Deutsche Bank ha subido el target a 80p.
Las redes arden a cuenta de que la inflación en Suecia ha bajado de nuevo y eso es positivo para el negocio de Currys.
La vuelta a la normalidad en Suecia pone el valor en 120 sin nada más.
Currys ha sabido demostrar que sabía dar la vuelta al negocio británico en problemas, ahora ha hecho lo mismo con el negocio en Suecia.
Los resultados de la semana en M&S de por sí señalan que la economía británica vuelve al consumo con bajadas de la inflación, subidas consolidadas en los sueldos y un mejor ánimo consumidor por una mejor mirada a los tipos que pueden bajar.
Se espera una fuerte recuperación en el mercado de venta de laptops a consecuencia de nuevas necesidades IA h ahí Currys mejora muchísimo sus ventas en cuando arranque esa tendencia de mercado.
No tengo más visibilidad del mercado de los móviles pero venía creciendo en clientes a ritmos de más del 20%. Eso es un bowlingzo espectacular, se han montado un OMV que va a tener millones de clientes.
El verano olímpico también va a impulsar las ventas.
Puede ser incluso que anuncien la vuelta del dividendo en julio. Ojo que un dividendo con posiciones hechas en los 60’s es mucho dinero a la que suba a 150’s. Te vas a dividendos del 10% en cuanto la mejora del negocio se consolide.

es objetivo que donde hay gente de izquierdas hay división, hay oodio y separatismo, hay enfrentamiento y violencia, hay rencor, hay abuso, SIEMPRE hay pobreza y desigualdad, hay mucha corrupción política, hay polarización social, injusticia de la Justicia, amigos primos y familiares robando de las arcas públicas, SOBRE TODO hay impunidad, el delito se incrementa, la inseguridad crece, desciende el civismo y la ética, aumenta mucho el paro en el país, la gandulería se extiende e impregna el aparato productivo, el denominado Estado se vuelve lechuginamente omnipresente, los impuestos escandalizan, las empresas se destruyen, sale más a cuenta no trabajar, la calidad educativa se va a los suelos, el adoctrinamiento es instaura, los estómagos agradecidos encuentran su edén en el paguiteismo, retroceden las libertades …..

Vais a pagar la infamia de vuestro voto maniqueo y criminal. Los primeros los rojoss sociolistoss que se creían que votaban venganza sobre la clase media. No os va a salir gratis, vais a pagar la factura los primeros, como siempre ha sido así so-ignorantes.
el movimiento de hoy es sumamente interesante y ya está por encima de la OPA tentativa de Elliot Management.
esto supone que ya tienen que haber salido los que entraron buscando especular y no por creer en el modelo del negocio de la empresa.
tiene poca resistencia reciente
el potencial es elevadísimo, a los precios de hoy se le puede multiplicar x4 fácilmente.


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    241 KB · Visitas: 15
Última edición:
Vamos ver si derriba los 84p y los consolida antes de resultados o es un techo momentáneo.
La subida a 120p puede ser muy rápida. Yo estimo que el primer 100% de subida no está ligado a resultados sino a eliminar el cepo de riesgo que le suponía la amenaza de ak. Solo se precisa que el mercado vea que empezó el ciclo económico para el consumo discrecional. Con eso se quita el peso de un múltiplo que indicaba sector a vender. En el momento que se asigne el letrero de sector a comprar …… se pasea fácil un primer 100%. Después con resultados otro 100% y se va a los 300p que puede ser un buen punto de inicio de ventas, todo esto en un entorno de muy buenos resultados.
En esta inversión sucede como en Atresmedia. A la que el ciclo de los economics de la empresa se pone con viento se cola, la acción duplica para sorpresa del tendido de los sesudos numerologos del cash flow y demás mandangas. Lo que cotiza es la ambición, la avaricia y el miedo.

es objetivo que donde hay gente de izquierdas hay división, hay oodio y separatismo, hay enfrentamiento y violencia, hay rencor, hay abuso, SIEMPRE hay pobreza y desigualdad, hay mucha corrupción política, hay polarización social, injusticia de la Justicia, amigos primos y familiares robando de las arcas públicas, SOBRE TODO hay impunidad, el delito se incrementa, la inseguridad crece, desciende el civismo y la ética, aumenta mucho el paro en el país, la gandulería se extiende e impregna el aparato productivo, el denominado Estado se vuelve lechuginamente omnipresente, los impuestos escandalizan, las empresas se destruyen, sale más a cuenta no trabajar, la calidad educativa se va a los suelos, el adoctrinamiento es instaura, los estómagos agradecidos encuentran su edén en el paguiteismo, retroceden las libertades …..

Vais a pagar la infamia de vuestro voto maniqueo y criminal. Los primeros los rojoss sociolistoss que se creían que votaban venganza sobre la clase media. No os va a salir gratis, vais a pagar la factura los primeros, como siempre ha sido así so-ignorantes.
Última edición:
fin de este hilo

O un continuará... lo suyo sería que la vida porculera y pesimista como ella misma apareciese ahora de la mano de una ampliación de capital
pues continua la vida en este valor.
es un cañón, de lo mejor que hay en bolsa para multiplicar por 3 al menos.
se escapó al alza con volumen ante la oferta de derribo de Elliot Managers.
como dijimos por aquí, Paul Singer es el mayor activista del mundo y compra a precio regalado y cuando el mercado de fondo se pone a empujar de pandero. Su intento de OPA fue muy clara: el precio de 62p era un suelo rídiculo al que quiero entrar solo el que compra regalado y además subyace la idea clara de que el mercado de consumo discrecional estaba a punto de explotar al alza.
en bolsa desde entonces no se ha bajado de aquel nivel. Subió rápido a 88p porque el mercado estaba empezando a ser más optimistas con el consumo discrecional y porque Currys ya empezada a hablar del futuro mejor que del pasado y empezaba a mejorar el guidance.
ha tenido una época de flojera en la cotización en bolsa que asegura que está barata porque no ha caído. Se ha mantenido siguiente apostando por una estructura de precios alcista.
el momento de duda ha sido porque el comunista Starmer ha subido la cotización social del 13,8% al 15% y además aplicable desde una cifra más baja de cotización. Esto en román paladino suponía casi el 50% del beneficio proyectado en el año por Currys .......... a las arcas del Estado ladrón.
hoy se han marcado un notición con tirabuzón y triple espalda que ha sido perfecto.

Unaudited Results for the Half Year Ended 26 October 2024
Performance continues to strengthen
We Help Everyone Enjoy Amazing Technology


Group delivered adjusted EBIT £41m, +52% YoY
Group free cash flow £50m, +£46m YoY
UK&I revenue growth +6%, based on market share growth and strategic initiatives performing well - including Services, B2B and iD Mobile subscribers +32% to 2.0m
Nordics adjusted EBIT +50% YoY driven by growth in market share in a continuing difficult market
Balance sheet further strengthened
Financial performance

Group revenue £3,918m, +1% YoY (currency neutral +2%), driven by LFL revenue +2%
Group adjusted profit before tax £9m, +£25m YoY; reported loss before tax £(10)m, +£34m YoY
UK&I LFL revenue +5%, adjusted EBIT £23m, +53% YoY – strong sales and improved gross margin more than offset both investment and inflationary cost increases
Nordics LFL revenue (2)%, adjusted EBIT £18m, +50% YoY – gross margins up +80bps with reduced operating costs
Period end net cash of £107m – first-half cash inflow of £11m, compared to £(32)m outflow in prior year
Period end IAS 19 pension deficit £(143)m, from £(171)m at year end
Current year outlook

Trading since the period end has been consistent with the Board’s expectations
Full year guidance unchanged – the Group continues to expect growth in profits and free cash flow for the year
Alex Baldock, Group Chief Executive

“We’re very encouraged by our progress. Currys’ performance continues to strengthen, with profits and cashflow growing significantly, and the Group’s balance sheet is strong.

In the UK&I, we made big improvements to both Online and Stores channels, customers continued to take more of the solutions and services that are valuable to them and to us, and such growth drivers as B2B and iD Mobile performed well. All this showed in growing sales, market share, gross margins and profits. In the Nordics, we gained market share, increased gross margins, tightly controlled costs and grew profits in a still-tough consumer environment.

Underpinning our progress in both markets is strong customer satisfaction, which increased again, and colleague engagement now firmly established in the top 10% of companies worldwide.

We were well prepared for our Peak trading period, with healthy stock and market-beating, best-ever deals that show our unmatched importance to suppliers. We’re trading in line with expectations. One highlight is rising demand for AI laptops, where we enjoy over 75% market share in the UK. AI is a trend with a lot further to run.

Looking ahead, we’re confident of continuing our progress, and expect to grow profits and cashflow as promised this year. This is despite new and unwelcome headwinds from UK government policy. These will add cost quickly and materially, depress investment and hiring, boost automation and offshoring, and make some price rises inevitable.

Still, there’s plenty we can control, including mitigating much of this headwind. We’ll keep colleague engagement world class, customer satisfaction increasing, cashflow growing for shareholders, and playing an ever-bigger role in society. We have growing momentum at Currys. As ever, I’m hugely grateful to the tens of thousands of colleagues whose brilliant work makes all this possible, and who are building this ever-stronger Currys.”

Performance Summary

Group sales increased +2% on a like-for-like basis with growth in UK&I offset by a weak Nordics environment. The Group grew market share and saw good growth from strategic initiatives.


H1 2024/25

H1 2023/24


% change

Currency neutral

% change


% change

UK & Ireland












Continuing operations






In the UK&I, adjusted EBIT increased +53% YoY. The core technology market1 declined (1.4)% YoY and we stabilised market share at +20bps YoY. Alongside this, we saw strong performance from Mobile and our B2B business that further boosted growth, resulting in like-for-like revenue growth of +5%. Gross margin continued to climb, growing +10bps YoY. Operating costs increased as inflationary pressures were not all offset by cost savings, while we increased investment spending and there was additional marketing to drive sales.

In the Nordics, adjusted EBIT increased +50% to £18m despite the difficult consumer demand environment. The continued high interest rates and low consumer confidence drove a market decline of (3.4)% YoY. Our business grew market share +40bps, gross margin increased +80bps and costs were kept under tight control.

As a result, Group adjusted EBIT increased +52% to £41m and operating cashflow grew +11% to £61m. Free cash inflow of £50m for the period was a +£46m improvement on last year due to the better operating cashflow coupled with lower exceptional cash costs and a much larger working capital inflow. Alongside the slight increase in pension contributions, this resulted in cash inflow for the period of £11m, a +£43m improvement compared to the same period last year.

Profit and Cash Flow Summary

H1 2024/25


H1 2023/24



H1 2024/25


H1 2023/24




% change

Currency neutral

% change

Segmental EBIT

UK & Ireland














EBIT on continuing operations







EBIT Margin





30 bps

30 bps

Net finance costs






(Loss) / profit before tax on continuing operations





Tax on continuing operations





(Loss) / profit after tax on continuing operations





Loss after tax on discontinued operations



Loss after tax



(Loss) / earnings per share on continuing operations





Operating cash flow





Operating cash flow margin



20 bps

Cash generated from continuing operations



Free cash flow





Net cash / (debt)



Current year guidance

Trading during the six weeks since the period end has remained in line with the Board’s expectations and the Group expects to see growth in profits and free cash flow for the year. This is after taking into account the in-year impact of the UK Government budget measures which will be effective for the last five weeks of the Group’s financial year.

Further guidance on current year profits will be provided in the Peak trading statement on 15 January 2025.

All aspects of cashflow guidance are unchanged, except capital expenditure which is now expected to be lower than previously forecast:

Capital expenditure of around £80m (previously around £90m) as a higher proportion of project spending is expensed
Net exceptional cash outflow of around £30m
Pension contributions of £50m
Other technical guidance:

Depreciation & amortisation around £290m
Cash payments of leasing costs, debt & interest around £260m
Cash tax around £10m
Cash interest of around £20m
Additional income statement guidance:

Total interest of around £70m (compared to £85m in 2023/24)
2024/25 is a 53-week year. This will have a small impact on sales but immaterial impact on profits and cashflows.
Looking forward

The Group has assessed the impact of recent changes to Government policy including the recent budget. The full year aggregated impact is expected to be an incremental cost to the Group of £32m, including:

£9m increase in wages due to National Living Wage increases. This includes the direct impact and the indirect impact of protecting (at least in part) wage differentials. All UK colleagues of the same band are paid the same, so the larger increase in NLW for 18-20 year olds has no impact
£12m increase in National Insurance contributions, of which £4m is due to the increase in the Employer NI rate to 15.0% (from 13.8%) and £8m is due to the decrease in the NI threshold from £9,100 to £5,000
£9m impact from the pass through of these costs from some of our outsource partners
£2m increase from the inflation-based increase in business rate taxes.
Around half of these cost increases were anticipated and there are plans in place to offset their impact. The Group will seek to mitigate the remaining impact as much as possible through further cost saving measures, including process improvement, automation, offshoring, outsourcing and overhead efficiencies. Some price rises are also inevitable.

Despite these unexpected headwinds, the Group expects the P&L to benefit from lower interest costs, and is continuing to target at least 3% adjusted EBIT margin.

Alongside this, the Group will remain focused on free cash flow generation. The Group expects to keep annual capital expenditure below £100m, for exceptional cash costs to fall and to be below £10m by 2026/27, and to keep working capital at least neutral despite continued growth of the Mobile business.

The next triennial pension valuation date is March 2025 and the current IAS 19 deficit of £143m compares to scheduled contributions of £277m across 2025/26 to 2028/29. The contributions will cease when the deficit reaches zero on a prudent technical basis and the Group is continuing to work proactively with the scheme trustees to maximise value for all stakeholders.

As we announced on 27 June 2024, providing trading continues to be in line with expectations, the strengthened balance sheet and the improving cashflow dynamics underpin the Board’s intention to announce a recommencement of shareholder returns no later than the full year results on 3 July 2025.

In the reporting of financial information, the Group uses certain measures that are not required under IFRS. These are presented in accordance with the Guidelines on APMs issued by the European Securities and Markets Authority (‘ESMA’) and are consistent with those used internally by the Group’s Chief Operating Decision Maker to evaluate trends, monitor performance, and forecast results. These APMs may not be directly comparable with other similarly titled measures of ‘adjusted’ or ‘underlying’ revenue or profit measures used by other companies, including those within our industry, and are not intended to be a substitute for, or superior to, IFRS measures. Further information and definitions can be found in the Notes to the Financial Information of this report.

Unless otherwise stated, 2023/24 figures have been restated throughout this report to exclude discontinued operations.

We Help Everyone Enjoy Amazing Technology
Chief Executive’s Review

The first half of the year saw our performance continuing its upward trajectory with significantly improved cashflow driven by a >50% adjusted EBIT improvement in both Nordics and UK&I.

In the Nordics, we controlled what we can control. The consumer demand environment remains weak but we grew market share, improved gross margin and kept costs under tight control. The business is well invested and is expected to generate materially improved cashflow this year.

In the UK&I, we stabilised (and slightly grew) our market share, and saw strong performance from Mobile and our B2B business that further boosted growth. Gross margin continued to climb, growing +10bps YoY. Operating costs reduced as a proportion of sales as cost increases were more than offset by operating leverage.

This progress continues to be built on our long-term strategy.

Our strategy starts with “capable and committed colleagues”, as it is difficult in a business like ours for the customer experience to exceed that of the colleague. We have supported colleagues with better tools, training and reward, while fostering a collaborative culture of success. In the Nordics we launched our new values “We win together, play together, grow together and are proud to be different together” to a very warm reception from colleagues. Our latest colleague engagement survey saw 78% participation across the Group and saw us maintain a score of 80, which places us firmly in the top 10% of global companies2.

Next, we want to provide an “easy to shop” experience for our customers. We saw some notable improvements to both of our channels. In the UK, we re-engineered more than 80 stores, to dedicate more space to categories that are more profitable, and to allow more room for expansion into new categories. We also added electronic shelf edge labelling (ESEL) to 60 UK stores. This is an innovation that has been successful in the Nordics and creates a better customer experience, allows more nimble pricing and saves colleagues’ time. We expect to re-engineer a further 33 stores and add ESEL to 40 stores in the second half of the year. Our largest online site,, which receives over 250m visits per year, has seen over 60 changes that are designed to improve the shopping journey, from easier navigation, searching and filtering, through to an easier checkout, where we now accept all payment types including Apple Pay and Google Pay digital wallets. We have improved the online journey for order & collect, which alongside better store processes has seen order & collect sales grow +15% YoY (and +55% Yo2Y), to over 27% of our online revenue.

To fulfil this easy to shop experience, we continually improve our already excellent logistics network. In October, the long-term investment in our new Nordics distribution centre started to pay back, as the facility became fully operational. Adding 91,000m2 of new capacity allows us to stock kitchens in Jönköping in Sweden instead of Brno in the Czech Republic. This will lead to better lead times and fewer issues for customers, lower costs for the Group and lowers our carbon emissions for kitchens by 75%.

The third leg of our strategy is to create “customers for life” through stickier and more valuable customer relationships. At the heart of this is our unique range of services that help customers afford and enjoy amazing technology to the full, that build us valuable recurring revenue streams, and encourage repeat shopping.

We help customers afford tech through credit, and we have seen UK&I adoption climb +140bps to 21.7%, and active customer accounts grow +15% to over 2.4m. This growth has been helped by launch of Currys flexpay, as well as giving colleagues the tools to sell through credit using their in-store tablets.

We help customers get tech started, through installation and set-up. Our installation services are becoming ever more valued by customers, and 32% of UK big box deliveries now include installation, a rise of +410bps YoY.

Once they have the tech, customers want to keep it working and we give over 12m of them peace of mind through protection plans. As the only tech retailer that operates its own repair facilities, we can offer customers the protection they want at good value. Our circular capabilities enable us to do this efficiently, and during the period over 25% of the parts used in the UK’s central repairs had been previously harvested by our operation.

Finally, we help customers get the most out of their tech, with connectivity being the biggest enabler of this.

Our Mobile business is growing, profitable and cash generative. iD Mobile, our MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator) in the UK, has been the standout performer this year. It has grown +32% YoY to 2.0m subscribers, achieving our year-end target well ahead of plans. The recent CMA ruling on the proposed Vodafone-Three merger provides additional confidence in sustaining our excellent trajectory in Mobile.

Our aim is to continue growing sources of higher margin, recurring revenue such as credit, protection plans and connectivity so that over time our business mixes away from single product purchases to the more predictable, recurring and higher margin revenue streams of solution sales.

Delivering on our strategy helps customers, as seen in higher customer satisfaction and increased market share, and helps us through higher gross margins.

Our gross margins climbed again during the period driven by better bundling of complete solutions, a higher adoption rate of services, continued monetisation of the improved customer experience, discipline on sales stimulation and cost savings.

Our operating costs rose in the UK&I as there was some cost inflation that was not fully offset by savings, we spent more on marketing to drive incremental sales, and we increased investment spend as planned. Over time, a greater proportion of our investment spend has moved into operating rather than capital expenditure, and we evaluate the paybacks and returns generated based on the total spend.

Alongside improved profitability, we have been focussed on cash discipline. Our capital expenditure guidance is £10m lower as we have focussed on executing our plans to maximise returns, and we saw substantial improvements in exceptional expenditure. Our working capital improved despite headwinds of iD Mobile growth and sales decline in the Nordics, as UK&I sales growth and process improvements drove significant working capital inflow. We finished the period with £107m net cash and a pension deficit of £(143)m. This £(36)m net position is by far the strongest balance sheet the Group has had in the decade since the merger.

Overall, we entered our Peak trading period in a robust position with great deals enabled by our strong supplier relationships.

Looking to next year, the UK Government budget is likely to add around £32m of annual cost to our business. We will seek to mitigate as much of this as possible through cost saving measures including process improvement, automation, offshoring, outsourcing and other overhead efficiencies. Some price rises are also inevitable. We will further update on this in due course.

Despite this unwelcome and material headwind, we remain confident. We are the clear #1 brand in all our markets, with a diversified revenue base and a strategy that is working. We remain focussed on generating more free cash flow through improved operating performance, tight working capital management and disciplined capital expenditure to support profitable growth and the long-term success of this business.

Combined with the stronger balance sheet, this will enable resumption and growth of shareholder returns. We will be a business that’s increasingly valuable for shareholders as well as colleagues, customers and society.

2 Colleague engagement survey, Glint October 2024

Results call

There will be a live presentation and audio webcast ***owed by Q&A call for investors and analysts at 9:00am.

The presentation slides will be available via the ***owing link: BRR Webcasting Platform

To participate in the live audio Q&A session, please use the ***owing participant access details:

UK: +44 (0) 33 0551 0200, please quote ‘Currys Interim Results’ when prompted by the operator

Next scheduled announcement

The Group is scheduled to publish its Peak trading update, covering the 10 weeks to 4 January 2025, on Wednesday 15 January 2025.

For further information

Dan Homan

Investor Relations

+44 (0)7401 400442

Toby Bates

Corporate Communications

+44 (0)7841 037946

Tim Danaher, Sofie Brewis

Brunswick Group

+44 (0)2074 045959

Básicamente hay algunas cosas sugerentes que dicen.

El negocio vuelve a crecer como empresa, ya no decrece, ahora crece. Eso es fundamental. No se cambia el guidance de ingresos ni caja aunque la jugada de Starmer es negativa porque pagan más impuestos. Es decir, esperan que el negocio vaya mejor que lo previsto antes y de esta manera se cubra la subida impositiva del rojo en el gobierno.

UK e Irlanda van como un cohete, recordad que hace dos años ahí tenían un issue importante. Crecen el 6% y se está empezando el ciclo. Se espera un alubión de inversión del retail en portátiles con IA, en electrodomésticos con IA, una explosión brutal del negocio en exclusiva con Microsoft .......... y aprovechar muy bien los más de 800 stores que tienen y les confiere una posición privilegiada en el concepto última milla.

Pero mejor aún que su operador móvil virtual sigue creciendo por encima del 30% y ya tiene 2 millones de clientes. En dos años están en los 3,5 millones de clientes. Este negocio vale una fortuna, va a valer más que toda la empresa en bolsa.

En Nordics subida impresionante del beneficio de explotación aunque viene de un número malo. Lo importante, ya está el problema previo reconducido y el negocio empieza a volar. Se ha decrecido y en ese entorno consiguen mejorar el beneficio. Por supuesto que como en el resto de geografías .......... Nordics va a volver a crecer a doble dígito.

Hablan ya de que tienen la intencion de restaurar el dividendo antes de julio, eso es muy positivo para todos los shareholders. Para dar dividendo es que tienen muy bien la caja y la expectativas.

Es un negocio muy apalancado que ante la mejora operativa ........ se va por encima de 280p rápidamente. Aquí hay muchísimo dinero que ganar. El mercado solo se está fijando en el ciclo, no está mirando que su negocio OMV vale como la empresa capitaliza.

aquí hay una perla
añado ya el chart y comentarios

tema salarios en UK. Esto junto con al amplia predisposición a gastar en electronica con IA by design ........... puede disparar ventas en navidades.

La siguiente información corresponde al periodo comprendido entre agosto y octubre de 2024.

El crecimiento anual de la retribución media de los asalariados, tanto para la retribución ordinaria (excluidas las primas) como para la retribución total (incluidas las primas), fue del 5,2%.

El crecimiento anual en términos reales, ajustado a la inflación utilizando el Índice de Precios al Consumo, incluidos los costes de vivienda de los propietarios ocupantes (IPC), fue del 2,2% tanto para los salarios regulares como para los salarios totales.

El crecimiento medio anual de los salarios regulares en el sector privado fue del 5,4% y en el sector público del 4,3%.

El sector manufacturero registró de nuevo la mayor tasa de crecimiento regular anual, con un 6,0%; todos los demás sectores (excluido el sector público) registran tasas de crecimiento regular anual similares, ligeramente superiores al 5%.
La campaña de Navidad va como un sputnik con las ventas como pocas veces se ha visto en los últimos años.
Tremendo el acelerón y que se nota más dinero en el bolsillo de los británicos y mucho mejor mood para el shoopong de electrónica
La campaña de Navidad va como un sputnik con las ventas como pocas veces se ha visto en los últimos años.
Tremendo el acelerón y que se nota más dinero en el bolsillo de los británicos y mucho mejor mood para el shoopong de electrónica

Llevo un tiempo dándole vueltas a Currys. Está ahora mismo a 94,75 quizás demasiado alto para entrar ahora.
¿a cuanto compraste?
Llevo un tiempo dándole vueltas a Currys. Está ahora mismo a 94,75 quizás demasiado alto para entrar ahora.
¿a cuanto compraste?
esto es un cañón como pocos vistos.
en bolsa funciona mucho preguntarse el por qué de las cosas. Cuando una acción sube un buen pedazo y se dedica a consolidar hasta aburrirte tienes que preguntarte ¿baja?, ¿recogen plusvalías?, ................ eso es lo que pasa en Currys.
es de libro, Elliot Advisors alertó de que estaba muy barata lo que ya era sabido aunque había dudas sobre la capacidad de financiarse la empresa con recursos propios porque vía deuda tendría que hacer una ak muy dilutiva.
lo más importante es que quienes conocemos Elliot sabemos que entra cuando algo es barato y sobre todo cuando se sale del tunel porque para ellos el momentum es importante. En esas mismas fechas ya se alerta que el mercado discreccional para consumo empezaba a mejorar con la bajada de tipos. Eso va a más y mucho más en positivo porque los tipos bajos se están consolidando. La economía simplemente no puede pagar más por los intereses de una deuda impagable.
la acción no baja, va a saltos.
funciona muy bien por la filosofía de Stan Weinstein, de libro. Va a coger tendencia constante y regular cuando ya haya multiplicado el valor y lo que pasa es lo que te preguntas, si ya está cara.
según Stan, una acción tiene una tendencia muy poderosa cuando rompe una gran resistencia después de haber subido un 100% y después de tener resistencias ya muy antiguas denotando que no hay dinero a la venta buscando el alivio de recuperar lo que habían invertido y se ha sufrido en términos de inversión.
simplemente no hacer dinero en esta acción es dejar el solomillo en la mesa. Similar en Hellofresh, en Homestreet, en Atresmedia, en Bayer .......
para que no haya dudas sobre el precio objetivo, con los años yo veo por encima de 600. Esta empresa ya no es la que vendía teléfonos. Ahora tiene un OMV con más de 2M de clientes creciendo un 32% al año que es más crecimiento de lo que crecían un año antes.
es una empresa que tiene en exclusividad el servicio de asistencia de Microsoft.
es una empresa que está ubicada en un mercado premium como es UK y Nordics.
es una empresa ya saneada y que va a liquidar su antiguo problema del plan de pensiones.
es una empresa que tiene un tesoro en los 800 stores que le dan una posición de privilegio de ultima milla que nadie más puede aspirar y es por eso que tiene en exclusiva el servicio de Microsoft.
es una empresa que está ante la explosión, falaz pero explosión al fin y al cabo, de la IA que va a ser un adjetivo hasta de las tostadoras.
y es un empresa que ya ha demostrado que en su mercado bate a Amazon por lo que internet es una fortaleza para ellos y no una amenaza
ahí tienes el punto de entrada
