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Sabrina Perquis positive for el bichito-19 despite 3 doses: “I hope not to develop a severe form”
News Christy News Wednesday 21st July 2021 05:42 PM REPORT
Sabrina Perquis positive for el bichito-19 despite 3 doses: “I hope not to develop a severe form”​
Sabrina Perquis positive for Covid-19 despite 3 doses: “I hope not to develop a severe form”
July 21, 2021 must have been a very special day for Sabrina Perquis. The former candidate of Secret Story (season 5, in 2011) had to undergo an operation to remove his thymus, a small gland located in the upper part of the chest, between the lungs and under the breastbone, because a tumor had been discovered. But everything was turned upside down because the beautiful blonde, who has cystic fibrosis, was tested positive for el bichito-19.
As she was preparing to reveal the details of her operation to her subscribers on Tuesday, July 20, Sabrina Perquis was interrupted by her doctor. And when she spoke again, it was to explain, with tears in her eyes, that her speech was finally canceled. “Basically, I was making a story to explain my operation for tomorrow which has just been canceled because my PCR test came back positive. I have three vaccines … Great ! I’m waiting for the doctor to come back to tell me what’s going on. Either stay on watch here or come home and the operation is postponed for at least fifteen days / three weeks. I am glad…“, firstly confided the mother of Loès (18 years old).
Finally, Sabrina Perquis had to spend the night in the hospital, under observation. Because el bichito-19 can be more dangerous for people with cystic fibrosis. “What I didn’t tell you was that I had a little fever when I got up this morning. I know that the vaccine does not prevent having the el bichito, but it is true that I was not more worried than that when I arrived. Especially since I made the return Montpellier-Paris with the air conditioning on full blast, so I thought I had caught a cold. My son is sick too so I’m going to get him tested because I think he also has the el bichito. (…) I worry more about my son. On my side, I am pretty confident because i have three doses so hopefully i won’t develop a severe form. Normally no“, she continued.
Unfortunately for Sabrina, the night was not easy. She still had “a lot of fever“despite taking Doliprane, as she explained this Wednesday, July 21.”This morning I pogre up with severe burns to the windpipe. I’m in really bad pain. I like it moderately insofar as it is not far from the lungs. So I don’t want it to hit my lungs which are fine“, she clarified. And once back home, she let it be known that the afternoon was complicated: I breathe well but it hurts. And the fever makes me dizzy, so I can’t move from the bed.“The doctors prescribed her antibiotics and gave her recommendations. So let’s hope for her that she will be back on her feet quickly. For now, her son was feeling”pretty good“.
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Rata draconiana,cargándose la democracia porque le sale de la cola reptil,jajaja.