Así ha quedado un avión que volaba de palma a viena tras sufrir una fuerte granizada

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Y así la avioneta que sobrevoló la isla de sentinel
Ver archivo adjunto 1934124
Fíjate que es raro que las flechas tengan toidas una trayectoria tan límpia, que ninguna impactase sobre el tanque de combustible, y, sobre todo, ninguna en los neumáticos del tren de aterrizaje.

Se trata de una instalación artística.

An installation that was created by the art collective Los Carpinteros. The piece, entitled Avião (Plane), was displayed at the Faena Art Center in Buenos Aires, Argentina in May 2012:
The exhibition presented in the Molinos Room at the Faena Arts Center consists of the works Avião (Plane), El Barrio (The Neighbourhood) and the site specific instillation Alumbrado Público (Street Lighting). These three works, realized with completely different techniques, are unified by the same question: how far is it good to be civilized?

Through an economy of improvisation and precariousness, the artist’s work utilizes industrial objects to ironically challenge the notions of civilization and the mechanisms of perception by juxtaposing affluent western society against a rationed society with minimal consumption.
An imposing Piper Comanche aircraft pierced by wooden arrows makes up Avião, a large-scale installation alluding to the development and conquest of space, and symbolizing the cultural shock caused by technological progress in various different civilizations.