BLM inverso.neցros pidiendo expulsion de migrantes y pagas solo para ellos.


6 Nov 2012
La KloaKa
Ocurrio en America dreams bailongo:

Armed black rights groups march demanding Biden 'close the border'

Saturday's march comes after Texas Gov. Abbott and Arizona Governor Doug Ducey sent thousands of migrants by bus to Washington, D.C., New York City, and Chicago, Illinois – all three sanctuary cities that have pledged not to cooperate with federal immigration enforcement.

Armed activists with a coalition of black self-defense groups marched in Austin calling for an end to illegal immigration and demanding that President Biden close the borders

Armed activists with a coalition of black self-defense groups marched in Austin calling for an end to illegal immigration and demanding that President Biden close the borders

'Close the borders!' they chanted. One yelled 'build the wall' but the phrase didn't catch on.

'Immigrants, we've been here!' another person yelled. 'Take your ass home!'

Vehicles honked their horns at the activists as they marched through the intersections chanting: 'What do we want? Closed borders! When do we want it? Now!'

Once at the capitol building, a speaker summarized the group's demands as 'Reparations now, delineation, a stop to illegal immigration.'

The activists held a sign that read 'Reparations now!' Their demands included reparations for descendants of enslaved people and a hate crime bill protecting Black Americans

The activists held a sign that read 'Reparations now!' Their demands included reparations for descendants of enslaved people and a hate crime bill protecting Black Americans

Some of the activists chanted 'close the borders' and 'take your a** home' as they marched toward the Texas Capitol in the 'Second Amendment Unity Walk' on Saturday

Vehicles honked their horns at the activists as they marched through the intersections chanting: 'What do we want? Closed borders! When do we want it? Now!'

Aside from The Elmer 'Geronimo' Pratt Pistol & Rifle Gun Club, several other groups were involved including the Black Riders Liberation Party
'We need an anti-crime bill for Black Americans.'

'And we need the same protection act that the Native Americans have against CPS for our Black American children.'

'Republicans, do not dare to make the mistake of thinking you will get our vote just because we believe in exercising our Second Amendment.'

'Yes, I'm talking to you Ted Cruz and Governor Abbott.'

'Don't think we are standing with you because we are against illegal immigration.'

The speaker also called out Vice President Kamala Harris to step up.

Nick Bezzel, one of the activists with the group, advocated reparations for descendants of enslaved people as a 'justice claim.'

'What we don't wanna hear is 'America doesn't have the money' - Ukraine!' he told the group.

'That could be going to the children of the people who built this nation.'

Nick Bezzel, one of the activists with the group, advocated reparations for descendants of enslaved people as a 'justice claim'

The march was led by The Elmer 'Geronimo' Pratt Pistol & Rifle Gun Club
Activists from the black rights groups marched in Austin on Saturday

Activists from the black rights groups marched in Austin on Saturday
The march was held in the days after Vice President Kamala Harris slammed Republicans for dragging migrants to locations across the country for the 'sake of a headline'

The march was held in the days after Vice President Kamala Harris slammed Republicans for dragging migrants to locations across the country for the 'sake of a headline'
He later told Ford Fischer that they brought attention to the 'Black agenda' including reparations and other legislation.

He then said they plan to go into the Texas State House in January to lobby for legislation.

'We do have a problem with illegal immigration,' he said. 'Because a lot of times, jobs are taken away from Black people. Black people are locked out from employment due to illegal immigration.'

Another activist on the walk stated: 'I am a racist' and then broke down the word, claiming that as a 'pianist' practices piano, 'I am a racist, I practice my race.'

'I practice hard too. Get good at it.'

The march was held in the days after Vice President Kamala Harris slammed Republicans for dragging migrants to locations across the country for the 'sake of a headline' after Governor Greg Abbott dropped two buses full of asylum-seekers off in front of her home.

The vice president was put in charge of the migration crisis by President Joe Biden, but her office quickly branded the role as addressing the root causes why people flee to the U.S. from Northern Triangle countries.

Vice President Kamala Harris slammed Republicans for 'playing games' with human lives and making migrants part of a political stunt for the 'sake of a headline'

A class action lawsuit was opened into Florida Governor Ron DeSantis after he flew a plane of 50 migrants to the wealthy island of Martha's Vineyard off the coast of Massachusetts.

'They're playing games,' Harris told Vice News in an interview released Thursday. 'These are political stunts with real human beings who are fleeing harm.'

While Republican governors continue to send migrants to sanctuary cities, a majority of Democrats agree that these jurisdictions should bear the brunt of the immigration crisis.

The CRC Research survey shows that 63 percent of likely voters think the burden should not only be on border states – and 51 percent of Democrats agree.

But Harris said the governors are just 'doing it for the sake of a headline.'

'What we're seeing with these governors is irresponsible and it's inhumane,' she added in the interview released just three days after new figures revealed two million migrants have been arrested at the southern border in a year for the first time in history.

'Frankly it's a dereliction of duty when you are an elected leader to play those kinds of games with human lives and human beings,' Harris said, urging Republicans to be 'part of the solution.

She also blamed former President Donald Trump and his administration's policies for 'decimating' the process designed to help people come to the country and claim asylum when fleeing their homes.

Abbott and Arizona Governor Doug Ducey have sent thousands of migrants by bus to Washington, D.C., New York City and now Chicago, Illinois – all three sanctuary cities that have pledged not to cooperate with federal immigration enforcement.

Asylum seeking migrants are seen waiting at a new Mobile En-Route Processing Unit (MERC), in El Paso, Texas, used by U.S. Border Patrol to rapidly process asylum seeking migrants
REVEALED: The shocking numbers that show the unprecedented impact of illegal immigration into America that should make EVERY politician wake up to the crisis — as exposed by TODD BENSMAN's expert analysis
Todd Bensman is Senior National Security Fellow for the Center for Immigration Studies and author of 'Overrun: How Joe Biden Unleashed the Greatest Border Crisis in U.S. History.' He previously served for nine years as senior intelligence analyst for the Texas Department of Public Safety's Intelligence and Counterterrorism Division.
All it took was the arrival of 50 migrants on Martha's Vineyard to wake Democrats and the mainstream media up to the reality of America's historic and tras*formational immigration crisis.
Who knew?
All they needed was 19 months, dating back to the start of the Biden administration, to be wrenched out of their partisan fog to recognize the scope of this humanitarian disaster.
It's sickening, but here we are.
On Monday, The New York Times grudgingly ran a story that used the 'H' word to describe the 'historic pace of undocumented immigrants entering the country.'
It is a pace that would have struck generations of Democrats as totally unacceptable, until recently.
This week, US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) at long last released statistics from August showing the stark numbers: More than 2.15 million encounters with immigrants on the southern border, between October 2021 and August 2022.
The Biden presidency could easily end with seven million or more new migrants in America ¿ a population larger than the size of Los Angeles and Chicago combined.

The Biden presidency could easily end with seven million or more new migrants in America – a population larger than the size of Los Angeles and Chicago combined.
The full reporting period, which runs through September, will probably end with 2.35 million encounters.

By definition, an encounter happens each time a Border Patrol agent physically lays hands on an individual attempting to enter the country illegally, so one migrant may be countered multiple times.

These numbers are literally off the charts.

2.15 million encounters is the highest number since the Eisenhower administration started keeping records in 1960.

It's also up significantly from 1.7 million encounters during Biden's first term – and even that was a record at the time.

For comparison, between 2010 and 2016, Border Patrol handled less than 500,000 encounters and never topped 400,000 in 2011, 2012 and 2015.

All together Border Patrol's 17,000 agents have had to process immigrants approximately 4 million times since Biden became president.

And while millions were arrrested on the border, millions more got into America – and they will continue to do so.

The Biden administration itself has legally paroled some 1.4 million family members and unaccompanied minors into America bound only by the promise that they'll report to immigration authorities someday.

Add to that at least another 900,000 'gotaways,' which is a slang term once only used by Border Patrol agents to describe individuals who they suspect were able to evade capture.

The problem of 'gotaways' has become so pronounced that it is now part of the official lexicon.

Adding these two groups together, a total of more than at least 2.3 million illegal immigrants have entered America since Biden took office.

2.15 million encounters is the highest number since the Eisenhower administration started keeping records in 1960.

On Monday, The New York Times grudgingly ran a story that used the 'H' word to describe the 'historic pace of undocumented immigrants entering the country.' (Above) Migrants on the border in downtown El Paso, Texas, U.S., September 21, 2022
In this trend holds, and there's no indication that it won't, a second half of the Biden term could boost that number to some five million or higher.

If the administration ***ows through with its pledge to lift the Trump-era pandemic-related 'Title 42,' which sped the expulsion of migrants in the interest of public health, then as many as 540,000 migrants a month could pour in, according to intelligence community estimates.

In that case, the Biden presidency could easily end with seven million or more new migrants in America – a population larger than the size of Los Angeles and Chicago combined.

To put this unprecedented migration in even sharper perspective — consider that over nearly six decades, 12 million legal immigrants were admitted to the US through Ellis Island in New York City's Hudson Harbor.

At its peak, those numbers reached 1,004,756 in 1907, an average of 84,000 legal immigrants a month.

Under Biden, the average is 139,000 illegal immigrants per month.

Obviously, America has grown since the migrant waves through Ellis Island stopped, but the current period clearly rivals that tras*formational era in American history.

Ordinary Americans are already paying a steep price for this.

Mark Krikorian, executive director of the immigration policy think tank Center for Immigration Studies, estimates the lifetime fiscal cost of the illegal aliens Biden has let in so far at more than $100 billion.

That's in addition to $140 billion a year taxpayers already bear for benefits and services to the longer-term illegal alien population.

But those aren't the only costs.