos que no vienen a este caso ni a este lugar, como los ocurridos en Gaza.

Además, si son habitantes de Jerusalén, es posible que incluso no sean, jurídicamente hablando, palestinos, sino ciudadanos israelíes de "etnia árabe" (y perdón por el palabro, tan inexacto), que los hay, y muchos.

Si eres admirador de los Estados Unidos, supongo que lo serás porque tienes en buen concepto los fundamentos de sus sistema político, entre los que se incluye la igualdad ante la ley. En mi caso, las cosas que me gustan de los Estados Unidos pasan, necesariamente, por valores como ésos.

En este tema de las demoliciones no se puede aducir una emergencia bélica, ante cuyas prisas las garantías legales quedan suspendidas. Siendo los palestinos todo lo me gusta la fruta que quieras, ¿aprobarías que Israel no respetara los derechos básicos de individuos pacíficos que están sujetos a su soberanía desde el mismo día en que nacieron sólo porque son de determinada religión o lengua? ¿Considerarías eso propio de un país democrático?
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Se consolida el Apartheid en Israel

Housing Minister: Spread of Arab population must be stopped

Housing Minister Ariel Atias on Thursday warned against the spread of Arab population into various parts of Israel, saying that preventing this phenomenon was no less than a national responsibility.

"I see [it] as a national duty to prevent the spread of a population that, to say the least, does not love the state of Israel," Atias told a conference of the Israel Bar Association, which focused on a reforming Israel's Land Administration.

The Shas minister referred to Harish, a housing project built for the Haredi community in northern Israel, saying that the Arab population from the nearby Wadi Ara was spreading into the Harish area.

Atias went on to address the issue of the Galilee, saying that "if we go on like we have until now, we will lose the Galilee. Populations that should not mix are spreading there. I don't think that it is appropriate [for them] to live together."

"Look at what happened in Acre," Atias continued, referring to violent protests that broke out on the Eve of Yom Kippur last year over Jewish-Arab tensions in the mixed town.

"The mayor of Acre visited me yesterday for three hours and asked me how his town could be saved," Atias said. "He told me 'bring a bunch of Haredis and we'll save the city, even if I lose my political standing.' He told me that Arabs are living in Jewish buildings and running them out."

Atias argued that lands should be marketed to each sector separately, in order to create segregation, not just between Jews and Arabs but also between other sectors, such as ultra-Orthodox and secular Jews. "There is a severe housing crisis among the young ultra-Orthodox couples, and in the general population. I, as an ultra-Orthodox Jew, don't think that religious Jews should have to live in the same neighborhood as secular couples, so as to avoid unnecessary friction. And since some 5,000 to 6,000 religious couples get married every year, a problem arises because they require a certain kind of community life that goes along with their lifestyle."

The housing minister went on to say that the problem stemmed from faulty handling of land within the Land Administration and the Housing Ministry, among other reasons. "Today there is a serious housing crisis facing all the young couples in Israel, in part because of the limited appropriation of land in recent years in the Lands Administration and the Housing Ministry, and also due to faulty decision making which resulted from the high turnover of ministers over the last decade ? 8 ministers have held the office of Housing minister in the last decade and the Land Administration wasn?t under the ministry's authority for part of the time."

According to Atias, the solution he is spearheading is to flood the market with available land for housing construction. Atias explained that a team of planners has already begun working on the project. "I plan to market large amounts of land to the Arab population in the Galilee in order to solve their problems, as well as land for secular and religious Jews," he said.